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Chapter 6 Summary- Graphic Organizer and Reflection

Chapter 6 Summary- Graphic Organizer and Reflection


Chapter 6 illustrates strategies that teachers can adopt to take charge in the classroom. These strategies seek to empower teachers to instill discipline among learners as a way of managing the class. Through this chapter, I have learned that the teacher is the final authority in the classroom. However, the teacher should not involve force in exerting their authority in the classroom. Instead, they should strive to create a learning environment that is orderly, calm, and purposeful (Charles & Cole, 2019). Additionally, I have learned that teachers should constantly evaluate their tactics to ensure consistent discipline within the classroom.

The most profound aspect of this chapter is that discipline is cultivated through actions. Adopting a proactive approach illustrates the teacher’s commitment to enhancing the discipline levels among their students. Further, teachers need to emphasize that discipline impacts the student even after leaving the learning institutions. The teacher should also consider teaching the students the rules and how to comply with the rules. In addition, the teacher should establish leverage that will enable them to enforce the rules. It is essential that teachers note that the enforcement strategy impacts the teacher-student relationship. Forceful enforcement can trigger negative attitudes, thus disrupting the learning environment. For this reason, the teacher should incorporate the students’ opinions in their enforcement strategy to avoid condescending the learners.

Teachers are tasked with developing conducive classroom environments that enhance the learning experience. Discipline is integral in enabling the teacher to effectively manage the classroom, thus improving the classroom environment. The recommendations by Craig Seganti are a vital guide for teachers to instill discipline among students without compromising the teacher-student relationships.


Charles, C. M., & Cole, K. M. (2019). Building classroom management: Methods and models (12th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.


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Chapter Summary in a Graphic Organizer and Reflection
Review the chapter in the textbook. Organize the content in a graphic organizer, and then reflect on the chapter. Reflect on what was the most profound concept you obtained from the chapter and how you can implement it in your future classroom.

Chapter 6 Summary- Graphic Organizer and Reflection

Chapter 6 Summary- Graphic Organizer and Reflection

In the second file is the assignment, along with the book link and instructor lecture on the assignments.