Curriculum-Based Measurement
Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) is an approach tutors use to determine how learners make progress in basic academic areas like reading, maths, spelling, and writing. Therefore, CBM is important for teachers, as it can help them to provide current week-by-week information on a child’s progress to the parents. Essentially, curriculum-based measurement allows tutors to choose the teaching methods that work more effectively with individual learners. Subsequently, this helps create a common understanding among teachers, parents, and administrators (Payan et al., 2019). Need help with your assignment ? Reach out to us. We offer excellent services.
Secondly, CBM offers a clear and visual representation of a school’s yearly academic performance goals and a student’s progress. In short, CBM helps teachers to keep up with learners’ progress. Different types of tests occur too infrequently in school to adapt and address the learner’s academic needs. Through such tests, the teacher can keep proper records using CBM to track the learners’ progress (van den Bosch et al., 2019). Further, CBM is also important for special education teachers if a child receives special education services. With the CBM graph, the teacher can improve productive communication at IEP meetings concerning the student’s current performance level. These records can also be beneficial in developing better objectives and goals for the IEP (Payan et al., 2019).
Finally, CBM helps teachers evaluate the success of their instruction with the learners receiving it. Since CBM enables close supervision and monitoring of learners’ progress, tutors can also use it to adjust or improve their instruction strategies if they fail to get foundational academic abilities vital for their future success. In such a case, the teacher might implement diverse teaching approaches, increase instructional time, and switch the grouping arrangements (van den Bosch et al., 2019). Ideally, with continued probes using CBM, educators can determine whether their teaching adjustments are making a meaningful difference.
Payan, A. M., Keller-Margulis, M., Burridge, A. B., McQuillin, S. D., & Hassett, K. S. (2019). Assessing teacher usability of written expression curriculum-based measurement. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 45(1), 51-64.
Van den Bosch, R. M., Espin, C. A., Pat-El, R. J., & Saab, N. (2019). Improving teachers’ comprehension of curriculum-based measurement progress-monitoring graphs. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 52(5), 413-427.
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Describe curriculum-based measurement (CBM). How is CBM useful to a teacher?