Latest News - Criminology

Crime Control Perspectives

Crime Control Perspectives According to Edkins & Royal (2011), a crime control perspective classifies crime prevention as an ideology that focuses on the greater good or individual rights. On...

Eyewitness Testimony

Eyewitness Testimony             Eyewitness testimony is vital in collecting information about events that have already occurred, and it is considered a compelling piece of information in the...

Biometrics and the Future

Biometrics and the Future Why does the IAFIS work so well? The Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) is a state criminal history and fingerprint system managed by the...

Biometrics and the Courts

Biometrics and the Courts Reliability and Validity of Evidence in Court Evidence, simply described as any material concerning a court proceeding, is one of the most crucial aspects in courts for...