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Dealerships & Cybersecurity Plan Targets Vendors Article Discussion

Dealerships & Cybersecurity Plan Targets Vendors Article Discussion

The Selected Professional Article

A recent article I found online was titled “TSA issues new cybersecurity requirements for passenger and freight railroad carriers”. I believe the intended reader for this article is the Railroad companies located in different states in America. This article expanded the cybersecurity regulations governing passengers and freight while in transit for a more secure system. The Transport and Security Administration has implemented these regulations that took effect on October 24, 2022. It will last one year before any adjustment mode is undertaken (“TSA issues new cyber security requirements for passenger and freight railroad carriers,” 2022). The regulation comprises various requirements that Railway companies should abide by in executing their economic activities. First, the companies should develop a network segmentation policy and controls for their careers for the timely resolution of challenges. The jobs should also build detection policies to keep drivers aware of the nature of firmware attacks on the operating system.

The American Public University

I have been using the American Public University website for a few years. This has been attributed to my behavior of visiting the website pages of prestigious universities to learn about their courses and how they live out their mission and vision statements. The American Public University website is no different, as the first page indicates right away that the institution is accredited and proceeds to spell out its mission. The mission of American Public University is “to provide high-quality college education by educating the nation’s military and public service communities through the provision of relevant, accessible, affordable, and student-focused online programs to prepare students for a diverse society” (Shaffer, n.d.). At a glance, it can be established that the institution has already issued over 260 degrees and certificates, over 80% of new undergraduates transferred credit, and an estimated number of about 124,000 graduates.

Locating the information for admission is just three clicks away from the homepage. However, I think a few features can be improved to make the website more navigable. These features are highlighted below;

The information on the various levels of degree courses the university offers should appear on the homepage, permitting new applicants to navigate and locate their preferred methods easily.

The contact information is located in the lower part of the page and is hard to identify, especially when one is not keen enough. It is a social media center comprising Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube logos. In my view, the contact information should be located at the top side of the website in distinct colors for easy recognition in case one needs assistance on some issues.

Also, having two login scripts may confuse a fast-time user of the website as they may be left wondering whether to use the first or second script. The website should consider having only one login script to avoid confusing the end user.

Revising and Reorganizing the Bulletin to Make It Easier To Read and Useful To the Supervisors

Cost efficiency should be the sole objective of all managers in charge of security officers for organizations operating in diverse settings. A more significant outcome is realized during the peak hours with the staggering of the start and stop periods. These milestones can only be recognized with the elimination of non-security service duties, including but not limited to mail deliveries, parcel pickup, airport pickup, and medical center run. As such, the security needs can only be fulfilled by regularly examining the schedule. This means the security officers should ensure they inform their supervisors when leaving their posts, even for lunch.

Furthermore, the responsible department should be tasked with making drives to banks. When leaving their assigned roles for lunch or responding to short or lengthy calls, guards should make supervisors aware of their whereabouts. Supervisors should ensure that spot-check activities are mixed with the guard’s daily roles. For instance, a guard can spot-check a vehicle even after opening the gate for its entrance. However, other harmful operations should not be allowed to interfere with the organization’s security measures. One of the most disturbing functions is gambling, which leaves guards without a penny. The lack of financial resources may cause guards to decide their days or report to work. If a guard exhibits frequent illness, the supervisor should relieve them from their duties on the grounds of health.

Evaluating the Style and Clarity of a Memo

The memo under evaluation is titled “A memo to students: College and the real world – faculty focus: Higher Ed teaching & learning”; its URL is provided on the reference page. After reading through the memo, the only style problem I identified was that the memo was written in a three-column layout. This three-column layout permitted the author to use more words than the one required for a message. A memo should be brief and to the point, avoiding being wordy in presenting one’s ideas. Despite this style problem, the author managed to grab the readers’ attention by building his memo on the example of an engineering student who felt the environment was fake upon presenting his design project (Weimer, 2019). Therefore, the author should consider using a single-column layout and keeping the contents of his memo brief and to the point.

Analysis of the Design of a Frequently Used Website


To: The Instructor

From: Jim Gray

Date: October 28, 2022

Subject: Usefulness of eBay Site

The website I frequently visit and use is eBay. I use eBay to purchase digital products such as Webhosting and trademark and copyright services. It is easy for one to find the features required through the use of the eBay advanced search feature that is available on this website. This feature enables one to search for the location of the product, its price ranges, purchasing format, the currency of sale, and the number of bids currently on that product (“Electronics, cars, fashion, Collectibles & More”, n.d). The home page has changed since I began using eBay. Significant changes to the website’s design elements occurred in 2004 when the list of category-wise buttons was removed, and a refined search was introduced.

The navigation links on the eBay website are appropriately placed for more straightforward navigation. Besides the eBay advanced search, other navigation links on this website include the shopping cart, social buttons on listings, and products and reviews via the eBay catalog. The headings on the eBay website are incredibly informative in that one can quickly sign in or register, sell or search for categories of products ranging from electronics, and fashion, to industrial equipment (“Electronics, cars, fashion, Collectibles & More,” n.d). The graphic is decorative and adequately integrated with words. These features contribute significantly to enhancing the usefulness of the website hence making it one of the closest competitors of Amazon.

Yours Sincerely,

Jim Gray.

Analysis of the Design Features of Ford Motor Company, Chrysler, and General Motors’ Home Pages


To: The Instructor

From: Jim Gray

Date: October 28, 2022

Subject: Design Features of Ford Motor Company, Chrysler, and General Motors

This memorandum evaluates the design features of the websites operated by these three popular companies worldwide: Ford Motor Company, Chrysler, and General Motors. The design features will be examined in light of senior users who have challenges making precise movements with the mouse.

