Communication and Conflict
Goode, J. R., Knight, K., Denker, K. J., & Cronin-Fisher, V. (2021). Political Difference in Marriage: Wife’s Gender Linked Fate and Relational Conflict. Communication Studies, 72(3), 384–401.
In the article, Goode et al. examine conflict within marriages due to political differences. They focus on the conflict between heterosexual spouses as a function of wives’ endorsement of gender-linked fate. The interrelationships between gender, power, and politics are important in heterosexual marriages. Gender plays a role in involvement and positions in political issues. The authors argue that married women are more likely to experience tensions in social, political, and marital identities. These tensions are the sources of political conflict within homes. The findings illustrate that endorsement of gender-linked fate increased political competitiveness, volatility, and couple conflict in families led by Republican-affiliated men. On the other hand, Democratic-leaning husbands were more submissive during political conflicts related to endorsing the gender-linked fate. The authors conclude that the husband’s political party affiliation exacerbated the effect of gender-linked fate on political conflict behaviors.
Conflicts and their Resolution Using Communication Processes
Conflicts are normal and naturally occur in people’s interactions. Disagreements occur in various levels and settings due to differing causes. Conflicts may result from poor leadership and governance (Osei-Kyei et al., 2019). In conflict cases due to poor leadership, the conflict may arise as a result of leadership and management decisions that do not consider the subjects. It can also be due to contrasting opinions and a lack of trust among parties (Min et al., 2018). In other cases, conflicts may occur due to differences in emotions, values, principles, and perspectives on a particular situation or subject. High levels of stress and lack of trust among the parties can also lead to conflicts.
Communication processes can be used to resolve and manage conflicts. Conflicts can be resolved by addressing the issues that lead to the development of the conflicts as they occur. Active listening can also be used to approach conflicts from a neutral and informed perspective (Jones et al., 2016). Other communication processes that can manage conflict include understanding and respecting personal differences that exist in groups and collaborating with the other party to arrive at a mutually aggregable solution.
Goode, J. R., Knight, K., Denker, K. J., & Cronin-Fisher, V. (2021). Political Difference in Marriage: Wife’s Gender Linked Fate and Relational Conflict. Communication Studies, 72(3), 384–401.
Jones, S. M., Bodie, G. D., & Hughes, S. D. (2016). The Impact of Mindfulness on Empathy, Active Listening, and Perceived Provisions of Emotional Support: Https://Doi.Org/10.1177/0093650215626983, 46(6), 838–865.
Min, J. H., Jang, W., Han, S. H., Kim, D., & Kwak, Y. H. (2018). How Conflict Occurs and What Causes Conflict: Conflict Analysis Framework for Public Infrastructure Projects. Journal of Management in Engineering, 34(4), 04018019.
Osei-Kyei, R., Chan, A. P. C., Yu, Y., Chen, C., & Dansoh, A. (2019). Root causes of conflict and conflict resolution mechanisms in public-private partnerships: Comparative study between Ghana and China. Cities, 87, 185–195.
We’ll write everything from scratch
There are many different types of conflict and many ways to resolve them. Communication is the most important component in managing conflicts and working on a resolution. Visit the University of Arizona Global Campus Library and find a peer-reviewed academic article on managing conflict and conflict resolution using communication. Select one article to share with the class.
Communication and Conflict
Provide the author, year, article title, and a brief summary of the article and its findings. Discuss why conflict occurs and the communication processes used to manage or resolve conflict. Be sure to include a properly formatted APA reference at the end.
Here are some of the examples of articles you might find:
Callejas, L. M., & Shephard, H. (2020, December). Conflict as a social status mobility mechanism in schools: A network approach. Social Psychology Quarterly, 83, 4, 319-341.
Goode, J. R., Knight, K., Denker, K. J., & Cronin-Fisher, V. (2021). Political difference in marriage: Wife’s gender linked fate and relational conflict. Communication Studies, 1-18.
Matthes, J., Thomas, M. F., Stevic, A., & Schmuck, D. (2021). Fighting over smartphones? Parents’ excessive smartphone use, lack of control over children’s use, and conflict. Computers in Human Behavior, 116, 106618.
Post, S. (2019). Polarizing communication as media effects on antagonists. Understanding communication in conflicts in digital media societies. International Communication Association, 29, 231-235.
Your initial response should be 250 – 300 words and must be posted by Thursday, Day 3. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings with a substantial response by Monday, Day 7.