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Current Diversity Topics in Substance Abuse Issues

Current Diversity Topics in Substance Abuse Issues

Gambling addiction, hypothetically, is an addiction from a neuro-centric perspective. This is because gambling addiction is characterized by compulsive pleasure-seeking behaviours and engagement in gambling behaviours despite the negative outcomes, including loss of financial resources due to how gambling alters the reward processing and impulse control functionality of the brain.

Annotated Bibliography

Goudriaan, A. E. (2020). Integrating neurocognition from bench to bedside in gambling disorder: from neurocognitive to translational studies. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 31, 83–88.

This opinion article presents a comprehensive review of existing translational and longitudinal studies focused on the integration of neurocognition therapeutic methods at all levels of managing gambling disorder. The authors propose treatments focused on managing cognitive, motivational, and affective factors, including stress modulation, neuromodulation, and neurocognitive training. Impulsivity is a risk factor for dropping out from treatment and relapse into gambling disorder.

The paper is reliable and valid as it is current and relevant to addiction behaviors, specifically gambling addiction, and the author has authority on the subject. The article is useful as it summarizes evidence on the use of neurocognition in managing gambling disorder, as well as understanding gambling and the various neuro-centric approaches to managing the disorder. Notably, the paper’s efficacy is high.

Ioannidis, K., Hook, R., Wickham, K., Grant, J. E., & Chamberlain, S. R. (2019). Impulsivity in Gambling Disorder and problem gambling: a meta-analysis. Neuropsychopharmacology 2019 44:8, 44(8), 1354–1361.

This article presents a meta-analysis focused on identifying the relationship between impulsivity in gambling disorder and the domains of impulsivity leading to gambling addiction. As the authors state, impulsivity occurs in a spectrum including decision-making, attention and motor inhibition, risk-taking behaviours, discounting, and reflection impulsivity leading to gambling disorder.

The article is efficient and valid as it meets all CRAAP (Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose) test parameters. It also presents high levels of evidence as it is a metanalysis. The article is useful as it helps understand the various domains of impulsivity and how each risks gambling disorder, which is useful information in providing care to addiction patients.

Szerman, N., Ferre, F., Basurte-Villamor, I., Vega, P., Mesias, B., Marín-Navarrete, R., & Arango, C. (2020). Gambling Dual Disorder: A Dual Disorder and Clinical Neuroscience Perspective. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 589155.

This article presents a narrative review of the available knowledge on gambling disorder with the aim of contributing to the understanding of the disorder from a dual disorder, precision psychiatry, and clinical neuroscience perspective. The authors discuss the epidemiology, etiology, and treatment of gambling dual disorder.

The article is credible and valid as it is current, relevant to gambling disorder, accurate in presenting results, and the authors have knowledge of the subject. It has high efficacy as it is a metanalysis. The article is also useful as it improves the understanding of gambling and related addiction behaviors.


Goudriaan, A. E. (2020). Integrating neurocognition from bench to bedside in gambling disorder: from neurocognitive to translational studies. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 31, 83–88.

Ioannidis, K., Hook, R., Wickham, K., Grant, J. E., & Chamberlain, S. R. (2019). Impulsivity in Gambling Disorder and problem gambling: a meta-analysis. Neuropsychopharmacology 2019 44:8, 44(8), 1354–1361.

Szerman, N., Ferre, F., Basurte-Villamor, I., Vega, P., Mesias, B., Marín-Navarrete, R., & Arango, C. (2020). Gambling Dual Disorder: A Dual Disorder and Clinical Neuroscience Perspective. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 589155.


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Current Diversity Topics in Substance Abuse Issues

Current Diversity Topics in Substance Abuse Issues

Select one of the behavioral addictions identified in Chapters 13, 14, 15, 16, or 18. Hypothesize whether it is an addiction from a neuro-centric perspective. Research and report in annotated bibliography format 3-5 articles that articulate a neuro-centric theory of either etiology or treatment. See the Annotated Bibliography guide and rubric for more information.

This assignment is designed to help you evaluate sources of information. An annotated bibliography includes all of the citation information needed to find a source and a paragraph describing the source.

Find 1 resource on your topic.

ONLY use APA citation formatting and use it consistently in the assignment

Look for reliable, valid sources that discuss research and use academic language.

As you write your annotated paragraph, include both a summary of the source and an evaluation of its validity and usefulness.

a. Summarize the content of the source – be descriptive and specific

b. Evaluate the accuracy and validity of the source

C. Describe the usefulness of the source

d. Evaluate the Efficacy level of the source

6. The format should list the citation, then the appropriate paragraph annotation, followed by the next citation and annotation. All entries should be typed and double-spaced.

Length: Your post should be roughly 4-6 paragraphs in length (a paragraph generally consists of 5 sentences that are organized around a central theme), and your responses to peers and professor at least 2 paragraphs (200 words).

References: Cite sources you reference in-text and under a “References” section in APA format. You should utilize at least one additional scholarly resource from the NU library in addition to your course material reading for a total of two (2) scholarly resources.

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