Critical Analysis of Two Doctoral Dissertations
First Dissertation
The undertaking of this dissertation by Sims (2022) was an attempt to comprehend whether Cognitive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) can lead to improvement in academic performances among third graders. The research article focuses on the meaning of reading and math in schools with SWPBIS (School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) interventions and compares schools with SWPBIS and schools without SWPBIS. The research design is a quantitative, cause-comparative experiment with MAAP data for analysis (Sims, 2022). The study included third-year class students who took the MAAP test in the 2018/2019 school year. Of these, three schools used PBIS, and the other two schools did not.
One of the aims of this study was to fill the gap in the existing research literature by assessing the effect of PBIS on academic achievement, in general, for reading and math over an entire school year. Previous research has already proven that there is a correlation between the implementation of PBIS and better outcomes in the matter of discipline; however, there is still insufficient research on its effect on academic success (Sims, 2022). The main outcome of this study is that it gives a unique point of view regarding the association between PBIS and academic success. This is crucial to the research on the effectiveness of the application of PBIS.
This study used a causal-comparative type of instrument, which includes MAAP data on reading and arithmetic. The population under study consisted of all third graders who took the assessment during the 2018-2019 school term, where three schools used PBIS and two did not adopt PBIS. Subjects were not randomly picked; the participants were a whole class of third-grade students from each school (Sims, 2022). The study was dedicated to exploring whether there was any discernible difference in the reading and math scores of students who experienced PBIS and those who did not.
Students who participated in PBIS showed improvement in their academic performance in the third grade compared to those who did not engage in PBIS. In the reading and math fields, students in schools with SWPBIS had better scale scores compared to students in non-SWPBIS schools (Sims, 2022). These findings indicate that PBIS implementation has a positive effect on academic performance. Hence, the theory that putting an effort into improving behavior may lead students to academic improvement is valid.
The findings of the study match with other studies that demonstrate positive effects related to the adoption of PBIS, including a decrease in disciplining measures. On the other hand, in terms of research, this study goes further than others as it focuses on the effect of PBIS on achievement over the entire school year. In addition, its discoveries aid in comprehending the endurance and effectiveness of PBIS in providing positive academic achievements.
The research also provides information about the bigger picture of behavior management in schools. Creating safe and positive learning environments is highlighted, as the research ascertains effective evidence-based programs based on PBIS that not only student behavior but also academic success. The study is directed to Tier I implementation, which covers all students. This indicates that SWPBIS is all-inclusive and has the ability to positively impact academic achievements.
Overall, the study gives scientific evidence of the association between PBIS and academic development among grade three students. The results revealed that schools that implemented SWPBIS showed better reading and math proficiency results than those that did not implement PBIS. These data enrich knowledge in PBIS, with the main message being that the approach can have a positive effect on both behavioral and academic performances (Sims, 2022). However, further investigation is needed to determine the long-term impact of PBIS on academic achievement and to ascertain its effectiveness in secondary grades and various subject areas. This study signifies the significance of developing positive behavior and the creation of conducive learning environments as a means of improving academic performance.
Analysis of the Research Quality
Several noteworthy strengths of the investigation completed on the role of PBIS in boosting the academic performance of third graders stand out. First, this research applied the causal-comparative design that enabled the comparison of schools using School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports and those who did not. This design makes it easier to trace the correlation between PBIS and academic performance, leading to an analysis closer to reality.
The use of the data obtained from MAAP is an integral part of the study, and it makes the research more credible. The research used a standardized test to ensure that there would be descriptions of students’ achievements that were objective and reliable (Sims, 2022). This method of standardization makes the findings more reliable and valid. This also allows for a more comparable analysis of different schools and groups of students.
The statistical analysis used in this study was a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), which is legitimate for the research question required. This statistical procedure enabled the comparison of reading and math achievement scale scores elicited in two groups of participants: PBIS and non-PBIS pupils (Sims, 2022). Statistical analysis with an appropriate approach not only increases the validity of the results but also serves as the base for concluding meaningful inferences.
The study is strong in that the hypothesis test is clearly formulated. The research found that scores of readings and math for groups of learners involved in PBIS and those who did not participate would not demonstrate any difference. The clarity at which the hypothesis is formulated helps evaluate the research question and provide an appropriate evaluation of the results obtained.
