Discussion – Coaching vs Feedback
What are your assumptions about the scenario? What questions would you like to ask the employee to clarify what you observed? What behaviors would you want to coach, or what feedback would you want to provide?
The assumption in scenario 1 is that Terry is receiving a personal phone call while customers wait for him to attend to them. He only ends the phone call after realizing that someone with a higher authority has seen him. I would like to ask Terry who he was talking to on the phone and whether the call was urgent so that I can determine whether his actions are justifiable or not. I would like to coach Terry on how to prioritize employees over personal matters and how to excuse himself whenever he receives an urgent call while customers are waiting for him to serve them.
One of the assumptions in scenario 3 is that Rob assumes that he is so important to the company that he cannot be let go. The second assumption is that Rob thinks that he is better than the other employees, which is why he feels that he is the only one who serves most customers. I would like to ask Rob why he thinks he is the only employee who serves the most customers. I would also lie to ask him why he does not want to work in a team and reacts with anger and defense when confronted about his destructive behaviors. I would like to coach him on teamwork so that he can work with other employees and stop feeling that he is the only one who serves most customers.
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What changes in employee behavior would you want to see as a result of the coaching or feedback? Are there other results you would like to see as well?
I would want to see Rob participating in the completion of tasks using teams. I would also want to see Rob showing up at work on all occasions and seeking the help of other employees whenever he feels that the tasks are too much for him to handle. I would want to see Terry picking up calls outside the store only when there are no customers and requesting another employee to attend to patients whenever he wants to pick up an urgent call.
What would you say to the employee to describe the behavior you observed? How can you, as the manager, model the behaviors you are trying to foster in your employees?
I would ask Rob about the last time he worked in a team to describe the behavior I observed. I would model the team spirit in Rob by assigning him tasks that require to be completed through teams and making him a team leader so that he does not fail to collaborate with other team members. I would also ask Terry how he would feel if he was a customer and wanted to be served but saw the attendant required to serve him talking on the phone while he watched. I would model good customer relationship management by creating a busy schedule for him so that he learns to prioritize serving customers over attending to personal matters.
Once you’ve evaluated the scenarios and considered your responses, develop a set of best practices for providing coaching and feedback.
One of the best practices I will use for coaching and feedback is regularly questioning the behaviors of employees whenever they do not behave as expected of them. This is essential in ensuring that the employees know that their behavior is being monitored (Claridge & Lewis, 2021; Gregory & Levy, 2012). The second practice is periodically conducting performance assessments to determine changes in performance and behaviors that could be contributing to the behavior.
Claridge, M., & Lewis, T. (2021). Feedback: The foundation for learning. Coaching for Effective Learning, 41-52. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781315376974-5
Gregory, J. B., & Levy, P. E. (2012). Employee feedback orientation: Implications for effective coaching relationships. Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, 5(2), 86-99. https://doi.org/10.1080/17521882.2012.691888
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Discussion – Coaching vs Feedback
Read and consider the following three (3) scenarios:
Scenario 1: As you’re walking the business, you notice that one of your new employees, Terry, is standing in the back of the store talking to someone on his cell phone. There are three customers in the store, and all three seem to be watching Terry talk on the phone. When Terry sees you, he ends his call, looks around the store, and then quickly walks over to one of the customers. What do you do?
Scenario 2: Sara Smith has been an employee for two years. She has been a very good employee, and customers frequently comment on her helpfulness and genuine interest in meeting their needs. In the past, Sara has received good performance reviews. She is completely aware of company policies and procedures. On one of the busiest days this month, Sara simply didn’t show up for work. There was no explanation why; she didn’t even call to let you know. When you called her home to make sure she was all right, she said she overslept and forgot to call. You talked to Sara, coached her, and reminded her about company policy. This week, Sara came into work an hour late one day, and yesterday, she did not show up at all. Sara’s behavior is impacting customer service in your business. Other employees are upset about having to pick up her workload, and your sales are not meeting plans due to staffing issues. According to company policy, you need to give Sara a warning. Now, you’ll have to shift your role from coach to counselor. How do you handle it? Why is it so critical that a manager executes the counseling?
Scenario 3: Within the past few months, you have received several complaints about one of the company’s employees, Rob. According to other employees, Rob has not been available on several occasions when he was needed to complete some required tasks. You observed Rob and verified that the other employees’ complaints were legitimate. Two weeks ago, you gave Rob feedback about his behavior and told him that he needed to complete the required tasks along with the other employees. Rob did not take the feedback very well, became angry and defensive, and said, “I’m doing my job! Everyone else isn’t. I don’t know what you expect of me. I’m the one who works the most with customers and helps them with their questions!” You told Rob that you expected him to be a team player and consider all his responsibilities to customers, required tasks, and working with the other employees. He walks away, and you have not spoken with him since. Next week, you have his annual performance appraisal, which you have started to prepare. What do you do?
Choose TWO (2) of these scenarios. Write a COMPREHENSIVE SUMMARY (275-400 words) to discuss each of the following questions and describe the actions you would take:
1- What are your assumptions about the scenario? What questions would you like to ask the employee to clarify what you observed? What behaviors would you want to coach, or what feedback would you want to provide?
2- What changes in employee behavior would you want to see as a result of the coaching or feedback? Are there other results you would like to see as well?
3- What would you say to the employee to describe the behavior you observed? How can you, as the manager, model the behaviors you are trying to foster in your employees?
4- Once you’ve evaluated the scenarios and considered your responses, develop a set of best practices for providing coaching and feedback.