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Diversity and Inclusion Training

Diversity and Inclusion Training

Business Situation

Our organization recently introduced a diversity and inclusion policy to prevent discrimination. According to Cunningham (2019), diversity is the difference in individual attributes. Organizations embrace diversity to promote innovation and organizational performance by creating a workforce with different perspectives, knowledge, skills, and competencies. Inclusion is embraced to ensure that everyone’s attributes are embraced in the organization to create a conducive environment. The need for a diversity and inclusion policy in our organization emerged after several employees filed complaints against their colleagues and leaders due to different forms of discrimination within the workplace. Currently, employees are struggling to adapt to the policy because they do not understand the concept of diversity and inclusion.

The organization has also been experiencing an increase in employee diversity after publicizing its initiative to promote diversity and inclusion as part of its values. People from majority groups hold top management positions, while minority groups dominate middle and lower levels. The organization has also initiated a program to hire people with disabilities to fill various positions. The youth and women empowerment programs have also increased the organization’s age and gender diversity, leading to conflicts related to micromanagement and undermining issues. The organization also intends to expand into new markets, thus increasing the likelihood of more diversity. The human resource management department announced that employees would undergo a diversity and inclusion training program. Every employee will be expected to complete the program and pass an assessment test at the end of the program.

Training Need

According to Ben-Hur et al., (2015), a training program should be linked to an organization’s strategic priorities. Therefore, it is important to identify training needs based on the knowledge, skills, and competencies that employees should have to meet the organization’s strategic priorities. The training needed in our organization is diversity and inclusion. The human resource management department issued a diversity and inclusion assessment test to determine the specific areas that should be considered in designing an effective training program. One of the areas is unconscious bias. The assessment indicated that most employees in the organization are not informed about the causes of unconscious bias and how to avoid it. Therefore, the training program should include training on identifying and preventing unconscious bias. The second area is anti-discrimination laws. The assessment indicated that most employees do not know the provisions of different laws preventing discrimination in the workplace. Therefore, the training program will review different anti-discrimination laws and how they apply in the work environment. The third area is cultural awareness. The assessment results indicated that most employees are not familiar with the cultures of different cultures in the workplace, thus increasing the likelihood of conflicts and misunderstandings. Therefore, the training program will include a cultural awareness program to familiarize employees with the cultural beliefs, values, and business etiquette of the different cultures within the organization.

Target Audience

The target audience for the training program will be all employees and leaders in the organization. Training enables employees to understand the barriers to diversity and inclusion and promotes positive attitudes and behaviors toward people with different attributes. The training program will also facilitate collaboration among employees by eliminating unconscious bias and helping employees deal with it, thus enhancing organizational performance. Training leaders on diversity and inclusion will improve employee hiring, motivation, and dismissal by eliminating discrimination and promoting compliance with anti-discrimination laws. The training program will also create inclusive leadership within the organization, thus creating a conducive work environment for all employees and enabling them to participate in decision-making. Employee participation in decision-making is vital in increasing employee commitment and job satisfaction.


Ben-Hur, S., Jaworski, B., & Gray, D. (2015). Aligning corporate learning with strategy. MIT Sloan Management Review, 57(1), 53-59.

Cunningham, G. B. (2019). Overview of diversity and inclusion. Diversity and Inclusion in Sport Organizations, 3–26.


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Diversity and Inclusion Training

Diversity and Inclusion Training

Throughout this course, you will work on developing a Learning Intervention Plan (LIP) to address an organizational need, aligning learning, training, and development with corporate business strategy. You will write a series of three mini-papers that will be incorporated into an integrated final paper due in Week 8.
This week, identify a need within your current or former organization that could be addressed with a learning intervention. Think of a training need (such as diversity and inclusion training or training on a new software process) and its target audience. Select a relevant business situation that you are interested in. This L&D intervention will be expanded upon throughout the course.
• Style: Your paper should include an introduction paragraph, well-developed and supported body paragraphs that address the assigned topics, and a conclusion paragraph. For more information on how to organize and develop your paper.
• Length: Your paper should be approximately 2-3 pages in length. Points will be deducted for papers that exceed the specified length. (See rubric below for more details).