Although the study is characterized by a number of convincing advantages, it is not without setbacks. A top challenge is the absence of rendered findings being applicable in a wider setting. The research was conducted among a subset of third-grade students only, showing that the findings are relatively limited in relation to other grades. To strengthen the external generalizability of the study the future experimentation, the research should involve various grade levels to support the possibility of the impact of PBIS on different age groups.
The research limitations also include the inability to consider reading and math as broad indicators of academic achievement. These subjects are crucial, but when science or social study areas are included, it is possible for the learner to develop a broader knowledge of how PBIS affects overall academic achievement. The breadth of the PBIS will be widened to assess the efficacy of the system across different academic domains, thereby attaining a transdisciplinary perspective.
The research did not include factors that may be involved in the status of academics, such as socio-economic background situation, initial academic performance, or quality of teachers. Taking these concerns into account, I would design the project to enable me to control the variables and assure the validity of the final findings. To have viable research that will explain the impact of PBIS on student performance accurately in the future, research should involve estimating the effect of confounding factors and examining the specific results of PBIS.
Regarding possible areas of improvement, one of the suggestions is to check whether the PBIS implementation leads to long-term academic achievements. Although the study determined the immediate results of PBIS, monitoring the improvement of students across different school years would be beneficial in discovering the long-term effects of PBIS on academic performance. Furthermore, the adoption of the mixed-methods approach, which mixes the qualitative and quantitative methods, will broaden the understanding of the mechanisms behind PBIS and its impact on academic achievements. Employing interviews or observations in addition to quantitative data collection entails a significant and in-depth analysis of factors that cause the observed effect of PBIS.
Future studies can add a control group to strengthen the research design. Although the current research concentrated on comparing schools practicing PBIS and schools that had no PBIS, having a control group that receives an alternative intervention or no intervention at all would give a more in-depth analysis of the exact influence of PBIS on academic progress. Finally, increasing the size of the sample to include more schools and students would enhance the statistical significance of the study and help the generalizability of the results. A larger sample might give a more complete picture of the population being studied and produce more reliable findings.
Personal Analysis and Discussion
The dissertation and the review work about the role of PBIS in academic progress have not only broadened my understanding but also enhanced my knowledge base in education. The use of this research in education is incalculable because it provides practical measures on how to reform the current education practices and policies. To this end, I will develop a coherent personal analysis that will demonstrate the practical side of the results of the research.
A lesson drawn from this research is the necessity of implementing thorough research methodologies in the process of investigating the efficacy of educational interventions. The causal-comparative design employed in the dissertation, which compared schools that have adopted School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) with those that did not, enabled a stronger assessment of the causal relationship between PBIS and academic performance. I have learned to carefully review the design of studies, evaluate the validity of the causal claims, and take the perspective of possible alternative causes when it comes to the field of education by this method. In addition, the dissertation encourages one to be more thorough and rigorous in their research methodologies to validate results.
Additionally, the utilization of standardized tests like MAAP brought to my attention the necessity of making full use of standardized and objective measures of academic progress (Solari et al., 2020). Through a standardized evaluation process, valid indicators were provided, which resulted in credible and trustworthy findings. This revelation is in parity with my knowledge that the data anchored on reliable sources should be used to make informed decisions regarding education and to assess the interventions accurately. This has shown the importance of the quality of the measures employed when interpreting educational tendencies.
Another meaningful lesson that I have learned from this study is that the researcher needs to consider the limitations and possible confounding factors in educational research. The dissertation listed several weaknesses of the research, such as the inability to generalize, the fact that it used reading and math to demonstrate academic accomplishment, and the omission of the socio-economic status of students or teacher quality. In addition, it has become evident that the failure to adjust for possible confounders in research design contributes to the lack of causal relationships among and other factors influencing the phenomenon under study. Becoming aware of these impacting factors and possible impediments has widened my comprehension of the intricate processes that educational research entails and the importance of considering multiple variables.
The study, which covers PBIS and its connection to academic achievement, contains a vast amount of crucial information and is consequently of great relevance to the education sector. These research findings demonstrate the significance of PBIS as a positive change factor in education, specifically the improvement of reading and math. According to this consciousness level, PBIS provides the basis for implementing a positive and supportive educational environment in institutions where student success is guaranteed. Furthermore, school managers and policymakers outside the classroom can use the research findings to improve conditions related to peer pressure, violence, and bullying. Therefore, research findings in the dissertation have utility for policymakers in terms of allocation of resources to PBIS training programs for educators and integrating PBIS frameworks into school-wide initiatives. This study shows the necessity of including interventions that focus on positive behavior support, with the aim of ensuring better academic performance and creating a favorable learning environment.
