Discussion – Diversity and Inclusion
Many opportunities come with communicating in a diverse workplace that managers can utilize to boost the organization’s performance. Effective communication in a diverse workplace helps maintain workplace harmony, enhance team building, increase productivity, and improve crisis management. Besides the opportunities, the organization managers also encounter several challenges when communicating in a diverse workplace (Fraserdove.com, 2019). Some of these challenges include; trouble in accents and fluency, conflicting cultural business attributes, and multilingualism.
Bias can be defined as excessive weight in favor or against a thing or an individual in an unfair way. Microaggression, on the other hand, is verbal or behavioral indignities, intentional or unintentional, that convey hostile or negative slights to a target individual (Gonzaga et al., 2019). There are several ways managers can adopt to prevent biases and micro-aggression in communicating in a diverse workplace. Some of the prevention techniques include creating awareness of the dangers of biases and micro-aggression among the employees, communicating the organizational values clearly, agreeing on a specific language to be used in the workplace, and encouraging employees to ask for clarification.
Modern managers should understand that the current world is more diverse, and thus, while leading an organization, they must find ways of boosting diversity. Cultivating and supporting diversity in an organization is one contemporary business strategy for increasing productivity (Fraserdove.com, 2019). Thus, every focused organization manager is taking the issue of diversity with a lot of seriousness. Organizations can support diversity by; hiring people from different backgrounds. This will help pool talents together, forming a formidable team (Fraserdove.com, 2019). Secondly, managers can promote pay equity among the employees. Employees who are at the same level must be paid equally regardless of their particular backgrounds or gender. The managers also need to be aware of the unconscious biases that could create stereotypes and work to manage biases among the employees.
Fraserdove.com. (2019). Top Challenges of Diversity In The Workplace. Retrieved from https://www.fraserdove.com/challenges-of-diversity-in-the-workplace
Gonzaga, A. et l., (2019). Micro-aggressions: What are they? How can we avoid it? How can we respond? Retrieved from https://www.chp.edu/-/media/chp/healthcare-professionals/documents/faculty-development/microaggressions.pdf?la=en
TEDx Talks. (2019). Eliminating Micro-aggressions: The Next Level of Inclusion | Tiffany Alvoid | TEDxOakland. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPqVit6TJjw
TEDx Talks (2018). How to Outsmart Your Own Unconscious Bias | Valerie Alexander | TEDx Pasadena
We’ll write everything from scratch
Diversity and Inclusion
In the Malcolm Baldrige School of Business, we have made a commitment to diversity and inclusion and have included discussions on this topic in several of your courses. In this discussion, we will respectfully tackle the sensitive topics of bias and microaggressions. As a manager or employee, you may have to handle or even experience bias, discrimination, stereotyping, and microaggressions.
Please watch the following two videos and then post your response to the questions below.