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Cohort Study

Cohort Study


Great work with your post! A cohort study is a standard research method researchers mainly prefer because it enables them to study various outcomes associated with one exposure or multiple exposures in one study. A cohort study also allows a researcher to calculate the relative risk, absolute risk, risk difference, and attributable risk, thus allowing a researcher to mitigate the risk’s impact on research. Risk assessment allows a researcher to anticipate the consequences of their research and the impact of a researcher, thus influencing research success. Researchers need to be prepared for the different risks that may arise from their actions or the research participants’ actions because they impact the study’s success and how the audience perceives it.

A study’s characteristics can influence a cohort study’s position in the research pyramid. According to Setia (2016), a cohort study is observational, reducing reliability because the groups selected may differ in different ways besides the studied variable. A randomized study is more reliable because it is carefully planned and includes various methodologies that reduce bias. Researchers may also conduct a correlational study considering the relationship between different variables.

According to Lam et al. (2011), correlational studies may be classified as negative, positive, or zero. A negative correlation arises when there are two statistically opposite variables where the increase in one variable decreases the other. A positive correlation occurs when there are two statistically corresponding variables where a decrease or increase in one variable creates a similar change in the other. Zero correlation occurs when two variables are not statistically connected. Therefore, a change in one variable in zero correlation does not affect the other. The main methods considered in a correlational study are archival data, surveys, and naturalistic observation.

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Lam, K., Steinberg, S., & Lam, K. (2011). Research design: Observational and correlational studies.

Setia, M. (2016). Methodology series module 1: Cohort studies. Indian Journal of Dermatology, 61(1), 21.


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Can you respond 2-3 paragraphs to this discussion with 1 citation?

What is the fundamental difference between the method you have chosen (either the case-control or cohort method) and the randomized controlled trial?
The fundamental difference between a cohort study and a randomized control trial is that the participants in a randomized control trial are randomly selected, and the participants in a cohort study are selected because of their relationship to a factor (known or unknown to them) (Curley, 2020).

Cohort Study

Cohort Study

What are the advantages and disadvantages of your chosen study method (case-control or cohort study)?
A cohort study has the advantages of being able to be done retrospectively, providing sound evidence on relative risk and incidence rates, and studying the outcome related to multiple factors (Curley, 2020). Some disadvantages seem to be that they can be expensive and that results can be skewed in long studies due to withdrawal bias (Curley, 2020).

What are the characteristics of a correlational study?
A correlation study looks at the numbers of a characteristic of a population or aggregate and uses those numbers to make “correlations” or relationships between the factors (Curley, 2020). Correlational studies are usually used to provide preliminary insight into a possible relationship to determine if a deep dive into the relationship could be warranted (Curley, 2020).

Where does your chosen method (case-control or cohort study) fall on the research pyramid? What does where it is on the research pyramid mean?
On the research pyramid, cohort studies fall third from the top. This implies that this type of study is not the most credible of the study types.

Curley, A. L. (2020). Population-based nursing: Concepts and competencies for advanced practice (3rd ed.). Springer Publishing Company.