Discussion -Global Technology
I believe that countries and companies need explicit strategies for technology development, given the tremendous amount of largely spontaneous creativity that occurs today, often in areas where new technologies are not expected to exert a great influence. As Olson (2011) puts it across, people in the modern world are identified by what they create and what they share, unlike in the past when one was identified by what they owned or wore. This implies that each nation deserves to have exceptional and strategic technological moves in all decisions. Countries like the US, Japan, and China have created their reputations from their bold digital moves. This is a significant factor that sets them apart from lagging states, including Somalia and Lesotho. Technology development entails a wide range of aspects right, from mobile phone coverage to industrial, manufacturing, and medical, among other fields. The effectiveness of leading in these aspects relies on the explicit strategies that are embraced.
The US government acknowledges the necessity of explicit strategies, and for this reason, it is working to broaden engineering and science education (Leonard & Salzman, 2021). This is a strategic way of fostering broad multidisciplinary knowledge and skills so that experts can provide global innovation. There are efforts to nurture local experimentation to make them flourish and contribute to society. The state strives to ensure that the country’s technical programs are not outwitted by those of other developed nations. The government also supports explicit strategies for technology development by creating policies that promote study abroad opportunities. This mechanism will encourage knowledge exchange for the betterment of internal and external competitiveness.
The current trend of conscious consumerism triggers companies to become more innovative and strategic in their technological developments. People’s purchasing decisions are more inclined to impact the economic, social, and environmental aspects positively. However, such choices are applicable only where there is value for money. This implies that companies producing low-quality digital outputs can hardly gain a competitive edge in the market. They have to apply explicit strategies and ensure that their technology is serving the clients as they wish. Ideally, each firm is, in one way or another, oriented to technology either in the daily operations or as a product. Successful technological firms such as Microsoft, Apple, Google, and Tencent are heavily dependent on their exclusive strategies for digital development. The stiff competition is based on how well each firm can satisfy clients’ needs by providing more fulfilling products and services.
Major eCommerce players such as Amazon and Alibaba articulate technology as the fundamental infrastructure for their operations. As such, the companies must remain creative to capture the target population. The fourth industrial revolution is all about explicit strategies for digital development. This may entail unique ways of presenting technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), quantum computing, and genetic engineering (Verbano & Crema, 2016). Countries and companies can remain as innovative as possible since there are no limits to technological developments. Indeed, explicit strategies for digital transformation are incredibly crucial and deserve utmost precedence. Our future lies in how well we make radical creative ideas to create sustainable technology, especially in areas where they are less expected to exert significant influence.
Leonard, L & Salzman, H. (2021). The Real Global Technology Challenge.
Olson, S. (2011). Global Technology: Changes and Implications. The National Academies Press. Verbano, C., & Crema, M. (2016). Linking technology innovation strategy, intellectual capital, and technology innovation performance in manufacturing SMEs. Technology analysis & strategic management, 28(5), 524-540.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Discussion -Global Technology
Do you feel that countries and companies need explicit strategies for technology development, given the tremendous amount of largely spontaneous creativity that occurs today, often in areas where new technologies are not expected to exert a great influence? Why or why not?
Reading Assignments
Chapter 2: Olsen, S., & National Academy of Engineering (U.S.). (2011). Global Technology : Changes and Implications: Summary of a Forum. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press.
Lynn, L., & Salzman, H. (2007). The Real Global Technology Challenge. Change, 39(4), 8.