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How to write a discussion paper

discussion paper

The concept of arguing or airing your opinion is usually not appealing to some people. The support of a particular topic in written format is what discussion papers constitute. You have to learn to write this specific type of assignment paper as it comes in handy in a lot of professions. The goal of writing such a paper is to thoroughly and convincingly align the view of the reader to the thesis statement.

What is a discussion paper?

A discussion paper is a piece of writing that has points that support a topic with the intent to convince the reader. The discussion paper argues in support of the thesis statement formulated via the topic provided or created by the student or professor.

Before planning to write a discussion paper

  1. Ensure that you comprehend the question you are about to tackle. Without understanding what you are intended to tackle, you might end up going off-topic.
  2. You should research what you have comprehended. Having enough information on the topic will help you have a view and points that you will air out about the discussion.
  3. You have to choose a side on the position. This will assist you to generate a thesis statement. The generation of the thesis statement assists you to have a clear goal. Through the thesis statement, you can know what you intend to achieve and the view you want the reader to have. Being able to convince the reader to take your view on a position is the character of discussion papers and the main reason why the papers are written.
  4. You should scribble down the main points that you would like to discuss in the paper. To achieve a top-notch discussion paper, you should write the points with answers that convinced you to take the view you argue.
  5. By having the main points of your discussion paper, you will be able to indulge in research to gather data that will support your points. You should document the data you have collected including citations. This way, it will be easy to argue your position when writing your essay.
  6. Lastly, you have to create an outline. The outline will assist you to have a chronological flow. Having a flow is beneficial when you intend to convince the reader to view your position. Start with the points that carry much weight to get approval for your position easily.

Writing a discussion paper introduction

This is the section of the discussion paper that aims at capturing the attention of the reader. You should ensure that your reader is hooked to your paper. This way you can be able to get a chance to align their view to yours.  You will write your thesis statement. The thesis statement gives the reader a view of what will be conversed in the discussion paper. The thesis statement gives the reader your position on a particular topic.

Body of the discussion paper

The body is where the points that will aim at convincing your reader are placed. Ensure that every paragraph is restricted to only containing one point. When writing you should use counter-claim to give support to your thesis statement, you should discuss the other side of view to yours with the intent to show that yours is better. You should ensure that your point is supported with research. You can only use direct speech when writing a discussion if the source uniquely conversed something. Other than such a moment, you should write in a paraphrased manner.

Ensure that the source of the information you write is credible. You should research articles, books, and recordings that are credible.

Concluding the discussion essay

When concluding, you should briefly write about the main points present in the discussion essay. You should ensure that you conclude in a manner that will be memorable to the reader. This way you will have a lasting impression, lingering in the mind of the reader.


Ensure that you correct all the errors present in your discussion essay. Proofreading will also assist you to have punctuations correctly placed in your essay writing. You should have someone to read your essay to see if it is convincing and has enough material. Having someone with expertise writing discussion papers is a bonus. If you luck someone who will give you an honest opinion, you should read the document aloud to yourself. This way you will be able to gauge the quality of what you have written.

Research paper discussion section

The discussion section of a research paper is usually placed before the conclusion. Knowing that research papers constitute various activities that include the search for data that will be used to support the research topic, the discussion of the findings is necessary. The discussion section enables the reader of the research paper to comprehend and have a clearer view of the research done.

You have to expound and analyze the findings that you gathered using the different methodologies. You will have to converse about any shortcomings experienced in the research.

Structuring the discussion section

You can create a framework that will ensure that you capture all the information that is required to be presented to the reader in this section. Below is a brief framework that you can use to structure the discussion section of the research paper.

  1. In the first section, you should write about the findings that you collected in the methodology phase of the research. In the first question of the discussion section, you should converse about data that the reader will take from your research
  2. Converse about how your findings are similar to previous research. You have to use the literature review to write this section.
  3. In the third part of the discussion section, you should discuss any results that you deemed unexpected. You have to explain the connection or what would have caused the emergence of the findings.
  4. Every research has limitations that involve factors i.e. lack of expensive equipment to calculate specific data in the methodology phase. You should write about the limitations that your research has. This way the reader can have a broader understanding of factors that you had little control over.
  5. You can inform your reader about sections that can be ventured into more. You should not converse a lot on this section as you do not intend to have a research paper that has a lot of information on other research goals.
  6. Do a conclusion of this section and converse about how the research paper you have written relates to other research on the same topic.

Discussion paper topics

  1. Should children be modified before birth?
  2. Is marriage dying because of social media influence?
  3. Should women be equal to men?
  4. Is today’s generation too lonely?
  5. Should professional sports teams be mixed?
  6. Does protective gear do more harm than good?
  7. Should all children learn religion in school?
  8. Will making fur coats illegal reduce the poaching of animals?
  9. Should countries impose limits on children bearing? Will this reduce poverty?
  10. Cloning should be illegal. Discuss
  11. Is there an increase in the crime rate because of violent video games?
  12. Should children be physically punished? Should teachers be given permission?
  13. Cigarettes cause more deaths than any other drug. Explain
  14. All teenagers should have curfews imposed on them
  15. GMOs are harmful to our health
  16. Vaccination should not be optional for students
  17. Will self-driving cars help in the reduction of road accidents?
  18. What should people do with the introduction of AI?
  19. Students be compensated for participating in school teams
  20. Religious organizations are treated like businesses and thus should pay taxes
  21. Should doctors who help patients commit suicide be punished by the law?
  22. Is the death penalty too cruel?
  23. Is selling drugs a source of income or a crime?
  24. Which crime is worse selling drugs and using drugs?
  25. How can citizens request their governments to increase the minimum wage?
  26. Should students still learn about Greek education?
  27. Should sex workers be legalized?
  28. Should indigenous people in countries be celebrated?
  29. Advantages and disadvantages of physical education on grades

Example of discussion in research paper

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To wind up

Discussion papers are made up of polite arguments. From the subject matter, you pick a side and work on convincing your audience why your argument matters. This is not entirely easy. We are devoted to solving all academic issues. We will ensure you get a unique and high-quality paper. Our work is professional and affordable. You can reach us from our website. Our accounting homework help is affordable since we want you to get exceptional value for your money.