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Computer Crimes- Viewing the Future

Computer Crimes- Viewing the Future

High-tech crimes are tailored to use digital and electronic means to invade computers or computer networks. On average, more than 143 million Americans are affected by cybercrimes, and the figure is projected to rise significantly in the future. More malware is launched daily, implying that businesses are set to spend at least $1 trillion to control cybersecurity concerns (Khiralla, n.d). The principal victims are always the retail, government, and technology-based entities. The attacks primarily occur on devices with internet connections, making them more prevalent. Given that there are more than 21.5 interconnected devices worldwide, there is a need to examine the issue from a broader perspective. A comprehensive analysis should consider the characteristics of cybercrimes, the role of technology regarding the crisis, and various factors leading to the growth of the violations, as demonstrated in this document.

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Characteristics of High-tech Crime

Most cybercrimes are typically nonviolent and are perpetrated by young and intelligent persons with a technology knowledge base. They are always conducted intelligently such that the victims realize the results only. For instance, identity fraud, cyber trespass, and phishing hardly involve violence. The criminals are aware that they can readily be caught up, and for this reason, they strive to maintain a low profile. Their actions are customarily engineered to specific targets, after which they withdraw. Records indicate that vast high-tech criminals are in the age bracket of 18 to 34 years. This is a unique population with a vested interest in technological affairs and thus more likely to explore malicious options in the digital space. Their actions are driven by various motives, including financial gain, self-appreciation, and reputation.

High-tech crimes are also characterized by a veil of anonymity and weak audit trails. The offenders are conscious of the potential impacts of their deeds, and for this reason, they strive to go unnoticed. They highly employ Virtual Private Networks (VPN) in their activities to conceal their personality and location (Yar & Steinmetz, 2019). Besides, they emphasize ascertaining that no one tracks their online activities as a strategic way of hiding their presence. Perpetrating the crimes from an encrypted private tunnel ensures that anyone trying to trace the attacks can only view the IP address from VPN servers, which could be virtually in any country. These techniques have supported online crimes for the longest time.

It is also worth acknowledging that high-tech offenses are often challenging to work out and raise jurisdiction issues. Generally, the world of cyber delinquency is relatively complicated and sometimes hard to comprehend. Trying to uncover how various incidences materialized might be challenging, especially where there is no technological expertise. The attacks are themselves based on complicated codes rendering their impacts more pronounced. Given that high-tech crimes lack physical boundaries, there arise multiple jurisdiction challenges. These traits seem to increase the dominance of computer attacks.

The crimeware programs are principally targeted to areas of vulnerabilities and are committed in computer environments (Jahankhani, Al-Nemrat & Hosseinian-Far, 2014). As already stated, online invaders are always bright, and for this reason, they aim to attack the most susceptible systems. Therefore, the attacks consider vulnerabilities in varied areas, including operating systems, human support, networks, and processes. Once the weaknesses are exploited, the attacker gains control and runs malicious codes, steals sensitive data, and installs malware. It is estimated that 95% of computer breaches are due to human errors. Therefore, attending to the weak points is a strategic way of addressing the challenge.

Use of Current Technologies to Carry Out and Fight Cybercrime

Modern technologies such as social media play an active role in perpetuating cyber-attacks (Yar & Steinmetz, 2019). These platforms can share one’s personal details and whereabouts, making it easy for hackers to implement their malicious intentions. Most of them, including Facebook and Foursquare, have “check-in” options for the places visited. This aspect makes tracking people’s moves more convenient in the long run. The increase in smartphones invariably makes more data available to the public putting its security at risk. As a result, users are encouraged to share information via social media more cautiously.

The vehement digitization in the contemporary world has further been used to carry out high-tech attacks. Unlike in the past, where data was stored in hard copy, details in the contemporary world are preserved in soft copy. The digitized data is usually contained in shared networks, making it convenient for hackers to gain access. Though the information might be protected using passwords, they can readily be overridden in instances where they are weak. The aspect of shifting to a cloud storage system is a compelling idea but requires additional protective measures. As digitization continues to advance, the related risks increase proportionally. Digital platforms are both advantageous and disadvantageous, implying technology is a double-edged sword.

Deep packet inspection is a critical solution used in multiple organizations to curb down high-tech crimes. Deep packet inspection is an application identification mechanism that fully examines the content contained in data packets. This technique ascertains that data on transit is well scrutinized as it traverses a monitored network. The technology then takes corrective actions, including blocking, alerting, or re-routing information. Deep packet inspection is also applied in stopping data leaks and thus a best-fit solution in fighting cybercrimes.

