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Discussion Response – Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory in Nursing Practice

Discussion Response – Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory in Nursing Practice

Responding to Betsy

Hello Betsy,

Great work with your post! I have always associated Kurt Lewin with the change theory. It is satisfying to see another one of his theories being applicable in a nursing setting. I agree that his heuristic formula that attempts to explain what determines behavior can be effective in helping improve health promotion. Patients’ behaviors are one of the factors that greatly affect their health. For instance, low physical activity and poor dieting behaviors increase the risk of obesity (Fruh, 2017). Similarly, eating foods that have too much cholesterol can increase the risk of heart disease (Harshfield et al., 2019). During health promotion, one of the goals of a nurse is to help change the behaviors that increase the risks of the health issues being tackled (Edelman, Mandle, & Kudzma, 2017). Therefore, it is amazing that you have identified a model that can help inform the nurse about the factors that influence the patient’s behaviors. Understanding behavior as a function of the person and their environment helps the nurse identify health promotion activities that target the improvement of the person’s decisions and changing their environment to enhance their positive health behaviors. I will also borrow from Lewin’s theory to improve the quality of health promotion activities in my practice.


Edelman, C. L., Mandle, C. L., & Kudzma, E. C. (2017). Health promotion throughout the life span-e-book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Fruh, S. M. (2017). Obesity: Risk factors, complications, and strategies for sustainable long‐term weight management. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners29(S1), S3-S14.

Harshfield, E. L., Koulman, A., Ziemek, D., Marney, L., Fauman, E. B., Paul, D. S., & Jabeen, S. (2019). An unbiased lipid phenotyping approach to study the genetic determinants of lipids and their association with coronary heart disease risk factors. Journal of proteome research18(6), 2397-2410.


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Discussion Response

Please note my reply is just a paragraph and a half and is attached for your review. It’s named “My Reply to Betsy Post”  and her actual discussion post is titled “Betsey Martinez Discussion Post“. I just want to make sure my paragraph makes sense. Below is the rubric for the discussion board.

Discussion Board Rubric (15% Final Grade)

  • This rubric will be used to grade your Discussion Forum.


  • Posts factually correct, reflective, and substantive contributions addressing the topic/question; advances discussion.

    Discussion Response

    Discussion Response

Follow-Up Postings

  • Responded in a timely manner. Demonstrates analysis of others’ posts; extends meaningful discussion by building on previous posts. Responded in a timely manner.

Clarity and Mechanics

  • Contributes to discussion with clear, concise comments formatted in an easy to read style that is free of grammatical errors.


Uses 3 or more references to literature, readings, or personal experience to support your comments. Does not include class textbook. Citations in APA format.