Cultural Values Worksheet
Topic 5: Cultural Values Worksheet
Understanding and examining values specific to various cultures or sub-groups can enhance the delivery of behavioural health services. Students must learn about the values of different groups to improve their ability to provide quality services to diverse populations in their role as paraprofessionals.
Directions: In the table below, identify three specific cultural values attributed to each of the cultural groups listed. In the far-right column, explain how knowledge of these values may influence how behavioural health services could be best provided to individuals in each cultural group. Use a minimum of two scholarly resources, which may include your textbook, to support your explanation.
Cultural Group | Cultural Values
How can knowledge of these values influence the provision of behavioural health services to individuals in each cultural group? (Each response should be 50 to 100 words.) |
African Americans | 1. Religion
2. Music 3. Family bonds
African Americans tend to endorse high levels of spiritual and religious engagement in comparison with other ethnic groups, and most African Americans turn to religious institutions and leaders for support regarding any mental or behavioural health concerns (Jones, Huey & Rubenson, 2018). Carefully evaluating and incorporating spiritual and religious values into treatment where appropriate could help make treatment more engaging and relevant for African-American clients.
Hip-hop, jazz and rap music are common among African Americans. Research shows that integrating black music into behavioural health interventions might help engage more African-American youths in health interventions and help to improve their health outcomes (Robinson et al., 2017). Given the lack of trust for healthcare workers among most African Americans, music can be used to increase awareness and encourage the use of behavioural health services. Communalism and harmony are important family values among African Americans. They believe that individual functioning and identity take place within communities and families that include fictive kinship networks (Thomas, 2017). Given the importance of family ties, involving family members with the approval of the African-American client can help in the recovery and intervention process. |
Arab Americans | 1. Family ties
2. Smoking 3. Islam |
Family is an important part of the Arab culture. Families maintain clan and tribal connections, and loyalties are very strong (Betts, 2020). Behavioural health services can have long-lasting impacts if families are all included.
Smoking has been passed down into the Arab culture, and it is virtually obligatory for guests to smoke as a sign of respect. There is a high prevalence of smoking and low smoking cessation rates among Arab Americans (Ghabdan et al, 2019). This might be increased by the act of acculturation. Being aware of the importance of smoking to Arab Americans can help paraprofessionals find interventions that will not downgrade their culture. Religion plays an integral role in the Arab culture. Islam values the importance of emotional well-being and good mental health. The Quran can be used as a guide to individuals with various illnesses and can help them lead a meaningful quality of life since it is believed that there is no disease that is without a cure (Samah, 2018). This can help inform good practices and interventions that can enhance general well-being. |
Asian Americans | 1. Family ties
2. Food 3. Education
Family always comes first among Asian Americans since this is considered the top cultural value (Pew Research Center, 2012). Family support for patients seeking behavioural health services can play an important role in the intervention process.
Food is very important in Asian culture. Cardiovascular diseases are common among Asian Americans, as well as cases of obesity, stroke and being overweight. Certain foods like pork are prohibited among them. However, due to acculturation, other unhealthy junk foods are picked up, hence putting their health at risk. Knowledge of the type and quantity of food among Asian Americans can help in dietary interventions against certain lifestyle diseases. Education is highly valued among Asian Americans. Most of them are considered well-educated, wealthy and successful. Behavioural health services can be incorporated as part of their education to encourage a better quality of life and well-being. |
Latino Americans | 1. Family ties
2. Herbal therapies 3. Kindness |
Latinos value their families and rely on collective responsibility and accountability. Families can be a major source of support for better behavioural health outcomes.
Herbal therapies play a major role in Latino folk medicine (Juckett, 2013). Therefore, it is important to know the names of the common herbs and treatments. Most of them believe that diseases have unnatural (sorcery-related) and natural causes. Knowledge of folk healing and illness among patients is important as these can be incorporated into behavioural health services. Kindness or simpatico emphasizes the need for politeness and conflict avoidance (Juckett, 2013). The ability to show kindness in the administration of behavioural health services can minimize distrust and improve outcomes for Latino-American patients. |
Betts, J.L. (2020). Arab Culture Values. Retrieved from
Ghadban, R., Haddad, L., Thacker, L. R., An, K., Balster, R. L., & Salyer, J. (2019). Smoking behaviors in Arab Americans: Acculturation and health beliefs. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 30(2), 115-123.
Jones, E., Huey, S. J., & Rubenson, M. (2018). Cultural competence in therapy with African Americans. In Cultural competence in applied psychology (pp. 557-573). Springer, Cham.
Juckett, G. (2013). Caring for Latino patients. American Family Physician, 87(1), 48-54.
Pew Research Center. (2012). Chapter 5: Family and Personal Values. Retrieved from
Robinson, C., Seaman, E. L., Montgomery, L., & Winfrey, A. (2018). A review of hip hop-based interventions for health literacy, health behaviours, and mental health. Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities, 5(3), 468-484.
Samah, F. (2018). The Qur’an and mental health. The British Psychological Society, 31, 5-6.
Thomas, A. (2017). Promoting culturally affirming parenting in African-American parents: Positive parenting in African American families. CYF News. CYF News.
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Cultural Values Worksheet
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Psychology-Cultural Values Worksheet
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