Comprehensive Security Framework for Cloud-Based Enterprise Systems
Baseline Security Requirements for Cloud Computing
Security is the state of being free from threats, harm, or unauthorized use and is incredibly essential in designing and implementing a system. It is highly regarded in cloud computing within an enterprise risk framework to ensure that all facets of information flow are protected. Adequate baseline security is usually tailored to specific cloud service models, including Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), or Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Security requirements are primarily engineered to address the cloud system’s Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA). Given that vast businesses have shifted from traditional data processing and storage to cloud computing, it is imperative to explore the emergent security concerns. The baseline security requirements for cloud computing should be analyzed from the design and implementation of applications, databases, systems, network infrastructure, and information processing.
Access, authentication, and authorization management are some of the key baseline security requirements considered in the development of cloud computing components (Basu et al., 2018). The designers must ensure that the cloud system has a unique mechanism to identify system users in the long run. Critical approaches such as role-based access controls and annual reviewing of accounts should be implemented to ascertain the integrity of databases and network infrastructure. There deserve to be strategic measures to ensure a minimum of two-factor authentication and session locks after inactivity to secure applications. It is also crucial for the design to embrace multitenancy-based access control and intrusion detection systems.
Cloud computing is technically founded on distributed computing, parallel computing, and grid computing, creating the need for disaster recovery planning and data backup in its design and implementation (Basu et al., 2018). Cloud computing is vulnerable to distractions in information processing and storage, just like other systems. Therefore, the development phase should acknowledge key responsibilities for data backup and align backup procedures with data recovery objectives. Disaster risk assessment and data recovery performance objectives should also be articulated before the deployment of cloud systems. This ensures that the released system is competent and can persevere runtime challenges.
There should be a keen interest in network infrastructure and information processing to maximize functionality in cloud computing ((Singh, Jeong & Park, 2016). As a result, the wireless network traffic holding sensitive data ought to be encrypted and separated from non-trusted ones. Critical considerations, including network documentation and secure infrastructure configuration, must be prioritized in the design and implementation phases. There should be strict remote network access by vendors to ensure they do not intervene in the primary operations of the network. It is also advisable to ascertain that the network firewalls are governed by least privilege policies to protect the network from external attacks.
Security log collection, analysis, and retention are fundamental factors in cloud computing security control (UM, 2021). The designer is recommended to adhere to the Sensitive Data Guide as a strategic way of fostering effective storage of log data. Log data is important in identifying unusual events and attacks on a system. Therefore, installing measures to protect it from operational problems or unauthorized changes is a priceless step. There should be alerts on incidences of logging failures to facilitate immediate rectification of the same. The log data deserve to be retained for a specific period as a collective effort to promote security.
The security of enterprise application integration is a primary element affecting the coordination of cloud computing (Basu et al., 2021). Ineffective integration can hardly contribute to the positive operation of cloud systems due to inconsistencies and operation errors. For this reason, the design and implementation of applications, systems, and databases should be well-detailed. The developer must orient a specific business need to a particular integration. Each integration must further be designated to an owner or co-owner to regulate authorization. It is advisable for the design to be flexible as a tactical way of accommodating role changes in the system’s lifetime. Paying close attention to integration is a significant contribution to cloud computing.
The overall coding and application are yet another baseline security requirement for cloud computing. The applied coding practices form the basis of systems, and thus its standard is of key interest in security matters. The designer should ensure that sensitive data is excluded during testing, or else it is included with exclusive permission. It is also vital to apply the latest and reliable external or third-party components during the development stage. The irrelevant or non-supported segments of the cloud computing components ought to be removed in the best way possible. These aspects go a long way in ensuring that the final products are secure and free from irregularities.
Electronic data disposal and media sanitization have emerged as a primary security factor in the modern age (MU, 2021). It is essential to institute security protocols to guide how information processing systems and end products are handled. Therefore, efforts to sanitize databases before transfer deserve to be instilled to control data corruption. At the same time, the sanitization techniques must be reviewed to ensure they meet the standard requirements. An enterprise is advised to acquire a certificate of sanitization and maintain it for at least three years. Indeed, proper handling and disposal of electronic data is a paramount security consideration.
Awareness, training, and education are some of the undervalued elements in cloud computing security (Singh et al., 2016). Not all employees are conversant with applications, databases, systems, network infrastructure, and information processing. Therefore, the parties accessing sensitive data must be equipped with pertinent knowledge to foster interaction with the various components. Their participation in the training program should be monitored to ascertain they gain optimum competency over time. A record should then be maintained for future reference and authorization needs.
Third-party vendor security and compliance is the final baseline security requirement when considering cloud computing within an enterprise risk management framework (Ramachandra et al., 2017). Each vendor deploys its own security protocols to ensure that the offered services are protected maximally. The extent of compliance with these standards influences system and network security. The security compliance rate ranges from restricted, high, moderate, to low. Low-security adherence is discouraged as it ultimately results in further safety crises. The developed applications, systems, databases, networks, and information processing must align with third-party security and compliance measures.
There is a wide array of baseline security requirements applicable to the design and implementation of cloud computing components. The designer must consider access management, data backup, separation and authentication of wireless networks, security logs, and application integration. Besides, there should be insights into the nature of coding, electronic data disposal, training, and third-party security compliance. Cloud computing is inevitable in the digital era, and thus it is critical to address its security. A consideration of the discussed factors will invariably result in the development and deployment of a secure and reliable cloud computing framework.
Basu, S., Bardhan, A., Gupta, K., Saha, P., Pal, M., Bose, M., … & Sarkar, P. (2018, January).
Cloud computing security challenges & solutions survey. In 2018 IEEE 8th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC) (pp. 347-356). IEEE.
Ramachandra, G., Iftikhar, M., & Khan, F. A. (2017). A comprehensive survey on security in
cloud computing. Procedia Computer Science, 110, 465-472.
Singh, S., Jeong, Y. S., & Park, J. H. (2016). A survey on cloud computing security: Issues,
threats, and solutions. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 75, 200-222.
UM, (2021). Minimum Information Security Requirements for Systems, Applications, and Data.
Information and Technology Services: Safe Computing.
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What are baseline security requirements that should be applied to the design and implementation of applications, databases, systems, network infrastructure, and information processing when considering cloud computing within an enterprise risk management framework?
Comprehensive Security Framework for Cloud-Based Enterprise Systems
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
Be approximately FOUR to SIX pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook.
Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.