Discussion – The Rose Bowl Event
The 2024 Rose Bowl was held on 2nd January at Rose Bowl Stadium, Pasadena, California. The event was hosted by Rose Bowl Operating Company. According to Najrul (2024), the Rose Bowl began in 1902 and has since been a popular event in American sports. By the mid-20th century, the event had become part of New Year’s Day celebrations and had transitioned from a regional event to a national event. The event welcomes local and national fans by posting information about upcoming tournaments on its website, which is accessible through https://rosebowlgame.com/. The website has played a significant role in increasing the Rose Bowl fan base. The event has also gained support from local and international fans because supporters from different countries can watch the tournaments online. The Rose Bowl Operating Company has also played a significant role in the growth of the Rose Bowl in American sports. The organization was established as a non-profit public benefit company in 1995 by the Pasadena City Council. The organization is in charge of the stewardship and governance of the Rose Bowl stadium and ensuring that tournaments are well-planned to meet the expectations of all stakeholders. Since its establishment, the organization has ensured that the Rose Bowl stadium is properly maintained and that the Rose Bowl annual operating budget is met to ensure that all operations within the Rose Bowl stadium run effectively.
SWOT Analyses
SWOT Analysis for the Rose Bowl Operating Company
- A reliable source of funds since it is funded by the City of Pasadena.
- A team of experts with experience in sports management runs the company.
- Proper financial management.
- Multiple revenue streams, including charges on events held at the Rose Bowl stadium, Rose Bowl tournaments, and the golf course
- Government interference in the company operations because the city council runs it.
- The high operating budget due to the high cost of organizing and holding events and maintaining the stadium
- Acquiring more international sports teams to increase revenue streams.
- Partnering with more brands for sponsorship deals and financing.
- The evolution of college football playoffs could increase people’s interest in college football, thus reducing Rose Bowl spectators, which could then impact the Rose Bowl Operating Company’s revenue.
- Competition for ticket sales from competitors holding tournaments during the same time as Rose Bowl tournaments and events
SWOT Analysis for the Event
- Rose Bowl events are among the most recognizable sports in America.
- A large population of attendees
- Sponsorship from major brands such as Fiji, Liberty Mutual, and Red Bull
- Proper coordination of activities within the event
- Proper communication about the order of activities in the event
- Good media coverage
- Adequate security
- Congestion at the stadium entrance
- High cost of snacks and beverages
- Online ticket booking to avoid congestion at the stadium’s entrance
- Partnering with local public transport companies to transport spectators to the stadium during tournaments
- Complaints from neighbors about the noise and traffic caused by the event could reduce the number of tickets sold to attendees and limit the Rose Bowl Operating company’s ability to secure more events.
- Congestion during tournaments could reduce the number of attendees and increase online viewership, thus reducing revenue generated from ticket sales.
Stakeholders in sports events include the people or organizations that directly or indirectly benefit from the event. According to Waśkowski (2017), sports events’ stakeholders can be classified into different categories. The first category includes stakeholders with high interest and influence in the activities within the sports events. This group of stakeholders influence the outcome of a sports event based on their relations with the people involved in planning and holding the event. The main group of stakeholders in this category in the Rose Bowl event include the city council of Pasadena and event sponsors. The city council of Pasadena influenced the success of the event by providing the financial resources required for the event and security for the event attendees. The sponsors, on the other hand, influenced the event by providing the financial resources needed for the event and the equipment needed by the players.
The second category of stakeholders includes stakeholders with low interest in the event by a high level of influence. The key stakeholders in this category in the Rose Bowl event were the people living in the neighborhood where the event was held. Kim et al. (2015) argue that getting support from residents is important when hosting large-scale sports events because their perception can impact the event’s success. The residents around the Rose Bowl stadium influenced the event by dictating the choice of sound system used within the stadium to prevent noise pollution. The residents also influenced the event by dictating the traffic coordination system used to prevent traffic congestion. The Rose Bowl event was also influenced by the third category of stakeholders. Notably, the third category of stakeholders includes entities with low influence on the actions taken by the sports organizers but are interested in the event (Kim et al., 2015). In the Rose Bowl event, stakeholders in this category include vendors at the stadium gate and the spectators attending the event. The vendors influenced the event by causing congestion at the gate, which forced the event organizers to hire more security personnel to control people’s movement at the stadium gates. Spectators influenced the event by influencing the cost of tickets based on ticket demand. The spectators also made the event lively by cheering on the players.
