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Concept and Categorization Development Strategies

Concept and Categorization Development Strategies

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Article Student Name APA Citation Article Description (3-4 sentences) Activity Rationale
Age: 3-5

Topic:  Patterns and Categorization 


  Rockets, R. (2022). Patterns and Categorizing. Reading Rockets. Retrieved 17 September 2022, from The article discusses how young children between 3 and 5 start using their senses to identify patterns and categorize items at a tender age. Categorization and patterning are vital skills that play an essential role in early learning. It also highlights how caregivers and parents can build categorization skills and pattern recognition in math and science through simple activities such as sorting things like animals or toys. Another example is assisting learners in knowing the similarities and differences, for example, teaching them how to classify animals using a book from the library. Finally, using riddles to teach children rules and making mini groceries (food boxes and juices) at home allows a child to sort them on different shelves.








The activity is sorting and categorizing different toys or things.

The age group for this activity is 3-5 years old.

The goal of the activity:

This activity aims for kids to learn how to sort and categorize objects or items into groups of the same kind.


Directions needed to complete the activity:  

1.      Have a book or picture of different toys and a container of toys or objects such as crayons, animals, balls, dolls, cars, etc.

2.      First, show the learners the picture/book to name or identify by calling the different things in the picture/book.

3.      After that, bring the container full of different items forward and use your hands to mix the things evenly.

4.      Provide the bucket to a group of learners or an individual child.

5.      Ask them to categorize and sort the objects into groups of the same objects or items

6.      Give an example by sorting all dolls in one group or cars together to get the children started so they can do the same.

Materials needed to complete the activity: 

Container: different sets of objects from cards, animals, cars, toys, balls, crayons, building blocks, pictures of toys, and a book about toys, “sort it out,” etc.


The article affirms that every young child can recognize patterns and categorize them to be able to process information (Rockets, 2022). Therefore, the rationale of this activity is to demonstrate that categorization and patterns are essential skills for children because they learn the need to find order by contrasting, comparing, and paying attention to what remains the same, which is a vital part of early childhood learning (Stanton, Sebesta & Dunlosky, 2021). For instance, as children learn to read, they will be taught how to find patterns in words and letters and use that information in reading words such as bun, sun, and fun, which all have the letters’ un’. Patterns and categorization activities will also help children recognize different shapes or items when encountering new shapes they might have never seen. Children could start thinking about anything they know about other shapes and apply it to understand and identify the new shapes or items. The activity emphasized that learners were to categorize or group similar objects. Such an activity will help children learn and practice categorization and patterning skills. This activity will reinforce their sense of seeing things differently and the same and realize that paying attention to similarities or sameness is essential to early childhood learning. Kara & Cagiltay (2020) insist that categorization and patterns taught in early childhood learning assist children in processing information and help them learn, integrate, and remember new information. Finally, the activity will help children develop computational thinking early (Lee, Joswick & Pole, 2022). This computational thinking will help children take complex issues and break them down into a series of small, more controllable ones


Kara, N., & Cagiltay, K. (2020). Smart toys for preschool children: A design and development research. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications39, 100909.

Lee, J., Joswick, C., & Pole, K. (2022). Classroom play and activities to support computational thinking development in early childhood. Early Childhood Education Journal, 1-12.

Rockets, R. (2022). Patterns and Categorizing. Reading Rockets. Retrieved 17 September 2022, from

Stanton, J. D., Sebesta, A. J., & Dunlosky, J. (2021). Fostering metacognition to support student learning and performance. CBE—Life Sciences Education20(2), fe3.


We’ll write everything from scratch


For children to learn new concepts, they must be able to organize the information. When thinking about cognitive skills, these abilities fall into the skills of concept and categorization development. In other words, our minds must categorize or group new ideas to process them. In this assignment, you will learn about various strategies that can be used to support concept and categorization skills for the same age group you focused on in your Week 2 assignment: Fostering Attention Development as a Professional. The work you do in your assignment this week will also support you when you get to your Supporting the Cognitive Development: Activities and Experiences final project.

Concept and Categorization Development Strategies

Concept and Categorization Development Strategies

step1:                                                                                                                                                                         • Identify an article from the list of choices in the Week 3 Research Articles on Concept &
Categorization Strategies Table. You will want to choose an article focused on the same age group you will be using for your final assignment.
• Type your name in the table next to the article you would like to choose.
• Do not select an article a classmate has already chosen; only one student per article. Do not erase any student’s name.
Step 2:
Read the article you have signed up for and complete the following:
• Describe the article in three to four sentences.
• Describe one activity to support the development of the specific cognitive skills mentioned. • Describe the activity’s goal (or learning outcome) and intended age group.
• Explain all directions needed to complete the activity and a list of any needed items. • Describe your rationale for the activities, using the text or a credible outside source to support your thinking. The rationale must explain your logic behind choosing the activity, which should be based on the child development theories and content you are learning in this course.
• Be sure to include an APA-formatted reference entry of your article. View the Week 3 Student Sample Table (
Step 3:
Type in or cut and paste your information into the group forum in the Week 3 Research Articles on Concept & Categorization Strategies Table. You will use the information you and your classmates shared to help locate resources when working on your Week 5 Supporting the Cognitive Development: Activities and Experiences final project.
Please take a screenshot of your information in the table, copy and paste the data onto a Word document, and upload the document to Waypoint. Please review the resource How to Take a
Screenshot on Any Device ( for assistance.