Dealing with Rude or Inconsistent Customers
Customer service requires building and maintaining relationships to maintain a mutually beneficial relationship. According to Lucas (2023), dealing with customers requires recognizing that someone acting differently or doing something differently does not mean they are wrong. Therefore, individuals offering services must appreciate other people’s opinions, perspectives, and approaches to situations. Unfortunately, customers may not have the same outlook toward things being done differently as service providers. As such, they may be rude to service providers when a service is not offered according to their expectations. Dealing with an angry customer is challenging for service providers because it requires patience and caution in managing body language and mood. One of the things that a service provider should do to deal with rude or inconsiderate customers effectively is to have a proper mindset to the situation that is making the customer angry. Adopting a proper mindset protects the service provider from absorbing the customer’s anger, thus enabling the service provider to be rational and open-minded when addressing the issue causing anger. Being open-minded also allows the service provider to be focused, caring, understanding, and alert. The second thing that the service provider can do is be empathetic. Empathy is vital in understanding why the customer is angry and designing the most appropriate solution to ensure that the customer’s issues are effectively addressed. Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you. We offer assignment help with high professionalism.
Service providers can also effectively deal with rude or inconsiderate customers by following various steps. The first step is listening to the customer without reacting. According to Patel (2022), staying calm when dealing with a rude customer is crucial to understanding the cause of the anger and the best way to respond. It is essential to maintain eye contact and listen actively even though the customer is unreasonable to avoid missing out on information that could be used to support the response. The second step is helping the customer clarify the issue by asking appropriate questions. For example, suppose the customer is rude because they received services that did not meet their expectation. In that case, the service provider can ask about areas where the customer feels the services offered did not meet the expected quality. The service provider should focus on starting a reasonable conversation with the rude or inconsiderate customer to settle on a mutually beneficial solution. It is also vital to show that the service provider cares about the customer and is willing to help them address their issue. The third step is encouraging the rude or inconsiderate customer to vent so that the root cause of the problem can be determined and the right measures can be taken to deal with it.
Service providers can also effectively deal with rude or inconsistent customers by focusing on facts. The service provider should outline all the facts related to the issue and explain why their arguments may be inconsiderate to the customer. Outlining the facts related to the problem may encourage the customer to calm down and focus on the information provided rather than being controlled by their emotions. The service provider should also keep a brief interaction with rude or inconsiderate customers to encourage them to calm down and collaborate in finding a solution to the issue agitating them. The service provider may also use definitive statements to avoid provoking the rude or inconsiderate customer until they calm down.
Lucas, R. W. (2023). Customer service: Skills for success. McGraw Hill.
Patel, S. (2022, November 27). How to deal with rude customers: Strategies & Tips. REVE Chat. Retrieved January 30, 2023, from
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Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions with your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Dealing with Rude or Inconsistent Customers
Service providers can deal with rude or inconsiderate customers by ensuring they remain professional. Just because the customer is rude does not mean that the service provider should also be rude. Service providers should avoid retaliation when dealing with rude customers.
How can you effectively deal with rude or inconsiderate customers?
Responses to Other Students: Respond to at least 2 of your classmates with at least a 100-word reply about their Primary Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions.
What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?