Short-Term Benefits and Long-Term Legacies Developed in the Event
The long-term benefits of a sports event are influenced by the social implications of the event (Taks et al., 2015). Taks et al. (2015) add that large sports events offer opportunities for more positive or negative social outcomes and impacts. Accordingly, the Rose Bowl event had various positive social impacts that offered long-term benefits for Pasadena. One of the social impacts was the improvement of infrastructure in the City of Pasadena. The event preparation included improving the infrastructure within and around the stadium to ensure that people attending the event got there easily and were comfortable when watching the tournament. The infrastructural improvements provide long-term benefits to Pasadena because they will continue benefiting the people living in and visiting the city even after the event. The second social impact that created long-term benefits was the increase in sports tourism within the City of Pasadena. The Rose Bowl event attracted many spectators from different regions, leading to an increase in sports tourism in Pasadena. Pasadena can use sports tourism to generate revenue that can be used to improve the city and help the communities within the city.
The Rose Bowl event also led to the development of long-term legacies. One of the legacies is representing the success of American sports and demonstrating that college teams and American sports teams can also nurture their talent on a stage where legends are made and watched by a large audience, including people worldwide. The other legacy developed from the Rose Bowl was proving to the world that Pasadena values traditions and is proud of its traditions that have been passed from one generation to another. For instance, the Rose Bowl event showcased the City of Pasadena’s celebration of community spirit, creativity, and the New Year using the Tournament of Roses Parade music band presentation. The band’s performance also developed a legacy of Rose Bowl’s ability to rise above sports and serve as a cultural phenomenon that attracts a nationwide audience.
The Rose Bowl events are sponsored by various major brands, and the 2nd January 2024 Rose Bowl event was sponsored by Prudential Financial. Prudential Financial is an American company with subsidiaries that provide investment management, retirement planning, insurance and other services and products to institutional and retail customers across the United States and in more than 40 other countries. According to More (2023), Prudential Financial took over the Rose Bowl sponsorship from Capital One Venture Capital One, which had sponsored the 2021 Rose Bowl, and in 2022, the company renewed its sponsorship. However, before 2021, the Rose Bowl was being sponsored by Vizio after the company signed a 4-year contract with the Rose Bowl game’s official sponsors. However, the company did not renew its sponsorship in 2014, leading to a sponsorship transfer to Northwestern Mutual. Northwestern Mutual sponsored the Rose Bowl between 2015 and 2020 before transferring the sponsorship to Capital One.
Performance of Rose Bowl Operating Company in the Event
During the event, I made some observations that provided insight into what the Rose Bowl Operating Company does well and what they do poorly. One of the things that I noted the organization does well is hiring professional staff to attend to the people attending the event. For instance, I noticed that the staff were very professional and focused on listening to the spectators to understand what they needed. For example, the security team listened to spectators and responded quickly when they raised concerns about disturbance from other spectators. I also noted that all staff had a uniform to help the spectators easily locate them whenever they needed assistance.
Another area where the organization performed well was meeting customers’ needs. For instance, the seats at the stadium were clean and comfortable. Spectators were also offered a clear view of the scoreboard and the players throughout the game. The sound system around the stadium was also good, and all spectators, despite their seating positions, could hear the commentator clearly. The organization also ensured that its customers’ needs were met by allowing those interested in attending the game to reserve seats online. The online ticket booking process was also easy. Additionally, the organization allowed food, beverages, and snack vendors to sell their products to customers at the stadium’s entrance to cater to the needs of spectators seeking something to eat before, during, and after the event. I also realized that the organization created convenience during the event by allowing customers to book tickets online, reserving drop-off points for people using taxis and public transportation and providing parking at the stadium.
