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Creating a Brand RadiantFires

Creating a Brand RadiantFires

Market Analysis

RadiantFires is a luxury candle brand that focuses on creating a peaceful and magical ambiance in any living space. The brand’s candles burn for a long time and are made with eco-friendly raw materials. The brand also uses beautiful designs for decorative candles and alluring scents to create a comforting and cozy atmosphere. The candles are also designed to provoke a specific feeling based on a customer’s taste and preferences. The brand offers a variety of candles, including jars, pillars, and decorative, scented, and specialty candles. The brand is focused on creating a competitive advantage and providing the best products and services to a wide range of customers. However, it is crucial to understand the market to determine opportunities that can be leveraged to increase competitive advantage and predict the brand’s success.

According to Fisher (2020), candles are classified under cosmetics. In 2022, the global market size for cosmetics was $262.21 billion (Grand View Research, 2022). The market size is expected to grow at a 4.2% compounded growth rate by 2030. The growth is attributed to the widespread increase in the use of personal care products and the increase in the global population. The growth in market size is also attributed to the increase in the advertisement of cosmetic products through social media platforms and the consumer preference for products made with natural products. There is also a growing preference for fragrance products. Therefore, there will be a high demand for scented candles in the future to meet the needs of customers seeking fragrance. However, the market dynamics for scented candles have fluctuated over the past five years due to consumer behavior. For example, there is a high demand for scented candles because of the increased awareness of their aesthetic appeal and therapeutic properties. The competition in the scented candles market is high because brands producing candles have realized the rising demand for the candles, thus reducing the competitive advantage for brands that are unable to maintain uniqueness and offer a good, unique proposition.

The fluctuations in the price of raw materials used to manufacture candles and the changes in the regulations about emissions from burning candles may affect the profit margins and production costs. Therefore, candle manufacturers must focus on creating a large market share to increase profit margins. The cosmetics market creates an opportunity for scented candle manufacturers to grow their revenue by leveraging the opportunity created by the increase in people’s awareness about their mental health and self-care. Consumers are also looking for ways to create a calm atmosphere and relax at home, thus increasing the attractiveness of scented candles. Technological advancements also create an opportunity for candle manufacturers to try out new scents, thus attracting many customers. The cosmetics industry is also anticipated to continue increasing because of the increase in disposable income. The demand for scented jars is also increasing, and customers are interested in trying new scents. Decorative candles are also in high demand in restaurants, thus creating a large market for candle manufacturers.

Original Logo

A brand logo is an image or symbol representing an organization, company, or person. Brand logos are used to optimize brand reach, presence, and recognition. RadiantFires has created a unique brand logo that communicates what the brand will offer and applies a unique design that communicates luxury. The RadiantFires logo is shown in the image below.

Original Name

The original brand name is RadiantFires.

Brand Image

According to Mazloomi et al. (2015), brand image is customers’ perception of a brand. The demand for candles, especially scented and decorative candles, is high because they create a calming and comfortable environment and are ideal for gifting and personal use. RadiantFires positions itself in the candle business as a premium brand by focusing on quality, alluring scents, elegant designs, and premium materials. RadiantFires also positions itself as a luxury brand by emphasizing unique craftsmanship, attention to detail, and eco-friendly techniques to cater to the needs and preferences of customers looking for luxury products. The demand for RadiantFires candles is anticipated to be high because of the rising interest in self-care and home décor and its ability to offer what clients across various target markets are looking for. The main customer segments include health and self-care seekers, house décor enthusiasts, gift shoppers, and luxury lifestyle consumers.

RadiantFires aims to bring serenity, beauty, and a sense of magic into people’s lives through various types of candles, such as decorative, scented, specialty, jar, and pillar candles. Decorative and scented candles have become one of the most sought-after categories of candles over the past five years because of their widespread use in self-care and decoration, particularly in the hospitality sector. Therefore, producing high-quality scented and decorative candles is vital to meet the rising demand and explore opportunities that competitors have not exploited for increased profitability. Personalized pillar candles, specialty, and jars are also in high demand, thus creating a good business opportunity for companies and individuals venturing into the candle business to create a unique value proposition and generate profit. According to Hancock (2022), the pillars and jars market is the leading candle market because it provides portability, flexibility, and increased convenience because the candles can be lit partially, re-lit, and moved as desired. The demand for jars is high in restaurants and homes because of their scenting and decorative purpose since the wax can be contained within the jar.