Firstly, the home page for the Ford Motor Company appeals to the challenges of seniors concerning mouse movement. For instance, the website uses an easily readable font without one required to use sunglasses. Also, the cursor quickly moves on the webpage and is responsible for clicks made by the user. This ensures that the elderly can easily navigate the page and purchase the products they require or the services they deem necessary. Secondly, the Chrysler website is effectively planned with black as the theme color and words written in white. Also, the vehicles on sale images are clear; one can easily navigate the features by clicking on these images. This necessitates easier usage by elderly customers.

Lastly, General Motors Company has an interactive website composed of appealing visual images adequately integrated with the text. The use of the downshift bar necessitates the website’s movement downwards, enabling the elderly to locate their preferred product or service quickly.

Yours Sincerely,

Jim Gray.

Meaningful Tasks and Graphics of a Computer Product

One of the computer products I located online was the Dell XPS 13 Laptop Computer. The primary reason that caused users to like this product was its ultra-thin and lightweight design. This Dell laptop brought aesthetics that matched its reliability and robust performance (“Best Computer Reviews,” 2022). This Dell laptop’s outstanding feature is that it has up to 16GB of RAM, two Thunderbolts, and three ports. The body of the Dell XPS 13 Laptop computer is built of sturdy aluminum that weighs less than three pounds, making it a perfect fit for students and travelers.


Best Computer Reviews (October – 2022): Ratings + reviews. Gadget Review. (2022). Retrieved October 27, 2022, from

Electronics, cars, fashion, Collectibles & More. eBay. (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2022, from

Shaffer, K. (n.d.). About American public university (APU): History & mission. APU. Retrieved October 27, 2022, from

TSA issues new cybersecurity requirements for passenger and freight railroad carriers. TSA issues new cybersecurity requirements for passenger and freight railroad carriers | Transportation Security Administration. (2022). Retrieved October 27, 2022, from

Weimer, M. (2019). A memo to students: College and the real world – faculty focus: Higher Ed teaching & learning. Faculty Focus | Higher Ed Teaching & Learning. Retrieved October 27, 2022, from


We’ll write everything from scratch


Link for APA Style:

Instructions: Address the following:

Find a professional article online written for people in your field. Identify the intended reader and purpose. Write a description of the article describing the elements in the article that helped you identify the reader and purpose. Be sure to include the URL of the article.

Dealerships & Cybersecurity Plan Targets Vendors Article Discussion

Dealerships & Cybersecurity Plan Targets Vendors Article Discussion

Study your school’s Web site. Imagine you are a potential transfer student looking for a new school. Analyze the usefulness of the information available and how easy it is to locate information about various majors and directions for applying for admission. Identify 2-3 features of the Web site you would change in some way. Support your answer with citations from the text.

The following bulletin at a large manufacturing company provides guidelines for the plant security supervisors in assigning duties to the plant security guards at five separate plants. Revise and reorganize to make the bulletin easier to read and more useful to the supervisors. All supervisors must be conscious of the need to reduce costs and properly use available security guards in the most effective manner. Consider staggering the start and quit times to ensure a larger force during the peak demand hours. Every effort should be made to eliminate nonsecurity service functions, such as airport pickup, mail runs, drives to banks, drives to medical centers, and parcel pickup. The supervisors should regularly review the schedule to be sure the coverage meets the needs of the plant. Guards assigned to gates should advise the shift supervisors whenever they leave their posts, including for lunch breaks. Nonsecurity service functions should be contracted out if possible. Drives to banks should be performed by the responsible department, but a department may request a security guard escort. Guards assigned to patrols, shipping and receiving docks, and special surveillance should tell the shift supervisors when they leave their assigned task, even during the lunch break. Supervisors should consider combining spot checks with the regular duties of guards. For example, if a guard must open a gate and pass the trash center, the guard can spot-check the trash pickup on the way to or from opening the gate. Supervisors must know about outside employment of guards. These outside activities should not adversely affect the security arrangements at the plant. In general, security guards should not also work at racetracks casinos, or any places associated with gambling. Guards also should not be in partnership with co-workers since that relationship could negatively affect plant security. Supervisors need to check attendance records regularly. Frequent illness may indicate the guard cannot do the physical tasks appropriately. Questionable illness reports should be checked. Guards who operate small businesses may resist the normal rotation because it will interfere with their outside employment. Security requires a 7-day operation.

Find a real-world letter, memo, bulletin, pamphlet, or report online. Identify specific style problems. Evaluate the style and clarity of the document, and identify specific areas where revision would help readers. Support your answers with citations from the text. Be sure to include a URL to the document you are evaluating.

Find a Web site you use frequently and analyze how you use it. How easy is it to find the features you want to see? Has the home page changed since you began using it? Can you recall which features were redesigned? How consistent is the placement of navigation links on the pages you use? How informative are the headings and page titles? Are there any distracting elements? Are the graphics helpful or simply decorative? Are there moving graphics or text? If so, do they enhance the usefulness of the site? Write a memo to your instructor, analyzing the design of the Web site. Support your answers with citations from the text. Be sure to include the url.

Find the home pages for the following: a) Ford Motor Company, b) Chrysler, and c) General Motors. Analyze the design features of these home pages in terms of users who are seniors or have problems making precise movements with the mouse. Report your findings to your instructor in a memo.

Find a review of a computer product online. Using the information in the review, write a task-oriented set of instructions from the review. Be sure to include meaningful tasks and graphics. Use your book as a reference. Be sure to include the URL as a reference.
Submission Instructions: Submit your Midterm project in any format. See the attached rubric for further guidance.



Image Source – Unsplash