Although the Rose Bowl Operating Company did a great job ensuring that the needs of everyone attending the event were met, some areas needed improvement. For instance, I realized that the organization performs poorly when it comes to the coordination of people’s movement outside the stands. For example, there was a lot of congestion at the stadium’s entrance. The traffic congestion outside the stadium also made it challenging for people moving in and out of the stadium to access the main road. Therefore, the organization needs to come up with a plan on how congestion can be reduced. For instance, it can hire more staff to coordinate people’s movement and coordinate queuing to prevent congestion at the gate. The organization can also engage traffic police during events to prevent traffic congestion. The organization also needs to improve its manual ticketing services. For instance, manual ticketing services could be performed more effectively if there were more ticketing agents to avoid long queues and congestion at the gate.
Customer Interview
Demographic Characteristics
Spectator | Gender | Race | Age |
A | Female | African American | 30 |
B | Male | White | 35 |
C | Female | White | 30 |
Interview Responses
What Influences Your Decision to Attend the Event?
Spectator A stated that some of the factors that influenced her decision to attend an event include the price of the ticket, the demographics of the people talking about the event on social media platforms and the activities within the event. The customer stated that she is attracted to events that allow her to interact with people within her age bracket and social class so that she does not feel out of place. The customer also stated that she is attracted to events that charge a reasonable price and provide a list of activities to allow customers to determine whether the price is favourable.
Spectator B stated that the main factors that influence his decision to attend an event include the event’s location and the company or brand hosting the event. He stated that he is attracted to events that are not too far from his area of residence. He also stated that he compares events hosted by brands based on customer comments to determine whether to attend an event hosted by a specific brand. He added that positive comments about events hosted by a specific brand positively influence his willingness to attend other events hosted by the brand.
Spectator C stated that the factors that influence her decision to attend an event include the location of the event and the physical environment of the event’s location. She stated that she prefers events held near urban centres or other easily accessible locations. She also noted that she is attracted to events held in a comfortable environment. She stated that a comfortable environment comprises a good ambience, comfortable seats and a good sound system.
What Aspects of the Event Do You Find Most/Least Appealing?
Spectator A stated that the main aspects of the event that they find most appealing include the professionalism of the staff and easy access to clean amenities. The spectator added that staff professionalism is the leading factor that influences her customer satisfaction. The spectator also stated that the main aspects they find least appealing include congestion and the rowdiness of spectators consuming alcoholic beverages in the stands. Spectator B stated that the main aspects they find most appealing are the sound balance within the stadium and the clear view of scoreboards and players. He stated that the clear view of the scoreboards and players plays a vital role in influencing customer satisfaction. The spectator also stated that the main aspects he finds least appealing are the traffic congestion outside the stadium and long queues at the stadium’s entrance. Lastly, Spectator C stated that the main aspects they find most appealing include reliable security during the event and access to hospitality packages. The spectator identified reliable security as the main factor that influences her customer satisfaction. The spectator also stated that congestion was the least appealing aspect of the event.
Recommendations for Improving the Overall Event Experience
The responses provided by the spectators interviewed to get insight into the event’s most appealing and less appealing aspects indicate that the event organizers should improve on congestion management, spectator rowdiness, and long queues. Therefore, I would recommend expanding the stadium’s parking space to accommodate more vehicles to prevent congestion caused by the cars parked outside the stadium. I would also recommend engaging the traffic police during events to control traffic and direct drivers where to park. My second recommendation is to encourage spectators/customers to book tickets online to avoid the long queues caused by manual ticketing. The event organizers can encourage people to book tickets online by offering discounts to people who book tickets online. I would also recommend prohibiting alcohol consumption in the stands to avoid spectator rowdiness. The organizers can also prevent the sale of alcoholic beverages at the stadium during the event to prevent spectator disturbance from drunk and disorderly spectators.
Post-Event Fan Evaluation Method
I would use SWOT analysis to conduct a post-event fan evaluation. A SWOT analysis is ideal because it can help identify the main aspects of the event that were most and least appealing. For example, analyzing the event’s strengths can help identify the most appealing aspects of an event and those that contribute to customer satisfaction. A SWOT analysis can also help assess the quality of the experience one has had during the event. According to Foroughi et al. (2014), a sports events fan’s experience is influenced by the quality of the game, augmented service, interaction, outcome and physical environment. Therefore, I can assess the event’s strengths and weaknesses based on the quality of the game, interaction with other spectators, the physical environment and augmented services. I can also use my perceptions of the opportunities and threats that the event faced to determine whether the event organizers did their best to meet spectators’ needs and whether they were negligent.
