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Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

In Pinal County, Arizona the top priority for primary prevention and health promotion is improving physical activity and nutrition with the goal of reducing obesity. Obesity rates in Pinal County have been steadily rising. Per the Sun Life Family Health (2017) organization, the top three health issues in Pinal County are hypertension, obesity, and diabetes. All of these conditions are often managed and prevented with proper diet and physical activity. The targeted population is elementary-aged children. Establishing an early foundation of healthy living education can improve overall health in children. Unhealthy diets and sedentary lifestyles can lead to many health complications including the following: obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, oral disease, diverticular disease, and certain cancers (Pinal County, 2018). (Pinal County, 2018).

Epidemiology statistics for obesity, diabetes, and hypertension are growing increasingly concerning in the Pinal County area and nationwide. Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the prevalence of obesity affects 13.7 million children. As children, age obesity rates increase. A prevalence of 13.9% in 2-5-year-olds, 18.4% among 6-11-year-olds, and 20.6% among 12-19-year-olds (Childhood Obesity Facts, 2019). (Childhood Obesity Facts, 2019). In the 2017 County Health Ranking, 32% of adults were reported as obese in Pinal County, which surpassed the State of Arizona ranking of 26% (Pinal County, 2018). (Pinal County, 2018). The CDC (2018) reports children’s activity levels from 2008-2018. In 2011 28.7% of adolescents met aerobic physical activity guidelines which decreased to 26.1% in 2017 (Data and Statistics of Physical Activity, 2019). (Data and Statistics of Physical Activity, 2019). 25% of Pinal County residents aged 20 and over reported they were physically inactive and spent no leisure time doing physical activity (Pinal County, 2018). (Pinal County, 2018). Per the CDC (2019) it is recommended that children should do 60 minutes of aerobic activities a day. Muscle-strengthening and bone-strengthening activities need to be included at least 3 days a week. A combination of healthy diets and physical activity can improve attention span and behavior in elementary school children.

Nursing diagnosis is using clinical judgment to assess a condition within a patient, group, or community. For elementary-aged children, the nursing diagnosis is an increased risk of obesity due to unhealthy diets and stationary lifestyles. A method to recruit children to eat better food options is to make nutritious food more appealing. Children exhibit stereotypes against healthy food even without trying them. Teaching children to try new foods can create more nutritious options. Teaching children early to avoid high-sugar foods, highly processed foods, and foods high in fats creates a life-long foundation for healthy eating. Teaching children how to increase play can improve bone strength and attention span and decrease the risk of obesity.

Elementary school-aged children have a high readiness for learning. They are very curious and love to seek out new things. This readiness can be used to increase enthusiasm for healthy eating and increasing physical activity. When these topics are approached in a fun and exciting way, kids will be more receptive to them. Teaching the children not to let others dictate what foods they enjoy should touch on emotional readiness. For example, if one child does not like carrots, it should not change the fact that another child does like them. Experimental readiness in children can be capitalized on, as they are very curious.

Health People 2020 nutrition and weight status goal is to “promote health and reduce chronic disease risk through the consumption of healthful diets and achievement and maintenance of healthy body weights (Nutrition and Weight Status, 2020)”. The goal includes consuming highly nutrient foods and limiting fats, sugars, and salt. Also, to educate people on only eating enough calories to meet caloric needs. There are many Healthy People 2020 objectives that specifically support the educational topic of improving diet and increasing physical activity. NWS-2 states: “increase the proportion of schools that offer nutritious foods and beverages outside of school meals (Nutrition and Weight Status, 2020)”. With the goal of limiting foods high in fat, sugar, and salt, the first step is to remove these food options from schools. Putting healthy snacks and drink options in schools will help children make healthier diet choices. NWS-15.2 states: increase the contribution of dark green vegetables, red and orange vegetables, and beans and peas to the diets of the population aged 2 years and older (Nutrition and Weight Status, 2020)”. These foods are high in vitamins and fiber, which are needed for proper child development and intestinal health. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can be avoided with proper diets.

The Alma Ata’s Health for All Global Initiative implores the “world community to protect and promote the health of all the people of the world (Declaration of Alma-Ata, 1978)”. The foundation of healthy people and a healthy community is diet and physical activity. Many countries have increased rates of disease related to vitamin, mineral, or other essential nutrient deficiencies. The declaration reports health “is a fundamental human right and that the attainment of the highest possible level of health is a most important worldwide social goal (Declaration of Alma-Ata, 1978)”. This relates to the Healthy People 2020 objective of trying to improve the overall health of the entire population.

The following will be the main topics of teaching for behavioural objectives and domain, content, and strategies/methods.

