Communicable Diseases – Chickenpox
Port Elementary School,
4709 Shadowmar Drive,
Kenner, LA70062,
Phone: 504-818-5976,
31st January 2022
Dear parents/guardians,
I am writing to inform you about the current cases of Chickenpox at the school. After some research, which involved speaking with health agencies and health practitioners and reading books, I established the following.
Chickenpox (varicella) is a communicable disease that has recently spread through the school rapidly. Its incubation period lasts from 10 to 21 days. This means that new cases among the children are identified daily. Its transmission from child to child has been through direct contact where the learners touch each other’s blisters. They can also contract the disease by breathing in viruses that are in the air and are expelled by infected individuals through coughing, sneezing, or talking (Minnesota Department of Health).
Once a child is infected, they exhibit mild fevers or blisters that are itchy and filled with fluid. These blisters appear on the face first and spread to other body parts. These blisters are contagious for the first one or two days before the rash appears. By the fifth to seventh days, these blisters have crusts above them. During the period prior to crusting, children can remain at home to reduce the spread of Chickenpox (District of Columbia).
As an institution, we have decided to have healthcare professionals conduct training among children and the staff members. Parents are advised to give a note to their children that allow them to take a vaccination after training. We will also sanitize all school surfaces (District of Columbia). We also ask for your cooperation in observing the children to identify new outbreaks for exclusion.
This information is critical for ensuring that more children are not affected and ensuring that the school environment is safe. Feel free to contact the school or any health agency on the issues highlighted herein.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Yours faithfully,
Carina Kings,
The headteacher.
Works Cited
District of Columbia. “Communicable Disease Reference Chart For Schools And Child Care Personnel.” n.d. <>.
Minnesota Department of Health. Chickenpox and Shingles: School Reporting and Disease Control Recommendations. 2019. <>.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Write a 1-page form letter to parents regarding a communicable disease outbreak in your center/school. Conduct research on communicable diseases. The following information should be included: the disease name, what it is, who gets it and how, what are the signs/symptoms, what is the incubation period, what are the treatments, what are the recommendations for exclusion, and precautions for parents. Your letter should be professional and written as if it would truly be sent home with students to notify parents of an outbreak. Remember to reference your work!