Discussion – Organized Crime
Controlled and planned activities by powerful groups are organized crime. The criminal groups normally carry out the activity on a large scale, affecting the economy and society in a negative way. Organized crime is an activity affecting the United States in a negative way. Various policies and laws have been implemented to curb the practice, but it still does not affect the situation. Research indicates that crime rates have increased by 4.6% over the last one year. Efforts to control the increasing rates of crime have been initiated by law enforcement agencies such as police and the FBI. Organized crimes were formed decades ago based on the entry of immigrants into the country. In most cases, the organizers have been perceived to have close links with politicians, making it hard for them to be dealt with. The paper gives a detailed discussion of the existence of organized crime in the United States.
Determine how organized crime is distinguished from other groups involved in criminal activity.
Organized crime is different from other normal crimes. Apparently, it can be described as an ongoing conspirational enterprise. It engages in illicit activities, which is a means that they use to generate black money, which they commonly refer to as income. Their activities are structured in a pyramid way of hierarchy depicting their high level of organization in carrying out their conspiracies (Wang, 2013). The majority of the crime groups apply bribery and crime to sustain their operations. Additionally, the use of threats as a means of grievous attributions ensures that external and internal control is maintained. Unlike ordinary crimes, every step that the criminals take is perfectly planned and executed to avoid detection from the authorities. Therefore, organized crime is different from ordinary crime in terms of coordination.
The amount of revenue collected differentiates the groups from other criminal gangs. Based on research, the crime groups are estimated to collect billions of revenues from their organized crimes. The Solntesevskaya Bratva is a Russian mafia comprised of a total of 9,000 members and collects a total of $8.5 billion (Matthews, 2014). Additionally, the Yakuza is a Japanese organized crime group that is widely known for drug trafficking, extortion, and gambling. It accumulates a total of $6.6 billion from its daily operations. On the other hand, the camera is an Italian American mafia known for its violent ways. It accumulates a total of $4.9 billion from its daily operations. A look at the revenue earned by organized crime groups explains the differences existing between them and ordinary crime groups based on the fact that ordinary crime groups lack specified accounts of their total revenue.
Discuss the theories behind the formation and continued existence of organized crime groups.
The history of organized crime can be traced back to the 19th century. The existence of street gangs foresaw the emergence of the group in the country. Gangs such as the 40 Thieves emerged in New York. It can be attributed to the existence of immigrants in the country. Hundreds of immigrants formed gangs for financial gain and protection. They foresaw that organized crime could be used to improve their lives and protect them from law enforcement officers that were corrupt at the time. Research indicates that organized crime could be associated with the existence of immigrants in the country. After the Forty Thieves split, members began forming other criminal gangs, leading to the emergence of organized crime at an increasing rate in the country. Conclusively, the origin of criminal gangs could be traced back to the existence of immigrants in the country.
A large number of members and emerging forms of crimes can be attributed to the increase in criminal activities in the country. Previously, it involved gambling and extortion. Over the previous years, the high amount of involvement in drug trafficking is evident. Organized crime groups such as the Sinaloa cartel engage in the drug trade. On the other hand, technology has played an integral part in the emergence of organized crime. Most of them use technology to steal from financial institutions. The majority of them have organized bank heists that led to the loss of millions (Wang, 2013). The changing dynamics has created difficulty for the authorities to effectively curb the practice and prevent it from spreading to different parts of the globe. Therefore, organized crime is a continuous practice that can be attributed to the changing dynamics.
Explain the role, if any, that politics plays in the success and growth of the power of organized crime.
Organized crime groups have been linked with politics owing to the high level of dominance that the group has in society. Cases of politicians have a direct link with organized crime groups. The majority of politicians in South American countries have been associated with the groups for financial gain. They engage in politics for immunity and protection from the authorities. Politicians also engage in organized crime to fund their political ambitions as they vie for different positions in the government. 15% of politicians in South American countries have criminal affiliations (Vaccaro & Palazzo, 2015). Pablo Escobar is an example of a criminal who joined politics and had a direct linkage with politicians. At one time, he represented Columbia at the swearing of Spain’s president. The case is an overall representation of organized crime’s links with politics.
