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Comparing and Contrasting Ethical Codes

Comparing and Contrasting Ethical Codes

Ethical codes are a set of values, principles, or standards that guide professional actions at their respective workplaces. Ethical codes are often utilized as a benchmark for good behavior and can therefore be used to judge an individual based on whether or not they meet the standards prescribed in the ethical codes. Every organization has its code of ethics. These codes of ethics are often tailored to organizational objectives and goals. This paper seeks to compare and contrast the code of ethics of various organizations and the similarities and differences in policies utilized by these organizations in a behavioral health agency.

The American Association of Christian Counselors Code of Ethics (AACC) clearly articulates various areas of Christian practice, categorized into four major categories. These include ethical standards, the use of technology and technology-related applications, ethical standards for licensed and professional Christian counselors, ethical standards for pastoral and lay Christian counselors, procedures for conflict resolution, and procedural rules. The ethical standards defined in this Code of Ethics define standards for practicing Christianity by defining various acts considered as misconduct and the components of Christian counseling. This code of ethics is targeted not only to define the scope of ethical and unethical behavior but also to educate Christian and Christian counselors on the appropriate Christian behavior necessary for the attainment of ethical excellence.

The American Psychological Association Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (APA) offers provisions that are targeted at guiding psychologists towards the attainment of the highest principles and ideals of psychology. The provisions of this code of ethics guide psychology practice at all levels. These levels range from clinical practice, counseling, school practice, research, teaching, supervision of trainees, public service, policy development, and social intervention. The provisions also outline the general principles guiding practice. Such include beneficence and nonmaleficence, fidelity and responsibility, integrity, justice, and respect. Furthermore, ethical issues resolution, human relations, privacy and confidentiality, record keeping, education, and training, among others, are articulated in this provision.

The American Counselling Association Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice (ACA) offers provisions that are targeted at establishing ethical obligations that guide ethical practice among its members. It also outlines the various ethical responsibilities to which its members subscribe and assists members in designing and constructing a course of action utilized in counseling processes. The code also determines various ethical considerations that are relevant to the counseling process and training purposes (Woo, Dondanville, Jang, Na & Jang, 2020). This provision also states what constitutes unethical behavior and its undesirability in counseling processes.

All these organizations’ code of ethics defines policy considerations that are targeted at the counseling process. They all clearly articulate what is considered desirable during the process of counseling as well as explain what is considered unethical. This provision guides the counseling processes. They also ensure the appropriateness of counseling processes.

All these organizational policies are based on the ethical principles that guide good behavior. These principles include respect, beneficence, nonmaleficence, fidelity, justice, and responsibility. These principles dictate the scope of acceptable behavior. They also define the standards that must be met to qualify ethical behavior during the counseling process. Their utilization not only ensures effectiveness in the counseling process but also ensures professionalism during the process.

Several contrasts exist between these organizations’ code of ethics provisions. AACC policy provisions are centered around biblical teachings in terms of ethical and unethical definitions. This means there is a higher propensity for an individual’s beliefs and faith to be brought up during counseling. However, the other two organizational policies are centered around philosophical observations other than what the Bible articulates.

Additionally, the AACC policy provisions differentiate between value imposition and exposition. Unlike the other provisions, the AACC lays great emphasis on the imposition of Christian values in all activities of their members. It recommends the utilization of spiritual values as a directional guide to counseling (Sells & Hagedorn, 2016). On the other hand, the organization’s codes do not emphasize spiritual value, and they are therefore not imposed or exposed during the counseling process.

The guidelines from all these organizations can be applied when working with culturally diverse clients. The provisions of these codes of ethics emphasize specific values that are essential when handling culturally diverse clients. Such values are respect, beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice, integrity, and fidelity, among others. These principles guide the appropriateness of behavior during the counseling process (Clauss-Ehlers, Chiriboga, Hunter, Roysircar & Tummala-Narra, 2019). Respect will enable the counselor to view their client as an important member of society and thus deserves appropriate handling and treatment. If the client feels respected, the counseling process has a higher chance of success.

Beneficence, on the other hand, entails doing good to the clients. This entails understanding that the presence of the client in the counseling room is because of their intrinsic problem and working to help them resolve the problem. It will enable the counselor to treat their clients without any perception of their background rather than their presenting complaint. Justice is also important as it enables counselors to treat their clients fairly and without any perception of their backgrounds. All these principles will enable proper handling of clients and prevent judging a clients based on their cultural affiliations. The significance of these principles in maintaining good relationships between the client and their counselors, as well as professionalism, underpins the necessity of understanding all these organizational codes of ethics.

Ethical codes are a set of values, principles, and standards that guide organizational activities. Each organization has its own code of ethics. The American Association of Christian Counselors, American Psychological Association, and American Counseling Association are such organizations that have different codes of ethics. Their codes of ethics, however, exhibit some similarities and differences in terms of the policies they advocate for. Their utility in handling cultural diversities depends on the principles on which all of their codes of ethics are based.


Clauss-Ehlers, C., Chiriboga, D., Hunter, S., Roysircar, G., & Tummala-Narra, P. (2019). APA Multicultural Guidelines executive summary: Ecological approach to context, identity, and intersectionality. American Psychologist, 74(2), 232-244.

Sells, J., & Hagedorn, W. (2016). CACREP Accreditation, Ethics, and the Affirmation of Both Religious and Sexual Identities: A Response to Smith and Okech. Journal Of Counseling & Development, 94(3), 265-279. DOI: 10.1002/jcad.12083

Woo, H., Dondanville, A., Jang, H., Na, G., & Jang, Y. (2020). A Content Analysis of the Counseling Literature on Technology Integration: American Counseling Association (ACA) Counseling Journals between 2000 and 2018. International Journal For The Advancement Of Counselling, 42(3), 319-333. DOI: 10.1007/s10447-020-09406-w


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Comparing and Contrasting Ethical Codes

Write a 750-1,000-word essay comparing and contrasting the ethical codes of the following organizations:

Comparing and Contrasting Ethical Codes

Comparing and Contrasting Ethical Codes

The American Association of Christian Counselors Code of Ethics

The American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct
The American Counseling Association Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice
Discuss the similarities and differences in the policies, in addition to how the guidelines can be applied to working with culturally diverse clients in a behavioral health agency.

Your paper must include at least three credible resources.

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