DNS Functionality
Implementing DNS services is paramount because it necessitates the automation of the assignment related to IP addresses and the resolution of hostnames. There are six major steps and considerations in configuring a DNS server on a network server. The first major step in configuring a DNS server on a network server involves the installation of the DHCP server. The DCHP server should be installed on the Windows Server 2019 machine. The installation of the DCHP server can be through the use of the server manager or the PowerShell command feature (Tonello 74). After the installation, the user must authorize the DHCP server in the active directory. This process is vital because it ensures that only authorized servers can lease IP addresses to clients.
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The second step in configuring a DNS server relates to CHCP scope configuration. In this step, scope refers to a range of IP addresses the DHCP server may lease clients. The organization can develop an appropriate scope using the DHCP console or the PowerShell cmdlet Add-DhcpServerv4Scope. At this stage, the organization must specify the name, the start and end IP addresses, the lease duration, the subnet mask, and the gateway of the scope (Lai et al., 371). Additional options such as domain names, WINS servers, and DNS servers can also be configured for the scope. Installation of the DNS server is the third step on the Windows Server 2019 machine. The installation of the DNS server can be done through the use of the server manager or the PowerShell command install-WindowsFeature DNS. Once the installation has been completed, the organization would be required to create and configure the DNS zone (Lai et al., 372). A zone refers to a collection of DNS records that map hostnames to IP addresses. The zone can be created using the DNS console or the PowerShell cmdlet Add DnsServerPrimaryZone.
The fourth step in configuring a DNS server on a Windows server relates to configuring the DNS zones. The zone properties can be set up using the DNS console or the PowerShell cmdlet Set-DnsServerPrimaryZone. Some of the zone properties required to be set include aging and scavenging dynamic updates and zone transfers. Users may also consider adding, modifying, or deleting DNS records using the DNS console or the Set-DnsServerResourceRecord and Remove-DnsServerResourceRecord (Tonello 83). Integration of the DCHP and DNS services is the fifth step. This process is essential because it permits the DHCP server to update the DNS records when it releases IP addresses to clients. The DHCP console or the PowerShell cmdlet Set-DhcpServerDns Credential may be used to specify the user account that has permissions related to the update of the DNS records (Tonello 85). On the other hand, the PowerShell cmdlet Set-DhcpServerv4OptionValue can enable dynamic DNS updates related to the scope.
The last step in configuring the DNS server on the Windows server relates to DHCP-DNS testing. The Windows-to-client machine can be used to request an IP address from the DHCP server to verify whether it has received the current type of configuration. Also, the ipconfig/all command can be used to check the IP address, gateway, subnet mask, and DNS servers (Tonello 88). The DNS resolution of hostnames can be tested using the nslookup command. Lastly, the PowerShell cmdlet Get-DnsServer ResourceRecord can be used to view the DNS records.
Works Cited
Lai, Ta-Li, and Meng-Hsun Tsai. “Design and implementation of a DNS server with Geolocation capability.” 2021 22nd Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS). IEEE, 2021.
Tonello, John S. “Set Up a DNS Server.” Practical Linux DevOps: Building a Linux Lab for Modern Software Development. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2022. 73-106
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DNS Functionality
server – your choice. You should have at least six