Artificial intelligence has emerged as a key control mechanism in the fight against cybercrimes. It works by identifying patterns in information from previous cyber-attacks. This approach plays an irreplaceable role in ensuring that security specialists concentrate on the most critical control processes. Prioritizing invasions ensures that resources are directed to where it is deserved most. The more impactful incidences are addressed first, while the less significant events are attended to later. A well-structured plan is crucial for remaining competitive in the dynamic technological world.

Machine learning and anomaly detection are also applied in mitigating high-tech raids and their related effects. Machine learning employs penetration testing and real-time cybercrime mapping to handle the arising cyber invasions. It further detects the most prevalent trends, learns from them, and helps make informed decisions in the long run. Penetration testing is a form of ethical hacking whereby experts seek to target organizational technology to determine its vulnerabilities and thus implement the necessary rectification measures (Holt, T., & Bossler, 2015). Anomaly detection brings out events that deviate from the data’s standard traits. These strategies collectively work in the best interest of reinforcing cyber security.

Technological, Cultural, and Political Influences Advancing the Growth of High-tech Crime

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the primary infrastructure used to perpetuate high-tech invasions. They are more likely to establish new vulnerabilities in the already complicated technological sphere. Nevertheless, they can readily be stolen, destroyed, corrupted, or extorted (Sadik et al., 2020). Besides, the new technologies create more holes susceptible to attacks over time. New approaches to the internet, such as botnets, further contribute to the already worsened attacks. They are engineered to forward malicious spam and viruses to other computers. Therefore, technology plays an active role in facilitating cybercrime.

Cultural influences such as advancement in employee training at the workplace create higher odds for online threats. The more people become tech-savvy, the more they are likely to experiment with new ways of doing things. This implies that the training can have both drawbacks and benefits depending on how they are tackled. Negligence and disorganized organizational culture are also responsible for advancing cybercrimes from various dimensions. Once the workforce becomes relatively relaxed, they increase the chances of digital attacks. A company that channels fewer funds in threat controls is equally a key influencer in advancing high-tech invasions.

Political factors, including hacktivism, cyberterrorism, cyberespionage, and cyberwarfare, are notable drivers of increased cyberattacks (Yar & Steinmetz, 2019). Hacktivism is a form of hacking tailored for social or political purposes. However, the participants tend to take advantage of such events to invade large websites unlawfully. Cyberterrorism occurs when computer attacks are primarily meant to coerce people or the government for political reasons. Cyberespionage is a form of spying for political purposes, while cyber warfare is a deliberate attack of data mainly for military interests.


The information featured in this document can be used to offer a high-tech crime class for the coming school year at universities in Washington. It discusses the characteristics of high-tech invasion to ensure that the readers are well-versed in the fundamental concepts of cybercrimes. It also documents the application of modern technologies in perpetrating and mitigating internet crimes. Key technological, cultural, and political factors contributing to computer attacks are further detailed. Indeed, it is a detailed whitepaper readily usable by people across all campuses in the state.


Holt, T., & Bossler, A. (2015). Cybercrime in progress: Theory and prevention of technology-

enabled offenses. Routledge.

Jahankhani, H., Al-Nemrat, A., & Hosseinian-Far, A. (2014). Cybercrime classification and

characteristics. In Cyber Crime and Cyber Terrorism Investigator’s Handbook (pp. 149-164). Syngress.

Khiralla, (n.d). F. A. M. Statistics of Cybercrime from 2016 to the First Half of 2020.

Sadik, S., Ahmed, M., Sikos, L. F., & Islam, A. K. M. (2020). Toward a Sustainable

Cybersecurity Ecosystem. Computers9(3), 74.

Yar, M., & Steinmetz, K. F. (2019). Cybercrime and society. Sage.


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A university in the Washington, DC area would like to offer a high-tech crime class for the next school year and would like to contact your team to provide a course design for its implementation.

Computer Crimes- Viewing the Future

Computer Crimes- Viewing the Future

Explain to the university (in a whitepaper) the characteristics of high-tech crime also known as Internet, cyber, and computer crime.
Explain the use of current technologies to both carryout and fight cybercrime. In addition, explain the technological, cultural, and political influences that are advancing the growth of high-tech crime.