According to Janiszewska & Insch (2012), a brand positioning statement includes positioning analysis, competitive analysis, a definition of the brand identity and market integration, delivery, creative output, and vision. RadiantFires’ brand positioning statement will be; “To be the world’s leading scented and decorative candles manufacturer by providing high-quality eco-friendly candles that meet every customer’s needs and preferences.” The statement will be linked to the brand’s mission and objectives to create customer value.

One tentative emotional and functional benefit and value that RadiantFires promises is reducing stress levels. Scents such as citrus reduce blood pressure and the production of cortisol, thus improving immune function and reducing the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Scents such as lavender and jasmine give a relaxing effect, thus making scented candles ideal for use in stress relief. The second tentative emotional and functional benefit is soothing the senses. Various scents such as jasmine, peppermint, and geranium offer a calming effect, thus helping a person relax and sleep well. Scented candles can also enhance a person’s mood, making them feel more relaxed and happier. They also stimulate receptors that send signals to the brain to control memory, emotions, behavior, and moods. The third tentative emotional and functional benefit is improving a person’s overall health. Scented candles can reduce the side effects of various treatments, such as cancer treatment, by preventing nausea and vomiting. Scents such as peppermint, geranium, and lavender can also help reduce cholesterol levels leading to improved health. The functional benefit of decorative candles, pillars, and jars is that they contribute to ambiance and beauty in a room or specific setting and create a luxurious look, especially in restaurants. RadiantFires can create value for its customers by offering scented candles with various scents and customizing and personalizing scents based on customer specifications.

Brand Communication/Promotion Strategy

RadiantFires will use Integrated Marketing Communication. According to Juska (2021), Integrated Marketing Communication is a strategic approach used to unite marketing communication channels. RadiantFires will use direct marketing, advertising, internet marketing, public relations, and sales promotions to communicate its brand value to customers. The brand will advertise in magazines, newspapers, and television to reach a large audience. RadiantFires’ direct marketing will include direct emails, online targeted display advertisements and brochures. Targeting specific clients through direct marketing will enable the brand to increase the return on sales and improve its products based on customer feedback and recommendations. The brand will use Internet marketing by posting its products and product descriptions on social media platforms and using blogs and search engine optimization. RadiantFires’ sales promotion will include a combination of trade-oriented and consumer-oriented promotions. Trade-oriented promotion focuses on increasing sales volume over other brands, forcing them to order more from one seller. Consumer-oriented promotion focuses on increasing sales among existing customers and attracting new customers. RadiantFires will use corporate social responsibility, consumer education, and social media campaigns for public relations marketing. Corporate social responsibility will include volunteering in community activities and donating funds to support community initiatives. The brand will also provide sponsorships for students in the community. Social media campaigns and consumer education will enlighten customers about the benefits of scented and decorative candles, pillars, specialties, and jars.

RadiantFires will use digital media channels to advertise its products and interact with customers. The digital media channels have been selected because they will enable the brand to reach many customers with different tastes and preferences. Digital media will also enable the brand to interact with customers and get their opinion and feedback about its products so that it can understand its performance in the market and improvement areas. In addition, the brand will create blogs to inform customers about the benefits of RadiantFires products and where to purchase them. The blogs will also include information about how the candles are manufactured to gain the audience’s interest and communicate the initiatives taken by the brand in the manufacturing process to protect the environment. The brand will use videos to demonstrate how the candles, pillars, and jars are used.

RadiantFires will use promotional content that communicates the products offered by the brand and the advantages of the different scents in the scented candles. The main promotional content that will be posted on the brand’s website and social media platform is shown below.

Brands can use user experience or customer experience to engage their audience. User experience focuses on the customers directly interacting with a specific service or product (van de Sand et al., 2019). Accordingly, RadiantFires will use customer experience (Cx) to engage with and relate to its target audience. According to van de Sand et al. (2019), customer experience focuses on boosting a brand’s overall perception and increasing customer loyalty to improve marketing, how a brand communicates with its customers, and design ways to improve the overall customer experience. As such, RadiantFires will focus on how customers rate its products and use social media platforms to get customer feedback and monitor complaints. Additionally, the brand will use customer feedback to improve its products, increase customer loyalty, and create a competitive advantage. The brand will also monitor customer feedback about the customer service they receive, delivery methods, pricing, and product usability.

RadiantFires will use a variety of content materials to reach a wider audience. The content materials will focus on providing detailed information about the brand’s products, such as its benefits and value proposition. The content will be posted on social media platforms and shared with customers through direct mail. The selected content materials are outlined below.