In addition, the knowledge gained during the dissertation adds to my belief in the importance of employing evidence-based techniques in education. Evidently, research done in a rigorous way and the scrutiny of the empirical evidence contribute to formulating effective educational strategies (Eden et al., 2024). This knowledge fuels my need to conduct precise research, judge education policies, and use the evidence that is available at my disposal in my decision-making. Research about PBIS and academic achievement has demonstrated that evidence-based decision-making is a must, and research is an integral part of education, as it guides the practices and policies in schools. It has driven me to remain current with cutting-edge research and to apply evidence-based methods to my educational practice as a teacher each day of my work.
In summation, I have unveiled interesting findings through the dissertation and the studied work on the effects of PBIS on academic performance. The significance of this research is not to be underestimated, considering its role in education. The personal lessons learned included, among other things, the principle of applying a well-structured research methodology, the use of reliable instruments, and considering limitations and confounding variables. These lessons have deepened my understanding of educational research practices. Secondly, the implications of this research for practice demonstrate the power of PBIS to foster student achievement and to guide school-level and system-wide educational policies and practices. This work has cemented my trust in evidence-based practices and encouraged me to source high-quality research to serve as the guiding principle of my professional life in education.
Second Dissertation
The purpose of the qualitative research by McCreary (2023) was to investigate the beliefs of teachers about the process of application of behavior intervention programs in alternative schools. The study was geared towards gaining a thorough insight into the challenges teachers face in these educational settings, focusing on the coordination of interventions, teachers’ buy-in, and collaboration of teams in these institutions. Eighteen students from the different alternative schools were meticulously chosen to get the intricate details through interviewing and discussions. The findings of the study revealed three prominent themes that emerged from the participants’ experiences: delineation of misaligned interventions, teacher buy-in, and team collaboration.
The first theme, misaligned interventions, highlighted the necessity of paying more attention to what teachers have to share and contribute in terms of behavior intervention tactics in schools and organizations. Students expressed a lowered sense of belonging and a lack of respect in the decision-making process (McCreary, 2023). Consequently, the intervention failed to sufficiently address students’ specific needs in alternative schools. It is manifest that school districts and alternative schools should make their interventions appropriate and specially created for particular situations so that the approach to behavior management would be more effective and custom-made.
The second theme, the importance of teachers’ buy-in, was the recognition of how essential it is for the success of behavior intervention initiatives to have teachers on board and engaged. The participants drew attention to the role of teachers in this process, allowing them to share their opinions and ensuring their inclusion in decision-making (McCreary, 2023). As it is necessary to have certain procedures for assessing student behavioral improvement, this will promote teacher endorsement and dedication to intervention programs. Reinforcing teacher endorsement may lead to higher implementation fidelity and better engagement, finally contributing to more successful alternative schools.
The third theme, group cooperation, stressed the importance of collaborative activities involving teachers and other authorities in successfully rolling out behavior intervention schemes. Individuals who took part discussed the therapeutic value of sharing experiences, working out with colleagues, and getting administrative assistance in dealing with the behavioral problems of students (McCreary, 2023). Nonetheless, the investigation showed that the lack of collaboration and communication among stakeholders would be the main obstacle to the implementation of those interventions. In brief, the creation of a collaborative culture, characterized by openness, communication, and sharing of responsibilities for all stakeholders, is essential for a successful and sustainable implementation of behavior intervention initiatives in alternative schools.
The study findings have served as a basis for a number of recommendations for future research. Initially, future studies should investigate the effectiveness of behavior intervention programs in various school settings and among different groups of students to find out what contextual factors influence these interventions. From the study of urban versus suburban schools or boys versus girls’ education and special education settings, one can better understand how these contextual factors influence the success of behavior intervention programs (McCreary, 2023). Research should consider the experiences and outlooks of other stakeholders as well, namely administrators, school counselors, principals, assistant principals, and parents. Gaining information from a diversity of stakeholders will enhance the understanding process and identify better ways to increase effectiveness.