Organized crime groups use their funds to create political pressure. In most cases, they organize charity events which they utilize to gain the needed public support. Public support mounts political pressure on politicians and the authorities in such a way that they are obliged to do things that favor criminal organizations. The charities also shield the organization from state pressure, as the authorities would have a difficult time persecuting them. Additionally, the activity enables them to secure important government contracts that they could use in money laundering. On the other hand, politicians use organized crime groups as a way of intimidating their opponents and ensuring that they abide by their practices. Such political connections have led to the increase of organized crime groups in different parts of the country, leading to limited coordination of efforts to combat their existence.
Identify the reasons why people join and remain in organized crime organizations. Provide specific examples to support your claims.
The majority of people join organized crime groups for financial gain. The money accumulated from crime is normally untaxed, which is beneficial for gang members. People from all sorts of life are attracted to the group based on their high level of immunity and the finances that they would gain from it. Research indicates that 67% of the gang members join the group based on the financial gains that come from crime (Matthews, 2014). On the other hand, poverty is the other reason why people participate in organized crime. The factor can be traced back to the origin of organ-used crimes in countries such as the United States. The poor immigrants began forming the Forty Thieves group in order to support each other and their families. In conclusion, financial gain and poverty are the main reasons why people join criminal gangs.
Protection makes up one of the key reasons why people join organized crimes. In most cases, the existence of other gangs creates fear and intimidation. The issue makes other people form or join gangs for protection. Most Mexicans have joined the Mexican mafia owing to the intimidation that came from Crips, Bloods and the Cosa Nostra (Vaccaro & Palazzo, 2015). Without any crime group affiliation, most innocent people become victims of intimidation and violence. The protection from authorities makes up the main reason why people continue to participate in crime. It is important to consider that the protection that comes from the gangs shields them from authority and other forms of intimidation based on the political influence that they have on the administrative system.
In summary, the paper provides a detailed discussion of the existence of criminal gangs in the country. The level of income and effective organization of activities is the key issue that differentiates organized gangs from other criminal groups. They accumulate a lot of revenue from their illegal activities which affect them in a different way compared to the ordinary criminal gangs. The crime groups can be traced back to the 1800s when they were one of the major groups that were formed to combat crime. On the other hand, politics plays a dominant role in the spread of criminal gangs. The majority of politicians use criminal gangs to promote and enhance increased crime rates in the country. Therefore, it is a relevant practice to ensure that organized crime should be combated in the most effective manner.
Matthews, C. (2014). Fortune 5: The biggest organized crime groups in the world. Fortune. Retrieved from http://fortune.com/2014/09/14/biggest-organized-crime-groups-in-the-world/
Vaccaro, A., & Palazzo, G. (2015). Values against violence: Institutional changes in societies dominated by organized crime. http://proxy1.ncu.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=108801062&site=eds-live
Wang, P. (2013). The rise of the Red Mafia in China: A case study of organized crime and corruption in Chongqing. http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/1288114261?pq-origsite=360link
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Organized Crime
Week 1 – Assignment: Distinguish Organized Crime from Other Criminal Groups
Organized crime groups around the world attract specific types of individuals with the same interests, heritage, and ethnicity. Write an article for your local newspaper about organized crime groups. Be sure your article addresses the following:
- Determine how organized crime is distinguished from other groups involved in criminal activity.
- Discuss the theories behind the formation and continual existence of organized crime groups.
- Explain the role, if any, that politics plays in the success and growth of the power of organized crime.
- Identify the reasons why people join and remain in organized crime organizations. Provide specific examples to support your claims.
Support your article with a minimum of three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.
Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages
Your article should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic.