Latest News - Creative Writing

Major Literary Genres

Major Literary Genres Distinguishing characteristics and traits make the differences between the significant literary devices apparent. The two works of literature, ‘The Ants & the...

Self-Care and Mindfulness

Self-Care and Mindfulness People possess more than the physical body when it comes to individualism. As an individual, a person is whole when the mind, body, and spirit provide holism. In a holistic...

Conditioning Project

Conditioning Project Procrastination is a problem that I have faced ever since I was young. Whenever I am given a task, I tend to postpone doing it until such a time that I feel I have no choice but...

Autobiographical Memoir

Autobiographical Memoir We Should Always Strive to Live a Life We Shall Remember On the fateful day of 3rd March 2017, my life took an unexpected turn following the events that occurred to me. My...

End of Life Wishes

End of Life Wishes Would you want to be placed in a nursing home if your condition warranted? Why or why not? Yes, I would want to be placed in a nursing home when I am elderly, but it has to be one...