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Target Customers

Target Customers Both entrepreneurs and Generation Y are the target customers for this product because they love the latest technological devices (Sharp, 2016). Also, those residing in urban areas...

Understanding Consumers

Understanding Consumers For marketers, it is essential to understand how consumers make the ultimate decision to purchase because the former must come up with strategies for every behavior factor of...

Kotter and Feinberg

Kotter and Feinberg The eight steps by Kotter include (Nash et al., 2012): Create Urgency. Feinberg also created urgency after interviewing patients and realizing that two out of these patients...


The NQS And ARRA The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 is an economic stimulus bill explicitly implemented to aid the recovery of the U.S. economy. The Act was enacted in 2009 by...

Lean Event

Lean Event Introduce your concept. Time is of the essence at a healthcare facility. Patients need to get the best care with minimal wastage of resources while not neglecting anyone. When patients...