Moreover, qualitative studies such as the use of survey research approaches were suggested to provide evidence from a larger population or be conducted across the district in more than one school. Through this, one can identify areas that should be commended and those that require improvement as they evaluate the impact of behavior intervention programs. Furthermore, the suggestion of the longitudinal studies was given so that the implementation and perception of the behavior intervention initiatives can be tracked and analyzed over an extended period. This research would be longitudinal in nature and would provide crucial information regarding the long-term outcomes of these initiatives, thereby indicating patterns and trends that can help design new interventions and practices.
Future studies should focus on the development of culturally responsive interventions and testing the support offered by school administrations to help implement interventions to deal with chronic behavioral difficulties. The management of classrooms and considering the cultural and upbringing variables that lead to behavioral disparities in alternative schools contribute to the design of more inclusive and effective practices.
This phenomenological study proved to be an informative approach to exploring teachers’ views on the introduction of behavior intervention plans in alternative education institutions. The results pointed out the significance of matching interventions with students’ needs, inviting teachers to join in, and enhancing collaborative efforts among all stakeholders (McCreary., 2023). The research intends to enhance the implementation of behavior intervention programs in alternative schools by accounting for contextual factors, stakeholders, and cultural variables.
Analysis of the Research Quality
The research on teachers’ perspectives concerning the implementation of behavior intervention programs in alternative schools has advantages but also some weaknesses. Firstly, the study sheds light on the uncovered field of educational research and points out ways to improve the implementation and effectiveness of behavior intervention programs in alternative schools. Also, its phenomenological approach gives the research the strength of the in-depth investigation of the teachers’ experiences and how they perceive education. Through interviews and discussions with participants from thirteen alternative schools, the research was able to obtain multiple perspectives. This made the research more interesting and detailed. As such, it provides a holistic comprehension of the bottlenecks and openings related to behavior intervention programs in alternative schools.
In addition, the selection of the three distinctive elements—misaligned programs, teacher buy-in, and teamwork—ensures a clear and ordered approach to analyzing the information. This helps highlight the key challenges during the application of behavior intervention programs and could be the basis for future studies and practical interventions. The research outlines the significance of teachers as key players in planning and facilitating behavioral intervention programs. Thus, by stressing the importance of their participation, the study helps create a more open and participative model for decision-making. This validation of teachers’ experience and perception is regarded as the basis of the effectiveness and relevance of programs in the alternative setting.
Nevertheless, some constraints should be mentioned. On the one hand, the relatively small number of participants (13) may raise questions about the extent to which the obtained results can be generalized. Incorporating a larger and more purposeful sample may provide a broader range of viewpoints, hence improving the external validity of research. However, the study did not involve other crucial stakeholders, such as administrators, parents, and students, among others. The involvement of these additional stakeholders would not only provide an all-encompassing appreciation of the implementation process but also be an indication of areas that could be strengthened.
On the other hand, phenomenological research is quite important for describing various lived experiences and viewpoints, though it lacks quantitative data that could be used to measure the success of intervention programs (McCreary., 2023). Additionally, supporting the qualitative data with quantitative measures, such as surveys or behavioral outcomes evaluations, could increase the study’s reliability and allow for a more complete evaluation of the interventions’ effects.
The research process could be enhanced by using mixed methods, that is, in-depth interviews along with quantitative measurements. This strategy will be used for both deeper, qualitative information about teachers’ beliefs and feelings and for collecting objective data on the outcomes of behavior intervention programs. By using various research tools, the depth of understanding of the topic will be reached. Moreover, extending the research range to the comparative analysis of behavior intervention programs in different alternative schools could provide clearer pictures of contextual factors around implementation and effect (Lee & Gage, 2020). Adding a longitudinal component to the study, which would allow tracking the long-lasting effects of these interventions, could also be an effective way to evaluate the maturity of programs.
Overall, despite the positive sides, such as the adoption of a phenomenological framework and the recognition of three themes, the research also has shortcomings that need to be considered. Enlarging the sample size, including various stakeholders, adopting mixed methods methodology, and considering contextual factors and the long-term effect while conducting the research could improve the quality of the research and give a more comprehensive understanding concerning behavior intervention implementation in alternative schools.
