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Death Penalty

Death Penalty

In my opinion, the death penalty is entirely unnecessary. Capital punishment must be abolished because it infringes on fundamental human rights. Humans can only invent the most heinous, terrible, and demeaning punishment possible. There is a lack of uniformity in the application of the death sentence. In many cases, it is utilized against the most vulnerable members of society, including the poor, ethnic and religious minorities, and people suffering from mental illness. It is a tactic used by certain governments to oppress political opponents (Hip Hughes, 2015). There is always the risk of killing an innocent person because of the inadequacies in our legal systems and biased trials. The death penalty cannot be revoked after it has been carried out. Changing something that has already been done is challenging. After the death penalty has been carried out, it is possible that an innocent person may get out of jail for a crime they did not commit.

My own opinion is that the death penalty should be eliminated. In the past and future, innocent people have been executed for no good reason. It doesn’t matter how intelligent a legal system is; human error will always be possible. Unlike jail sentences, which may be appealed, the death penalty is final. One of the many reasons the death penalty should be abolished is because it turns the death of a person into a public spectacle (Hip Hughes, 2015). It is common for executions to be carried out in front of a large crowd. Public hangings in Iran and methods of execution transmissions in the United States are two examples. United Nations specialists believe that mass beheadings have no legal purpose and instead emphasize the brutality of the sentence.


Hip    Hughes.     (2015).     The     Death    Penalty:     Yea or   Nay?     Retrieved    from


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Please respond to the following:

Death Penalty

Death Penalty

Watch the video, The Death Penalty: Yea or Nay? and then discuss:

  • Do you believe the death penalty is needed?
  • Do you feel the death penalty should remain or be abolished?

Click on the link to watch the video.