Content 1

Content 2

Content 3

How the Promotional/Content Materials Will Be Used For Neuroscientific Testing

According to Alvino et al. (2020), neuroscientific testing includes using devices that can measure critical psychological functions such as respiration rate, heartbeat, and blood pressure and reflexes such as pupil dilation, gaze fixation, and facial expression. The tools reveal information about a consumer’s reactions, impressions, and emotional responses when exposed to marketing stimuli. The reactions and impressions may be positive or negative. Neuroscience tools also enable real-time measurements of brain activity, such as electroencephalogram and resonance imaging, and measure consumers’ neural activity when performing consumption-related behavior, such as testing or purchasing a product. The main categories of consumer neuroscience tools are tools that record inside and outside brain activity and those that manipulate brain activity. RadiantFires’ promotional content can be used for neuroscientific texting in various ways. For example, the infographic providing information about the advantages of the different scents in the brand’s scented candles can be used to test customer impressions about the brand based on its role in promoting their health and well-being. The promotion content communicating the brand’s value proposition can be used to determine whether customers have a positive or negative view of the brand’s unique proposition and how it may impact their intention to purchase.


Alvino, L., Pavone, L., Abhishta, A., & Robben, H. (2020). Picking your brains: Where and how Neuroscience Tools can enhance marketing research. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14.

Fisher, D. (2020, January 30). Find out how to label your homemade candles and soaps. The Spruce Crafts.,for%20instance)%2C%20and%20more.

Grand View Research. (2022). Cosmetics market size, Share & Growth Analysis Report, 2030. Cosmetics Market Size, Share & Growth Analysis Report, 2030.

Hancock, A. (2022). Candle Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report by 2030. LinkedIn.

Janiszewska, K., & Insch, A. (2012). The strategic importance of brand positioning in the place brand concept – elements, structure, and application of the positioning statement. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES, 5(1), 9–19.

Juska, J. M. (2021). Integrated Marketing Communication. Integrated Marketing Communication, 31–60.

Mazloomi, A., Sattari, S., & Ebrahimpour, H. (2015). Surveying the relationship between primary brand image with brand loyalty, brand image fitness, final brand image, and attitude toward the brand. Nigerian Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 3(5), 31–35.

van de Sand, F., Frison, A.-K., Zotz, P., Riener, A., & Holl, K. (2019). The intersection of user experience (UX), customer experience (CX), and Brand Experience (BX). User Experience Is Brand Experience, 71–93.


We’ll write everything from scratch


As an individual marketer, you are required to create a completely new brand and Customer Experience (Cx) for a product category of your choice. Keep in mind, that creating a brand is not the same as creating a product: products are tangible, and brands are an ‘abstract’ asset, therefore intangible.

Creating a Brand RadiantFires

Creating a Brand RadiantFires

The creation of your brand must be founded on real-market data, trends, and demand for the product category; therefore:

Conduct a thorough Market Analysis based on your brand’s product category (i.e. soft drinks; toys; pet food; clothing/fashion; automotive; foods/snacks; other consumer goods)

Create an original logo

    1. The design of the logo must be truly original
    2. The design must be purposeful in its use of symbolism, words, shapes, etc.

Create an original name

Brand image

  1. Need/Demand recognition or statement for the product category and your brand.
  2. Purpose and justification for the proposed brand
  3. Brand positioning statement
  4. The tentative emotional and functional benefits and values the brand promises

Brand communication/promotion strategy

    1. Proposed marketing communication strategy for the brand
    2. Purposeful use of selective multimedia channels, and “why”
    3. Create original promotional media: photo, video, audio, digital, outdoor,
    4. Proposed User/Customer Experience (Ux, or Cx) to engage with, and relate to, your target audience

A minimum of three (3) promotional/content materials (one of them at least in JPEG format) must have subtle/subliminal/psychological cues and use of colors, shapes, images, words, sounds, angles, etc.; to trigger a desired

      1. Artwork must be as original as possible
      2. Photoshopping is allowed, with limitations
      3. You may outsource external help; if so, please give the individual(s) due credit for the artwork, footage,
      4. Additional promotional material can be in video format (MP4, WAV), digital, Flash, Sensory (provide samples and/or renderings), or any combination.

Discuss how your promotional/content materials (such as those discussed in class) can be used for neuroscientific testing.

Provide a written (APA-format) final report (should be a minimum of 7-10 pages including the cover page and the references) and present in a professional manner (PPT/PDF presentation: do not submit as Keynote or Prezi)