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Concert Critique-Apollo Orchestra-Millennium Stage

Concert Critique-Apollo Orchestra-Millennium Stage

The Apollo Orchestra is among the popular opera stars with rich acumen in international instrumental soloists who give audiences captivating concerts annually. The orchestra has cut an admirable niche in the music industry, ranking among the top referred instrumentation musical groups. The Apollo Orchestra performed on March 5, 2020, at the Millennium Stage, broadcasted via the Kennedy Center on Youtube, is a fascinating professional classical music show that I have attended by streaming (The Kennedy Center). The performance was centered on the classical era and Romantic themes that captured the optimal attention of the audience. Insight into the fascinating presentation of the orchestra will reveal the idealness of acoustic music in relaying different pieces to the audience through the perfect harmony of blended instruments and sound.

The orchestration had a variety of instruments that yielded an admirable symphony and rendition with the collaboration of flute, Oboe, violinx14, trumpet, celesta, piano, strings, Violinx12, violax10, double bassx6, piano, percussion, bassx6, woodwind, cellox8 and brass instruments, and bassoon among others offering melodious music. The ororchestra’sastery and captivating blending of these instruments were mind-blowing to the audience. The classical music presented by the Apollo Orchestra was symmetrical and balanced, as listeners were able to connect with the middle movement variations while enjoying every bit of the medieval hymn from the flute and bassoon (Zhao & Guo 418). The most captivating element in the ororchestra’serformance was ReRespighi’s”ittico Botticelliano,” “It captured the attention of all listeners, sinking their minds into the symphony of the musical instruments.

The Soprano Jennifer Casey Cabot offers a smoldering performance in the opening scene, while the rich conforming voice from Der Rosenkavalier left many viewers wanting more. The energy exhibited by the orchestra members, especially Stephen Czarkowski, the music director, was quite fascinating as it reflected sheer determination and commitment to give the audience the very best. The use of horns by the orchestra in the first part was majestic, and it played a crucial role in introducing the fan-fare mood. Oddly, the concert failed to follow the common curtain-opening process used by other orchestras, opting to adopt a sweet static duet from Arabella that mused love themes (Zhao & Guo 420). However, the core dependence on the instrumentation binds the performers from the freedom of spinning out a convincing sense of wonder and tenderness, especially in the “F”eundliche Vision” “long. The orchestra performers were bound to adhere to the harmonious rhythm of the instruments, thus capturing the audience to focus fully on the ininstrument’slow instead of the performance.

CzCzarkowski’sntroduction of TcTchaikovsky’symphony No.6 was equally fascinating, with its coherence and vividity to the outline and precision of the interior details, making it an apt presentation (The Kennedy Center). The performance was occasioned by gentle winds that brought the ambiance for the eventful concert. The winds made the presenters interesting, particularly during the presentation of the romantic melodies in the first and last movements, where strings blended in long, beautifully shaped lines. Further, I must admit that the occasional tendency in third martial movements with the powerful rhythmic beats and the fast ststring’scurrying trend yielded the desirable outcome. The acoustic music was relaxing and left every audience wanting more, making it easy for one to accurately assert that the ororchestra’sork is at the top level in the music industry; consistently, I liked the performance for these reasons.


The Kennedy Center, director. Apollo Orchestra – Millennium Stage (March 5, 2020). YouTube, YouTube, March 5. 2020,

Zhao, Yilun, and Jia Guo. “M”siCoder: A Universal Music-Acoustic Encoder Based on Transformer.” “International Conference on Multimedia Modeling. Springer, Cham, (pp. 417-429), 2021.


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You are required to attend one live performance/concert this semester. You may follow this performance whenever you choose. It may be a performance held on the SJC campus OR off-campus. The live concert performance must be an art music performance. This concert may include recitals, ensemble concerts (symphony, choir, band, jazz, chamber groups), opera, **approved ** musical theater, and **approved ** special church productions (not regular weekly services).

Concert Critique-Apollo Orchestra-Millennium Stage

Concert Critique-Apollo Orchestra-Millennium Stage

If you doubt whether or not the performance you wish to attend will be accepted for this assignment, please ask your instructor!

 Please be sure to scan either the original program or ticket to your critique. You may also take a picture of yourself at the event. It is very important to prove your attendance at the event. Failure to attach your “p” oof” “will result in a zero for this assignment.