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Consumer Decision-Making Process

Consumer Decision-Making Process

In the article “Consumer decision-making styles as a Function of individual learning styles”, Sproles (1990) defines a consumer decision-making style as “a mental orientation characterizing a consumer’s approach to making consumer choices”.

Five essential consumer decision-making steps uncover the evaluation when purchasing an item/product. As part of a younger generation, the decision-making process as a consumer becomes a sole part of deciding whether or not you want to buy that item of clothing or that plasma screen TV for the new apartment. In U.S. culture, we lack patience when it comes to purchasing decisions. Everyone is fast-paced and dislikes waiting to buy a product/item. Credit cards have been heavily relied on despite big purchases. We have a mentality: “Oh I can use my credit card on this and pay later.” This being the case, it can cause our culture to consist of a lot of debt and lousy buying habits. That said, I believe that in my culture, there has been increased decision-making due to advanced technology. The ideal consumer decision-making process involves five steps that evaluate whether or not the consumer decides to purchase the product. According to L (2017), the five steps of the consumer decision-making process include: “Problem Recognition, Information Search, Alternatives Evaluation, Purchase Decision, and Post-Purchase Evaluation”. Do you need help with your assignment ? Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you.

In addition, I considered these five steps when purchasing my new desk. I have been currently using a run-down desk that has scratches and dents all over it and hasn’t satisfied my need to do my work. The first step of the decision-making process is recognizing the problem. I recognized that my desk was not suitable anymore and that I needed to purchase a new one to complete my work. Secondly, I started researching my options for the best-priced desk to suit my needs. I used the Internet and stumbled upon IKEA’s website. I had already gone over other alternatives, and nothing seemed to be in my price range or quality except IKEA. As I decided to go with IKEA, I went into the store to view the desk. I wanted to make sure I was getting my money’s worth. After the purchase, I have not had any issues with the desk. I have had the desk for about three months, which suits all my needs.

Within my culture, young consumers are considered very important in the market of goods and services. Hafstrom (1992) states, “Decision-making is more complex and important for consumers today than in the past.

Consumers are besieged by advertising, news articles, and direct mailings that provide much information.” This applies just as much now then it did back in the 90s. Our culture strives to get the best product for the best price as often as possible. Culture can be considered various things, but it is mainly defined as individual boundaries or “cultural norms”. Culture impacts our day-to-day lives, including our purchasing decisions. A big part of our decisions is how we were raised as a child. As a child, my parents always provided what was convenient and cheap. Being in a family of five kids, food and clothing can get quite expensive and take a toll on the decision-making process of goods and services. In addition to culture, value is just as essential and dramatically influences our purchase decisions. I, as a customer, value what is convenient and good quality. As a consumer, it is relevant to research your options and what will satisfy your needs as a customer. If IKEA advocated for environmental issues or other socially responsible behaviour (which they do), It would certainly influence my decision indefinitely. IKEA is a large company based in Sweden and is very eco-friendly with its items. They can use recycled and turn them into fantastic furniture and home decor for a great price. There have been companies in the past that influenced my decision to look elsewhere for a product. For example, I was researching the most “natural” soaps that were chemical-free and vegan, and to my surprise, LUSH is not true to their word. They still use chemicals in some of their products when they specifically say they are all “natural”. That said, it influenced my decision to buy one of their products to search elsewhere for a natural soap. This goes for food and beverage products as well. Many products that say “sugar-free” or “gluten-free” still tend to have some added sugar or wheat in the ingredients. That is why it is crucial as a consumer in today’s culture to take those five steps of consumer decision-making into account so that you know thoroughly the quality and value of the items and products being purchased.


 Hafstrom, J. L., Jung Sook Chae, & Young Sook Chung. (1992). Consumer decision-making styles: comparison between the United States and young Korean consumers. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 26(1), 146+. Retrieved from

(2017, December 06). Uncover the Consumer Decision-Making Process. Retrieved August 14, 2018, from decision-making-process

Sproles, E. K., & Sproles, G. B. (1990). Consumer decision-making styles as a function of individual learning styles. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 24(1), 134+.Retrieved from


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Consider a big-ticket item (expensive product or service) you recently purchased. After explaining the purchase, relate the consumer decision-making process to your purchase; refer to the lesson. Consider how your culture influenced this purchase and whether the company’s advocacy of environmental issues influenced your decision. Include responses to the questions below.

Consumer Decision-Making Process

Consumer Decision-Making Process

What are the steps of the consumer decision-making process, and how did your decision progress through each step?
How did the values and norms within your culture influence your purchase?
If the company you were considering purchasing from advocated for environmental issues or other socially responsible behaviour, would that have influenced your decision?
At what point would the price have superseded your cultural values or environmental advocacy discussed in questions two and three?

Your completed assignment should be a minimum of three double-spaced pages. Please use at least two credible sources from the CSU Online Library to support your reasoning. Referenced sources must have accompanying citations complying with APA guidelines. Format your case study in APA style.