Third-grade students will be able to distinguish between aerobic, muscle-strengthening, and bone-strengthening activities after the presentation and give types of play in each This will be a cognitive domain. Aerobic activity is a type of exercise where you keep your heart rate up for about 30 minutes or more. This would be running, biking, and swimming. Muscle-strengthening activities for third-grade-aged kids would include climbing on play equipment, sit-ups, push-ups, lunges, and games like tug of War. Bone-strengthening exercises include gymnastics, jump rope, and hopscotch. It is important to have at least 60 minutes a day of play with a variety of different types of exercise. To be able to have healthy bones and muscles, you need to do a mix of these every day. An interactive PowerPoint presentation will be used to show different types of activities in each category. Kids will also be asked to give other examples of play. Outcome evaluation will be measured by the student’s ability to understand the need for the three types of exercise and will be demonstrated by the students giving examples.

Third-grade students will be able to be taught about the food pyramid and put different examples of food into each This will be a cognitive domain. The food pyramid is an outline of what a healthy diet should include. The five food groups at the bottom are the healthiest and should make up most of your diet. You should be eating 5-7 servings of vegetables, salad, and fruit each day. Next are whole grains, pasta, bread, and rice. You should have 3-5 servings of these a day. Dairy is the next category, and this includes milk, yogurt, and cheese. You can have up to 5 servings of these a day since your bones need lots of calcium. The next category is protein; this includes meat, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, and nuts. Two servings a day is all we need in this category. Now we’re getting to the top; we start seeing foods that we need very little of or not every day. We need very small amounts of fat in our diets; these are butter, oils, and spreads. At the very top, we have junk food. These are soda, candy, cookies, chips, cake, and many other foods. We should only eat these once or twice a week. Within the PowerPoint presentation, I will include pictures of strange foods and have the kids guess what they are and what food group they go into. Outcome evaluation will be measured by the kid’s understanding of the need for more of the bottom food groups in their diets and less of the top food group.

The students will be taught about the disadvantages of eating fast food and come up with healthier food options. This is a cognitive domain. After learning about the top two groups of the food pyramid, we will discuss the ingredients of fast food. Fast food is high in fats, oils, salt, and All of the things we shouldn’t eat very often put into an entire meal. Third-grade kids should eat around 1,600 calories a day. Calories are how much energy we get from food. A Big Mac, fries, and a drink are 1,100 calories. All that unhealthy food is equal to almost an entire day’s worth of energy, but it lacks all the good food groups. In the PowerPoint, I will show pictures of how much sugar and fat are in soda drinks and other junk food. Outcome evaluation will be measured by kids understanding that fast food contains mostly the top two food groups and that fast food contains almost all their needed calories in a day, but not in a healthy way.

Students will be able to recognise healthier food and activities and name something to replace them. This is a cognitive domain. After learning about healthy diets and exercise, the last objective will be interactive to come up with healthier options. In the PowerPoint, I will show pictures of kids playing video games, watching movies, and doing other sedentary activities. The kids will help me come up with other ideas of play that are more active and fall within the aerobic, bone/muscle strengthening categories. I will also show unhealthy food choices, and kids will develop healthier food options. For example, I will show chips, and the kids will pick carrot sticks as the alternative. Outcome evaluation will be evaluated by students being interactive and coming up with healthy food and physical activity.

Creativity will be applied to the teaching method by getting the students involved. The interactive PowerPoint will keep students engaged and enthusiastic about the learning material. By having the kids participate, they will feel empowered to start making healthier choices. The overall effectiveness of the teaching plan will be met when the students are able to pick healthy foods for each food group and come up with exercises to meet each area of need for aerobic, bone strength, and muscle strength. Barriers that may arise while teaching is the children not understanding why healthy food and exercise are good for them. The children may not understand the consequences of poor lifestyle decisions fully in the third grade.

Therapeutic communication is necessary when teaching elementary-aged children. I plan to capture their attention by starting the teaching out with fun types of play that encompass the three needed areas of physical activity for children. Keeping the teaching interactive will recruit more participation. I will also use positivity to all answers that the children give me and redirect them when needed. I will have a fun guessing game with strange fruits, vegetables, and other foods for the kids to put into food groups. We will also play an exchange game where I put up a sedentary activity like playing video games and give the kids choices of physical activities to pick from to make healthier lifestyle choices. Nonverbal communication will include smiling at the students, making eye contact when talking to them, using a kind voice, and laughing to keep the activity lighthearted.


Childhood Obesity Facts. (2019). Retrieved from

Data and Statistics of Physical Activity. (2019). Retrieved from

Nutrition and Weight Status | Healthy People 2020. (2020). Retrieved from weight-status

Pinal County 2018 Community Health Improvement Plan. (2018). Retrieved from Final-Report.pdf


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Note: This is an individual assignment. Applying what you have learned thus far, develop a community teaching proposal designed to address the needs of your community.

Select one of the following as the focus for the teaching plan:

Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

  2. Secondary Prevention/Screenings for a Vulnerable Population
  3. Bioterrorism/Disaster
  4. Environmental Issues

Complete the “Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal.” This will help you organize your plan and create an outline for the written assignment.

  1. After completing the teaching proposal, review the teaching plan with a community health and public health provider in your local community.
  2. Request feedback (strengths and opportunities for improvement) from the provider.
  3. Complete the “Community Teaching Experience” form.

APA format is required for essays only. Solid academic writing is always expected. For all assignment delivery options, documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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