Chi-Square Tests and Examples
The chi-square goodness of fit test is a parametric trial often used to determine the dissimilarity between the observable and expected values (Tanner, 2016). The chi-square goodness of fit test is applied when using a simple random sampling, where a single qualitative variable exists from one population. The test has four steps: establishing an analytical plan, expressing the hypothesis, and interpreting the findings.
The chi-square goodness of fit test and frequency distribution are similar because they are both used to show different categories, the measures in a dataset with the same characteristics, and the variables (Nihan, 2020). However, they differ because the chi-square goodness of fit test is usually performed in nominal order, whereas the frequency distribution can either be ordered or disordered. Additionally, the numbers in a frequency distribution data set can be seen more than once.
The chi-square test of independence can consist of two variables that can be categorized into several if there are available categories. The variables are usually evaluated to determine if they have a relationship (Nihan, 2020). The fact that both the chi-square test of independence and the chi-square goodness of fit test are conducted in nominal order is what makes them similar. In contrast to the chi-square goodness of fit test, which only employs one variable, the test of independence uses two variables.
Depending on how many variables a certain data set contains, one will decide whether to employ the chi-square test of independence or the chi-square goodness of fit test because a data set with only one variable needs the chi-square goodness of fit test, while a data set with two variables needs the chi-square test of independence.
A real-world example of the chi-square test of independence is when determining the gender of students taking degree courses. The gender of the students consists of two variables: male and female. On the other hand, the degree type consists of several variables. The chi-square test of independence here may be utilized to determine the courses that have more students from a certain gender.
Nihan, S. T. (2020). Karl Pearson chi-square tests. Educational Research and Reviews, 15(9), 575–580.
Tanner, D. (2016). Statistics for the Behavioral & Social Sciences (2nd ed.). Bridgepoint Education.
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Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read the Instructor Guidance for Week 2; Chapter 10 in the textbook; pages 109 to 120 in Chapter 7 of the Jarman (2013) e-book; the Chi-Square TestLinks to an external site., The Chi-Square Test: Often Used and More Often MisinterpretedLinks to an external site., The Chi-Square Test of IndependenceLinks to an external site., How to Chi-Square TestLinks to an external site., and How to Interpret Chi-SquaredLinks to an external site. articles; watch the Two-Way Tables: Against All Odds – Inside StatisticsLinks to an external site., Chi-Square Tests: Crash Course Statistics #29Links to an external site., Chi-Square Test for Association (Independence) | AP Statistics | Khan AcademyLinks to an external site., and Chi-Square: Lecture 11Links to an external site. Videos.

Chi-Square Tests and Examples
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Table 10.6 (Tanner, 2016)
The purpose of this discussion is to allow you to consider how nonparametric tests are used and how two types of chi-square tests compare. To do this, you will need to explain statistical concepts and assess assumptions, limitations, and implications associated with statistical tests.
For your initial post,
Describe the chi-square goodness-of-fit test. Explain what this test measures.
Explain how the chi-square goodness-of-fit test is similar to and different from a simple frequency distribution.
Describe the chi-square test of independence. Explain what this test measures and how it is similar to and different from the chi-square goodness-of-fit test.
How do you know when to use one analysis over the other?
Provide a real-world example in which either a goodness-of-fit test or a test of independence should be used.
Guided Response: Review your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two of them. Compare the real-world examples identified by two of your classmates with the one you selected and respond substantively. Do you agree or disagree with their analyses of which test should be used?