Children and Adolescents Cognitive Development- The Zone of Proximal Development and Scaffolding
What role does the teacher play in this effort?
The zone of proximal development is what a student is capable of doing on their own or what one can execute with encouragement and assistance from a skilled partner such as a classmate. Scaffolding, on the other hand, occurs when an adult, such as a teacher, supports a student in learning how to execute a given task (Ormrod et al., 2012). The teacher’s effort in the case where children are working within the proximal development zone is serving as a scaffolder.
How might a teacher apply this to a reading, math, or science lesson? What would it look like?
The teacher would implement this reading in a math class scenario by assisting students in understanding the correct method of solving a mathematical problem using an applicable example. The teacher will then give the students a math task, prompting them to use the earlier method to work out the math problem. During this task, the teacher should refrain from offering assistance to the student as far as the problem is concerned unless an individual student asks for help (Ormrod et al., 2012). The teacher should begin with what the learner has done correctly before looking at the complex aspects of the math problem.
Besides, the teacher should focus on the demonstration aspect when helping the student to learn how to solve the given problem. It should look like the student is solving the problem. For instance, the teacher should ask themself questions loudly and answer them, showing every step followed until the math problem is solved. The teacher should ingrain the methodology further by repeating the steps involved in solving the problem and, this time, asking students question to ensure that they have followed (Davidson, n.d). Students should be encouraged positively, whether they give correct or incorrect answers, to make the classroom as friendly as possible and enhance learner motivation in following the concepts being taught. It is important that the teacher take note of the individual learner’s needs to ensure that at least every learner understands how to solve the problem until the desired results are attained.
Davidson Films. (n.d.). Vygotsky’s developmental theory: An introduction.
Ormrod, J. E., & Jones, B. D. (2012). Essentials of educational psychology: Big ideas to guide effective teaching.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Vygotsky and his followers have proposed that children and adolescents’ cognitive development is promoted when they work within their zone of proximal development and that scaffolding enables them to do this successfully.
Children and Adolescents Cognitive Development- The Zone of Proximal Development and Scaffolding
What role does the teacher play in this effort? How might a teacher apply this to a reading, math, or science lesson? What would it look like?