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Differentiators and RAMP Model Essay

Differentiators and RAMP Model Essay

Various differentiators and RAMP components are discussed in this essay. Regarding differentiators, commitment and engagement, shared decision-making process, getting the right information to the right people, and task-based trust is discussed. Commitment and engagement differentiators assert that virtual team members are proactive and engaged in achieving their set goals (Aquino et al., 2022). For example, the team leaders are committed to ensuring every member is facilitated to take on their tasks effectively. The shared process for decision-making differentiator relates to how virtual teams make decisions and solve problems. High-performing teams make effective decisions by ensuring the right information is shared with the right people. An example of how this differentiator works entails virtual teams discussing the effective ways to be applied to solve problems and make decisions.

Regarding getting the right information to the right people differentiator, virtual teams establish ways to beat communication barriers despite being apart physically by leveraging technology. An example of how this differentiator works is through video conferencing by virtual team members to get to know each other. On the final differentiator, trust is highly regarded and built among virtual team members. The trust is limited to tasks to ensure it does not influence the team to other non-essential items (Davidavičienė et al., 2020). For example, virtual team leaders ensure team members know each other before the task assignment is undertaken.

RAMP is an acronym for relationships, accountability, motivation, and process. Interpersonal relationships are necessary for effective teams, and virtual teams should develop ways to form quality relationships. They can do so through quality communication, effective conflict resolution, and trust. As an example, members of virtual teams should avoid responding to messages when they are overly upset, tired, or emotional. The second RAMP component of accountability requires virtual team members to be held responsible for their actions. On the third element of RAMP, motivation is essential for effective virtual teams. It entails recognizing and rewarding team members for their efforts toward group success (Lilian, 2014). For example, a virtual team leader should consider monetary and non-monetary rewards to motivate all team members. Finally, a sense of purpose is necessary within a virtual team. It relates to a common goal that all the members pursue. For example, the virtual team leader should establish a vision for the team to pursue.


Aquino, J. F., Riss, R. R., Multerer, S. M., Mogilner, L. N., & Turner, T. L. (2022). A step-by-step guide for mentors to facilitate team building and communication in virtual teams. Medical Education Online27(1), 2094529.

Davidavičienė, V., Al Majzoub, K., & Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, I. (2020). Factors affecting  Knowledge sharing in virtual teams. Sustainability12(17), 6917.

Lilian, S. C. (2014). Virtual teams: Opportunities and challenges for e-leaders. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences110, 1251-1261.


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Differentiators and RAMP Model Essay

Differentiators and RAMP Model Essay


Discuss four of the differentiators and four RAMP components. Your essay should include examples for each differentiator / Ramp component discussed.

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Your completed essay must be submitted as an MS Word attachment to this assignment no later than Sunday.
Assignments completed in a narrative essay or composition format must follow the citation style cited in the _ American Psychological Association (APA). Students are encouraged to read/understand the basics.