Demographic Cohort Reflection
I belong to the millennial generation, which makes up most of the world’s population. Members of this generation are deemed to be creative and adaptive. Millennials were born in the age of the technological revolution and the emergence of the internet (Nichols & Smith, 2015). As a result, they are considered to be more creative, forward-thinking, and progressive than earlier generations. Conversely, millennials have faced equal challenges, most of which are an outcome of economic recession.
One notable trait associated with millennials is that they value meaningful motivation. At the workplace, I find it meaningful to make contributions that improve society and the community. I make efforts to improve the sustainability of the companies I have worked for and create value for the people around me. Another positive trend associated with millennials is that they challenge the status quo (Nichols & Smith, 2015). Millennials value collaboration, unlike past generations, where employees took orders without questioning. Besides, members of this generation are willing to go beyond their traditional tasks to add value to the company. Another valuable trait of millennials is their dedication to creating healthy relationships with their seniors. I believe eliminating traditional boundaries fosters relationships with seniors.
Despite being creative and progressive, I believe as millennials, we are bearing the brunt of the global economic recession. Most of the millennial cohort have started working, but they have been hurt most by the aftermath of the global recession. For instance, the entry-level salary for this cohort has been typically low compared to the cost of living. That means that even acquiring life milestones such as purchasing a home seems out of reach for many.
In summary, millennials have grown in the age of technological advancement and the internet. Therefore, this demographic cohort has accessed information that bolstered their work approach. They are more flexible in task performance and less authority-fearing. However, this cohort is associated with the aftermaths of the economic recession, which has slowed their economic growth.
Nichols, T., & Smith, T. (2015, January). (PDF) Understanding the Millennial Generation. ResearchGate.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Demographic Cohort Reflection
Americans are often labeled by their demographic (age) cohort: Baby Boomer (born between 1946 and 1964), Generation X (born between 1965 and 1980), Millennial (born between 1981 and 2000) and Gen Z (born 2001 or later).
Reflect on the demographic cohort you belong to. What are some of the challenges or trends unique to your cohort?