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Current Events and Cybersecurity-American Airlines Data Breach 2022

Current Events and Cybersecurity-American Airlines Data Breach 2022

American Airlines is an e-business because it performs its core business processes online. Customers use the airline’s website to book and schedule flights. In July 2022, American Airlines experienced a data breach and announced it in September 2022 (Reuters, 2022). A data breach is a cybersecurity crime where data is illegally accessed by a malicious person(s) for different purposes. In the American Airlines data breach incident, customers’ data was accessed by an unauthorized person(s) in July 2022. However, by September 2022, the data that was illegally obtained had not been put to use by the malicious person(s) (Reuters, 2022). It was reported that only data belonging to a small percentage of the airlines’ customers had been illegally obtained. The cybersecurity term used for the data breach was phishing (Reuters, 2022), where customers’ information, such as usernames and passwords, could have been obtained through clicking or redirection to unauthorized internet links.

Rapid Development of E-Business

E-businesses are businesses whose main operations are performed online (Grefen, 2015). This means that without an online or internet platform, business operations would be significantly affected. E-businesses have experienced rapid growth because digital devices and the internet have been embraced in today’s society, unlike in the past decade (Ukaj et al., 2020). This has led to more businesses adopting the e-business model. Such businesses include airlines and banks. Banks now have internet banking, ATMs, and mobile banking, which are core business processes. The business would be significantly affected if these banking systems were not available over the Internet.


A data breach was experienced by American Airlines in July 2022 as a result of phishing, a cybersecurity attack. This is because the airline is an e-business; therefore, it uses the Internet for its core business operations. E-businesses have increased in numbers and development because today’s society uses more digital devices and the internet. The use of the internet involves cyberspaces that are targeted by cyber criminals to perform cyber attacks


Grefen, P. (2015). Beyond E-business: Towards Networked Structures. Routledge.

Reuters. (2022). American Airlines Says Data Breach Affected Some Customers, Employees.

Ukaj, F., Ramaj, V., & Livoreka, R. (2020). The Impact of E-Business on Activity Extension and Business Performance. Journal of Distribution Science18(8), 103-112.


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Current Events and Cybersecurity-American Airlines Data Breach 2022

Current Events and Cybersecurity-American Airlines Data Breach 2022

Course Objective

Define and explain the meaning of e-Business
Acquire knowledge and understanding of the history of e-business and its impact on business
Evaluate and discuss issues surrounding ethics and security as related to e-Business
Find and discuss a case or article of a current event involving cybersecurity. What other topics does it involve, such as consumer privacy or data security? Explain how the rapid development of e-Business is linked to that of the Internet. Use examples to illustrate.


Response should be approximately 1 page (not counting the cover page and references page), supported with credible references and corresponding in-text citations, all in APA format.

You must submit your assignment as a Word (.doc, .docx) attachment on the Assignments tab for the week (please use the attached template for this assignment and throughout the course). Assignments submitted in any other manner will not be accepted.

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