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Cognitive Approach Project- Planning Assignment Instructions

Cognitive Approach Project- Planning Assignment Instructions


Your goal with this project is to create a work of art that is meant to persuade the viewer about a particular idea. You must decide on a target audience and a specific message about which you are trying to convince them. You must consider your target audience and how the communication process affects their reception of visual messages. The mental activities from Carolyn Bloomer’s Cognitive Approach Theory of Visual Communication (discussed in Module 2’s Read Item: Theories of Visual Communication) must be explained, and how they can be considered in your visual art project in order to communicate your message to your target audience effectively.


After brainstorming, fill in this document with your project plans and submit the document as a PDF to Canvas saved as LastnameFirstname_cognitive_part1.pdf. Be sure to review the project grading rubric before submission.

Target Audience Description:

With the art project, I intend to reach an audience of ages between fifteen and forty-five, youth and adults. This audience includes but is not limited to students in high school and college and even working-class adults, meaning it will be applicable to youth and adults, regardless of their ethnicity and income. I want to spread awareness of an alternative to violence by monitoring what people say and how they say it in conversations with others. Speech illustrates a person’s opinion, belief, likes, and dislikes, presenting themselves to their society. For this reason, the target audience is individuals who can identify and correct issues in their speech, rectify how they are presented in society, and aid in self-discovery and conflict resolution.

Message Summary:

To persuade my target audience to monitor their speech as an alternative approach to violence.

Research/Development – Communication Process.

What aspects of your art (imagery, colors, words) will you use to communicate your message to your audience? What do these aspects mean to your target audience?

The aspects of my art that I will use to convey my message to the target audience include color; color mixing is necessary to create contrast, especially between light and darkness, and words shape the message being conveyed. These aspects will mean that there is a difference between what is acceptable and not, and phrases exactly mean as they state, such as “STOP,” to my audience.

 Will your imagery/text be similar to an existing company, cause, or concept? What type of reaction will your target audience have when viewing this imagery and why?

My imagery will be similar to an existing cause, a project, the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP), by the non-profit organization Friends for a NonViolent World (FNVW). The type of reaction my target audience will have when viewing this imagery is one that compels change in a fun way, especially for those who desire to live in a peaceful world, because the message conveyed in the art piece will be direct and clear.

What tone will your artwork have? Will it be encouraging or negative? Will it prompt a purchase, an emotion, or an action? Specifically, what about your visual art will accomplish this?

The artwork will have an encouraging tone by urging the target audience not to say anything before analyzing the intended reply. Accordingly, the art piece will prompt an emotional reaction leading to an action that results in change, and all the impacts of the art piece will be accomplished using the context of the piece created using art elements.

 What medium will you use to communicate to your audience (paint, colored pencils, markers, photography, digital art programs such as Photoshop or Procreate, etc.)? How is this medium well suited for your target audience?

The medium I will use for communication with my audience is a digital art program. Given that my target audience is mostly Genz and millennials, who tend to be on their smart devices most of the time, a digital art piece will be more exposed to the target audience.

 Where will your artwork be displayed? Will it be a physical painting in a coffee shop, an online advertisement, a greeting card, an album cover, or a street mural? How will the physical or virtual space of the artwork be able to reach your target audience?

The artwork will be displayed online as an advertisement to promote peace in society. Being a virtual space artwork, the piece will reach my target audience online through social media platforms; promotion can be done by sharing links.

Research/Development – Mental Activities:


Memory is the ability to recall details. I will create a fun art piece by using elements such as proportionality and proximity to emotions from my target audience. Using entertaining ideas in the piece might serve as memory aids for the target audience to ensure the message stays with them.


Projection is the displacement of one’s emotions onto a piece as the effect of the price rather than personality display. I’ll utilize projection to show the importance of speech awareness. The consequences of not watching what is said lead to violence, and a majority of the target audience will interpret that message from the piece.


The expectation is the belief that something will happen. I’ll use expectation to anticipate my target audience’s reaction. By creating an entertaining piece, I expect the target audience will find it humorous, thereby registering the message of the piece.


Selectivity is the bias in visual perception by paying more attention to certain aspects over others. With the target audience’s selective attention, I will ensure the art piece is captivating to grasp all their attention. The visual perception of the art will be relatable to the audience to ensure their attention is captivated.


Habituation is the norm in displays, leading to selectivity, with some displays being ignored. To prevent habituation amongst my target audience, I will reduce the number of elements in the piece to ensure the visual stimuli do not overburden the audience.


Salience describes the event where a visual stimulus is identified as relevant, making it captivating. Attention to detail will enable the target audience to decipher the message of the artwork by relating to the images presented and how they are presented. The sizes of objects in the art piece will help captivate the audience.


Dissonance is the dissociation created when multiple stimuli overpower an audience. Using few and elaborate elements will reduce the visual stimuli, preventing dissonance from the artwork.


Culture is the individual orientation that affects how people perceive artworks and behaviors. Not tying my piece to a given cultural background will make it more relatable to the target audience.


Words are phrases that define or describe something. Using words with images will be impactful to the audience, and I will use words in the art piece to emphasize my message to the target audience.


In preparation for the execution of your art project, write down details concerning the following:

What medium are you planning to use (examples: digital painting, photography, collage, drawing, painting, sculpture, etc.)?

The medium I am planning to use for the artwork is Computer-Generated Imagery.

 What type of art will you be creating? (examples: a poster, digital advertising banner, painting, album cover, t-shirt design, etc.)

The art I will be creating is a digital advertisement that will be shared on social media platforms.

 What dimensions will your art project be?

The dimensions of my art piece will be “1200 × 90” pixels.

 Preliminary Sketches:

 Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.


We’ll write everything from scratch



Your goal with this project is to create a work of art that is meant to persuade the viewer about a particular idea. You must decide on a target audience and a specific message about which you are trying to convince them. You must consider your target audience and how the communication process affects their reception of visual messages. The mental activities from Carolyn Bloomer’s Cognitive Approach Theory of Visual Communication (discussed in Module 2’s Read Item: Theories of Visual Communication) must be explained, and how they can be considered in your visual art project in order to communicate your message to your target audience effectively.

Cognitive Approach Project- Planning Assignment Instructions

Cognitive Approach Project- Planning Assignment Instructions


After brainstorming, fill in this document with your project plans and submit the document as a PDF to Canvas saved as LastnameFirstname_cognitive_part1.pdf. Be sure to review the project grading rubric before submission.