Computer Fraud
The term computer fraud has become a common word or experience in our daily lives. Integrating computers into human life to assist in daily activities has opened avenues for others with ill motives to cheat and defraud companies, persons and many more. Without proper security in place, computers can be used to harm people and kill significant businesses. (Bukh Law Firm, PLLC, 2018)
In case a computer fraud has occurred in a premise or organization, what steps should the investigators take in securing the evidence and unmasking the people behind the act?
Steps To Follow During An Investigation
Secure An Authorization Document To Allow For Search And Seize
It is essential that before conducting any investigations, the investigators should obtain a warrant from a court of law. The document can only be delivered by a judge and permits an officer or forensic investigator to lawfully obtain or seize evidence from a crime scene or a suspect. The warrant only allows the investigators to retrieve related documents or evidence to the crime but not unrelated items. For one to get the document, full, substantial reasons are required to prove that the items needed are related to the crime committed. ( Shark Bite OS, 2017)
Without a warrant, an officer or investigator is restricted by the law from conducting any search or seizing anything from any citizen or premise. The Fourth Amendment of the American Constitution protects all citizens from unwarranted searches by law enforcement. If this happens, the officer involved can be prosecuted for violating a citizen’s constitutional right.
Secure The Crime Scene
The second step to initiate after securing the warrant is establishing barriers within a crime scene. Every bit of items in a crime scene is considered crucial since they may aid in offering leads to the cause or establishing a lead to the people involved in the crime. No one should be allowed to enter, touch or move anything from the crime scene. It is crucial that a command point is established temporarily within the location but away from the crime scene.
Documentation Of Chain Of Custody Of Every Item Seized
The chain of custody tells where seized evidence came from, where it has been, the people involved in touching it, and its state at all times. The chain of custody ensures that the evidence is always interfered with. The types of custody documentation include the collection forms with information about the data and how they were collected. This includes the time, location and name of the specialist collecting the data, a description of the collection target and destination media. (Helen, 2018)
The physical evidence’s photos, shipping and delivery logs, transfer and handling logs and software logs are also taken. The final stage in chain custody is documentation that supports the chain of custody procedures. The significant data collected by the forensic investigators includes passwords, email accounts, data from social network sites and other digital sites. From this, a sophisticated method is used to retrieve and access relevant information to the crime. Physical removal of hardware can also be done, but a list of each item’s specifications must be recorded. (Norwich University Online, 2017)
Packaging, Tagging And Organizing For The Transportation Of The Equipment And Evidence
Each piece of evidence obtained concerning the crime must be packaged in a tamper-proof material and tagged correctly. The evidence can then be transported under secure and tight security to the examination site. The E-evidences can be transmitted to the examination center electronically.
Study And Analysis Of Forensic Pictures Of The Evidence
In this section, the forensic experts study the evidence obtained from the crime scene. Digital investigative techniques are utilized to extract information from the evidence. The work is done in a forensic lab by forensic experts.
Interpretation And Understanding Of Facts Based On The Evidence
From the evidence, facts are obtained to support the investigation. Each information obtained from the evidence is documented separately to wait for analysis.
A Clear Description Of Analysis And Findings
Finally, the information obtained from different pieces of evidence is combined to determine the possible link to the crime. The experts can determine who, how and when the system was hacked or misused and a report is created from the information for presentation in a court of law.
Testifying Under Oath In A Courtroom
The final stage of the investigation includes presenting a well-analyzed and correctly written report before a court of law under an Oath. The report is done by a forensic expert involved in analyzing the data or evidence. The forensic expert must explain to the court how the obtained evidence links one or a person to the crime, and if successful, the person is punished accordingly.
In conclusion, when adequate information is obtained from them, and the forensic experts conduct a proper analysis, a puzzle can easily be solved, but the above steps must be adhered to ensure that optimum accuracy and information consistency are maintained.
Bukh Law Firm, PLLC. (2018). Computer Fraud. A NYC Criminal Lawyer Explains Computer Fraud Crimes.
Helen. (2018). Chain of Custody and its Critical Role in Authenticating Electronic Evidence.
Norwich University Online. (2017). Information Security & Assurance. Steps for Conducting Computer Forensics Investigations.
Shark Bite OS. (2017). Search Warrants: Know Your Rights about Search and Seizure.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Computer Fraud
Create a report that will guide forensics investigators on how to conduct an investigation. The goal of the report is for an investigator to be able to follow this set of guidelines when conducting an investigation.
- Determine what this plan is used for computer fraud.
Computer Fraud
- Create a list of at least 10 steps that should be followed in the investigation.
- Discuss the following, and then determine which of the following each individual team member will be responsible for:
- Describe the types of data that should be uncovered in the investigation.
- Detail the types of forensics tools that can be used to uncover the data.
- Discuss how that data is to be handled (i.e., collection, identification, transportation, storage, documenting the investigation, and chain of custody.
- Discuss warrants and privacy rights.
Add a conclusion that discusses a plan to share your investigation with law enforcement.