Personal Analysis and Discussion
One of the main lessons I have learned is that the process of developing and implementing behavior intervention initiatives involving teachers is vital. The research underscored the role of valuing teachers’ professionalism and experience, for they directly work with students and are more knowledgeable about student behaviors and other needs. Schools can make improvements in planning and development when teachers are involved because the interventions will be more targeted and conducive to the alternative school setting. This lesson is significant to me because it highlights the undoubted contribution of every member of society and shared responsibility for the well-being of all.
Additionally, the idea of teacher buy-in was revealed to be a key element for the successful planning of behavior intervention solutions. The dissertation highlighted the need for procedures that would enable the evaluation of student behavioral progress as well as the possibilities for educators to participate and have their voices heard. This lesson demonstrates the fundamental need for teacher ownership and commitment, as the teachers’ buy-in is crucial in making the intervention fidelity and sustainability possible. I am a teacher aware of the importance of having a supportive space where teacher engagement and empowerment are fostered to enhance the proper implementation and effectiveness of behavioral interventions.
The significance of teamwork in alternative schools was also highlighted in the research. The report stressed the significance of sharing experiences, working with other employees, and receiving support from the administrators in dealing with student behavioral problems. This resonates with me well because it stresses the need for teachers to collaborate, share their best practices, and get support from the administration. Through collaboration and communication, schools can achieve a more unified and result-oriented model for behavior intervention interventions. This session reinforces the need to develop professional connections and to reach out to colleagues and administrators when encountering students’ behavioral issues.
Theoretically, the results of this dissertation can be applied in all fields of education. The research identifies the obstacles that teachers in alternative schools encounter and suggests actions to make the implementation and effectiveness of behavior intervention initiatives more effective. The focus on involving teachers in decision-making processes, mobilizing their support, and creating a teamwork atmosphere is in line with the current trends in educational studies and methodology.
The gained experience from this dissertation can be instrumental in the practical application of alternative school programs. School leaders and administrators who are part of districts can use the findings to create policies and procedures that promote teacher participation and collaboration in order to adapt the behavior intervention initiatives that are used to the unique needs of the students. A professional development program can be created to provide teachers with the appropriate competencies in implementing interventions and measuring student outcomes. Via such implementations, alternative schools could make a community of trust and cooperation that contributes to the effectiveness of behavior intervention programs.
In general, a personal analysis of this dissertation has brought me to an understanding of challenges and opportunities around education, especially the implementation of behavior intervention in alternative schools. The examples given about teacher engagement, gaining their support, and collaboration showed lessons that, practically, could be used for the improvement of behavior management initiatives. By introducing these techniques to educational practices, schools can design an inclusive and supportive environment that helps improve the overall academic and behavioral outcomes of the students attending alternative schools.
Eden, C. A., Chisom, O. N., & Adeniyi, I. S. (2024). Education policy and social change: Examining the impact of reform initiatives on equity and access. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 11(2), 139-146.
Lee, A., & Gage, N. A. (2020). Updating and expanding systematic reviews and meta‐analyses on the effects of school‐wide positive behavior interventions and supports. Psychology in the Schools, 57(5), 783-804.
McCreary, T. (2023). Teachers’ perceptions on the implementation of behavioral intervention initiatives in alternate schools: A phenomenological study. Liberty University.
Sims, D. T. (2022). School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) and the effects on the academic success of students. Liberty University.
Solari, E. J., Terry, N. P., Gaab, N., Hogan, T. P., Nelson, N. J., Pentimonti, J. M., … & Sayko, S. (2020). Translational science: A road map for the science of reading. Reading Research Quarterly, 55, S347-S360.
We’ll write everything from scratch
For this assignment, you will write reviews on two separate doctoral dissertations. Select two Liberty University School of Education doctoral dissertations via the Liberty University Scholars Crossing link provided with this assignment. The dissertations in the Scholars Crossing repository are organized chronologically, with the most recently published on top. Click on the title of a dissertation to view basic information for that dissertation, including the abstract. Click the “Download” button to access the full-text document. Be sure to confirm via the title page of the selected dissertation that it is indeed a dissertation and not a conference presentation, thesis, or other forms of scholarly work.

Critical Analysis of Two Doctoral Dissertations
The dissertations you select should not be dissertations you have previously reviewed for this or another course. One dissertation you choose should reflect the research topic you identified in Discussion: Research Topic. The second dissertation you choose must employ a research design type similar to that you will propose in your upcoming Research Methodology Presentation Assignment. The dissertations you choose must have been written within the past five years.