Deafness and Hard of Hearing
Communication disorders are a common menace among many learners who face challenges in communicating effectively. Learners with this disability are unable to share their thoughts, ideas, feelings, and needs. For example, these learners may be unable to narrate, explain, and request something from an instructor or fellow students. This discussion aims to analyze these types of communication disabilities and how they are likely to be affected. Do you need urgent assignment help ? Get in touch with us at We offer assignment help with high professionalism.
Chapter Summary
Language is an important aspect of communication as it facilitates the transfer of knowledge and ideas. However, when a learner has difficulties in language acquisition, they are likely to suffer from challenges in explaining themselves. According to the author, a lack of language acquisition skills leads to poor speech in learners (Heward 279). Speech is a complex human behavior that facilitates the ability to speak and share ideas. However, when speech is slowed during the early stages of life, the child may develop communication disorders and hence be unable to express themselves. Nonetheless, the author aims to enlighten parents on steps to take when they notice their child has delayed speech acquisition skills (Heward 280). Early intervention measures may help shape the future of these learners by helping them acquire strategies to overcome communication disorders. The chapter covers the following important aspects.
Communication disorders in school-going children
Speech impairments
Causes of communication disorders
How early childhood stages determine these disabilities
Communication differences are different from disorders
Features of communication disorders
How to detect communication disorders
How language acquisition delays may lead to communication disorders
Speech is a complex human behavior that facilitates the ability to speak and share ideas.
Early intervention measures may help shape the future of these learners by helping them acquire strategies to overcome communication disorders.
Works Cited
Heward, William L., and Charles L. Wood. Exceptional children: An introduction to special education. Pearson Education/Merrill/Prentice Hall, 2006.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Read Chapter 9: Deafness and Hard of Hearing Loss. After reading Chapter 9, you will need to write a paragraph (8-10 sentences) for the chapter generally describing what the chapter covered and then list 10 ideas/concepts that you learned while reading.

Deafness and Hard of Hearing
Please number the items you learned so that it is easy to see that you have met the requirements.
The book is named Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education. 10th Edition. Heward, W.L. (2012)