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Diverse Populations, Age, and Interprofessional Health Promotion Resources

Diverse Populations, Age, and Interprofessional Health Promotion Resources

Health Promotion

Access to and utilization of preventative care is a major concern for many American adults. Adult men are more likely than women to avoid preventative care, and African American men are more likely to delay seeking healthcare. Avoiding medical care can result in late detection of disease, reduced survival, and potentially preventable human suffering. Financial concerns, time, and not wanting to take off work are major reasons for adults to avoid healthcare. Companies across the country are offering onsite health and wellness clinics not only to their employees but to dependents of the employees as well. These services are designed to not only provide convenient health care to the employees but also to decrease health care costs while increasing the overall health of the population. These onsite clinics can promote health and advertise health concerns common among middle-aged men to increase participation in preventative care. Most onsite clinics offer a wide variety of services, including urgent or acute care, yearly physicals, biometric screenings, school and sports physicals, immunizations, lifestyle management of chronic conditions, prescription management, laboratory services, and health and wellness coaching (O’Keefe & Anderson, 2017). For many companies that provide wellness programs, their services are not being utilized to their full potential. Reasons for low or nonparticipation in wellness programs include employees’ lack of knowledge of services available to them; unawareness of the benefits associated with wellness program involvement; inconveniences and lack of support from management; and trust barriers due to privacy concerns (McManamy, 2016).

While onsite clinics can be very beneficial, employees do not utilize the services available to them. Therefore, it is not effective in managing the client’s current health concerns or existing health conditions.


Preventative health services have become the focus of healthcare in the United States. In order to increase access to preventative care, onsite employee health centers and wellness services for employees, their spouses, and their dependents is an appealing option. The centers and services not only save the company money on healthcare costs but also deliver convenience to the customers that utilize the services and increase the number of middle age adult men that are engaging in preventative care. Not all adult men are going to be drawn to the same health and wellness program; therefore, companies may need to develop new incentives and rewards to keep employees engaged in their health and wellness (Gibson et al., 2017). Constantly promoting the program, monitoring what services are being used, and reminding employees to be proactive about their health are actions that can be made to ensure the majority of the population the company employs is seeking care. As the population of employees changes, the wellness program will have to change as well.


The employee health and wellness services may need to research health issues among the company’s population and shift their services, hours, and location to make it more accessible to the more vulnerable population. If a company employs 500 workers and 400 of those employees are middle age male laborers with high-stress jobs that provide limited breaks. A majority of these employees have equal to or less than a high school education, and more than half smoke cigarettes or chew tobacco. Health and wellness programs should be readily available and convenient for these employees rather than the 100 other employees that work desk jobs with high education and more flexibility in hours.


By providing employee health and wellness clinics, employers should see an increase in preventative health care among middle age adult men that are more likely to avoid or delay care, a decrease in employee health care costs, and a decrease in absenteeism related to illness.


Gibson, T., Maclean, J., Carls, G., Moore, B., Ehrlich, E., & Fener, V. et al. (2017). Engagement in health and wellness: An online incentive-based program. Preventive Medicine Reports, 7, 86-90. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2017.05.013

McManamy, S. (2016). Why People Do — and Don’t — Participate in Wellness Programs. Retrieved from programs

O’Keefe, L., & Anderson, F. (2017). Benefits of Onsite Clinics. The Online Journal Of Issues In Nursing, 22(2). doi 10.3912/OJIN.Vol22No02PPT51


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As a master ’s-prepared nurse, you are responsible for knowing basic health screenings for various populations. Read the required readings and refer to the course resources. Choose the young, middle, or older adult population. Address the preventive health screenings for one of these subsections of the adult population based on age and sex. Include adult immunization recommendations for that adult age group. Finally, focus on one screening recommendation you included, addressing specific statistics and risks within the chosen age group that support the preventive screening recommendation.

Diverse Populations, Age and Interprofessional Health Promotion Resources

Diverse Populations, Age, and Interprofessional Health Promotion Resources

Required readings:

In Health Promotion Throughout the Lifespan in Nursing Practice, read:

Chapter 22: “Young Adult”

Chapter 23: “Middle- Aged Adult“

Chapter 24: “Older Adult”

Camp, J., Vitoratou, S., & Rimes, K. A. (2020). LGBQ+ Self-Acceptance and Its Relationship with Minority Stressors and Mental Health: A Systematic Literature Review. Archives of sexual behavior, 49(7), 2353–2373.

Kent, B. V., Stroope, S., Kanaya, A. M., Zhang, Y., Kandula, N. R., & Shields, A. E. (2020). Private religion/spirituality, self-rated health, and mental health among US South Asians. Quality of life research: an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care, and rehabilitation, 29(2), 495–504.

Instructions: ITs a discussion post, so a page and a half is enough. Use at least 3 references. APA style.