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What is the difference between APA and MLA referencing styles?

Difference between apa and mla

The APA and MLA are both styles of writing that are in the seventh and ninth editions. The APA is the American Psychology Association manual while the MLA rules are present in the MLA handbook. The APA was created first in the year 1929 as a means to create standard rules by which science-related personnel would write. This in turn would provide easier comprehension as everyone would write in a standardized manner. The MLA style was created for researchers in the year 1951 in the form of a sheet rule that was later revised in 1970. The later published editions are known as handbooks. APA and MLA are the most commonly used style of citation.

Difference between APA and MLA

The definition of the APA style is documented by the American Psychology Association which is in its 7th edition while the MLA style is defined by the Modern Language Association which is currently in its 9th edition.

The APA style is usually used in science-related writings. This includes both behavioral and social sciences and in other times it is used in the education sector. The MLA style on the other hand is majorly used in humanities, media services, and literary studies.

When considering how to write in-text citations, you will include the last name of the author and the year when the piece was published when writing in APA style. The writing of the page number in such scenarios is optional in APA style. When writing in the MLA style, you will write both the last name of the author and the page number. You are not allowed to write the year of publication when writing in MLA style.

At the end of writing your assignment paper, you are required to write the citation sources on a page that is separate from your conclusion. The difference is that the page is known as the referencing list when writing the APA style and the work cited when writing the MLA style. Most differences occur in this section. Below is a couple of differences when writing the citation sources between both styles:

  1. When writing in the name of the author, you have to write the last name and the initial of the first name in the APA style, an example is, ‘Julian V’. When writing in the MLA style, you have to write both names in full, an example is,’ Julian Victor’.
  2. When writing the topic of the piece, you have to capitalize the first alphabet of the first word of the title of the piece after the colon. You will write the title as follows,’ Road to home’. In the case of writing the heading of the piece in the MLA system, you have to capitalize the first alphabet of every word in the topic. Here is an illustration of how you write the heading in the MLA system,’ Road to Home’.
  3. When writing the source title, you have to add quotation marks to the heading when writing in the MLA style. When writing in the APA style, you will write the source topic without including quotation marks.
  4. The publication date is included in the parenthesis when writing in the APA style but it is not added when writing citations on the referencing page. The indication of publication date in the MLA system is not done in the parenthesis but it is indicated in the work cited page.
  5. When writing the MLA style, you have to indicate the period after the uniform resource locator but when writing in the APA style, you do not add the period at the end of the uniform resource locator.

Similarities between APA and MLA

In consideration of the citations, you will have read above that both of the styles of writing have parenthetical citations present in the text. Both APA and MLA have a page that is dedicated to referencing at the end of writing the piece.

The creation of both styles of writing was to create uniformity when writing pieces. Thus the reason for the existence of both styles is to enable that comprehension present in people who are in the same field is made easier.

Both styles recommend that you use the Times New Roman font with size 12. The spacing in both styles is recommended to be double spacing and 1-inch margins.

APA format

Title page

There are two versions of writing the title page APA style. The difference between both options is that one is for students while the other is for professionals. The contents of the student’s title page include the title, name of authors of the paper, relation between authors of the piece, course number, instructor name, due date of the assignment, and the page number. The professional contents of the title page are the title, authors, affiliations, notes, running head, and page number.

When writing for both the student and the professional title page, you should ensure that the information is centered and in bold case. In consideration of the positioning, you should ensure that the data is four lines below the top of the page.

When writing a professional title page, you have to add a note. The note intends to provide more information on the author and the paper.  You should converse about the bias present.


The abstract section is more about writing the summary of your paper. Below are a couple of tips that can offer assistance when writing the abstract.

  1. Ensure that you write the abstract on its page, do not include it on the title page or add any more material after writing it.
  2. Write the indication ‘abstract’ at the top center of the page
  3. Ensure that your abstract should not exceed have more than 250 words
  4. Ensure that you have your points written in brief


There is a different expression of data in the APA format in table format. Below are tips to illustrate how you should place tables when writing in the APA style:

  1. Tables used in the APA style should be numbered for example table 1 and Table 2
  2. Capitalize the first letter of the heading
  3. Denote each column with a description
  4. Abbreviations can be used


Here is the section where you indicate all the sources that have been cited in the piece. The full page should follow the reference page rules that you read before.

MLA format

Title page

The MLA format title page includes the following components, full name, instructor, class, and due date. You position the information one inch from the left and one inch from the top.

Running number

This is the description that is usually at the top right corner of the page.  It is usually a brief description. It contains the author’s name and the page number.

Block quote formatting

Regarding quotes to the section of the block should be based on ones that exceed four sentences.

Work Cited

This is where the citations placed in the piece are placed when writing in MLA style. It is usually the last page of the piece. You should write the citation about the instructions you acquired on this piece.

Contact us

If you are having difficulties in writing using the different styles, you should visit our site at Here you will get answers to queries via the use of 24/7 customer support. You will be able to choose a writer based on writing to assist you with the writing of your essays using the styles.

At our website, you will get APA format examples at very affordable prices. This service will enable you to have an illustration of the requirement needed from you when writing in a specific style. Similarly, you can access MLA format examples to assist you when writing your piece.

The service of acquiring the MLA and APA format examples is usually available at all times. This is to ensure that if you have a deadline to beat, the submission is made possible. If you need your essay to be written completely, you can contact us and you will be provided with a writer. You will be in direct contact with the writer and so will be able to provide the specifications of which style will be used.

To wind up

In summary, there is a similarity and a difference between apa and mla  writing styles. The main reason that the styles were developed is to ensure that there was uniformity in writing. This in turn would bring ease to the comprehension of the different pieces of writing. You should ensure that you follow the detailed instruction provided above when using APA and MLA writing styles. You should ensure that you do not mix the styles. Ensure that you follow the format of writing and ensure that the parenthesis is written in accordance with the regulations of the said style of writing. Let our capstone project writing services from writing gurus manipulate your capstone project for a top grade.