Foroughi, B., Shah, K., Nikbin, D., & Hyun, S. S. (2014). The impact of event quality on fan satisfaction and game attendance in the context of professional soccer in Iran. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 15(3), 40–56. https://doi.org/10.1108/ijsms-15-03-2014-b005
Kim, W., Jun, H. M., Walker, M., & Drane, D. (2015). Evaluating the perceived social impacts of hosting large-scale sport tourism events: Scale development and validation. Tourism Management, 48, 21–32. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2014.10.015
More, G. (2023, August 30). Prudential signs new Multi-Year Agreement as presenting Sponsor of Rose Bowl Game – Pasadena now. https://www.pasadenanow.com/main/prudential-signs-new-multi-year-agreement-with-disney-advertising-as-presenting-sponsor-of-historic-rose-Bowl-game-through-2025-26
Najrul. (2024, January 1). The Rose Bowl’s significance in American sports. Venuesmaster. https://venuesmaster.com/why-is-the-rose-Bowl-important/
Taks, M., Chalip, L., & Green, B. C. (2015). Impacts and strategic outcomes from non-mega sports events for local communities. European Sport Management Quarterly, 15(1), 1–6. https://doi.org/10.1080/16184742.2014.995116
Waśkowski, Z. (2017). Collaboration with stakeholders in sports business industry: Strategies of Marathons Organizers. Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group. https://www.impgroup.org/uploads/papers/8572.pdf
We’ll write everything from scratch
Over the course of these eight weeks, you must select a sports event to attend and provide a critical assessment of the event. You must have your event approved by the end of the fourth week of the course. Your write-up of this assignment should be 8-12 pages in length, not including the title or reference page and follow the criteria below.
The Rose Bowl Event
This event must be a future event that you attended between Week 4 and Week 7 (exceptions made based on personal circumstances such as being deployed, etc.; Contact the professor via email to discuss) of this class as you must conduct three interviews at the event as required in the directions. The event can be at any level: pro/amateur/military base/youth, etc., as you all have different needs or different situations.
The purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to visit a sporting event and evaluate the key elements comprising the sports experience based on information from the text and course. Your task is to apply course-related material to a real-world sports event. For this assignment, you are to attend a sporting event and perform an assessment of that event. By analyzing the event you should heighten your understanding of consumers’ reactions to the event and understand how to better manage an event that meets customers’ and sponsors’ needs.
Name of event, date, location, and other descriptive information (e.g., website address, scanned ticket stub, flyer, and other pertinent information that you see fit).
Briefly describe the event and the organization responsible for hosting the event. You should provide a background and historical perspective of the event and venue.
Using bullet points, conduct two SWOT analyses (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) for the following:
The organization that put on the event.
The event itself.
Describe some of the various stakeholders and their influence on the event.
Explain if there are short-term benefits and long-term legacies developed by this event.
Describe some of the sponsors of the event and their relationships to the event, community, organizers, etc.
While at the event, observe both the spectators and the event staff. What does the organization do well? What do they do poorly? How effectively did the organization meet customers’ needs? Do they offer what customers want? Are there ways in which the services could be managed or performed more effectively? Report your key observations.
Interview at least three customers/spectators and make note of the demographic characteristics of the people you interview (sex, race, age, etc.). You may not interview people with whom you attended the event. Try to find out what influences the consumers/spectators’ decision to attend the event. What really attracts customers to this event and how are they attracted to the event? Try to find out what influences customers’ overall experiences at the event. What aspects of the event do customers find most/least appealing? What aspects of the event most influence customers’ satisfaction?
Based on your observations and interviews, make some recommendations that seem appropriate for improving the overall event experience. What will keep customers and sponsors satisfied? What will it take to bring them back and encourage others? Base your recommendations on what is in the text and what you found through your interviews and your observations.
If you were to do a post-event fan evaluation, which method would you use and why?