Cases by City and Ages Impacted Report
Various cities have been impacted by a viral infection. The cases were recorded in April 2017 across fifty cities. For instance, data was collected in Los Angeles, Phoenix, San Diego, Denver, Louisville, Omaha, Portland, and Albuquerque on 2nd April. Also, data were collected in Minneapolis and Washington D.C on 3rd March. Furthermore, on 24th April, data was collected in New York, Philadelphia, Dallas, Nashville, Baltimore, and Tucson. This report will guide resource allocation by determining cities with the highest cases and the worst affected age groups. Our assignment writing services will allow you to attend to more important tasks as our experts handle your task.
Part 1: Cases by City
Top 5 Cities for Infected Cases
Data analysis reveals the number of infected cases among the fifty cities. The five cities with the highest number of cases are Jacksonville, Miami, Phoenix, Austin, and Houston. Jacksonville leads with 322 cases. Miami is second with 299 cases. Phoenix is third with 289 cases. Austin is fourth with 281 cases. Finally, Houston is fifth with 272 cases.
The Prevalence Rate per 100,000 People (n.d.) reports that prevalence is calculated by dividing the number of cases by the total population. Furthermore, (n.d.) states that the prevalence rate is converted to the prevalence rate per (PRP) 100,000 people by multiplying the prevalence rate by 100,000. In this scenario, data was collected in April 2017. As such, the prevalence rate will be calculated using the total population recorded in 2017. To begin with, Jacksonville had a total population of 893,203 in 2017 (, n.d.-a). Its prevalence rate is 0.0003605 (322/893,203), whereas its PRP 100,000 people is 36.05 cases per 100,000 persons. Secondly, Miami had a total population of 455,925 in 2017 (, n.d.-b). Its prevalence rate is 0.0006558 (299/455,925), whereas its PRP 100,000 people is 65.58 cases per 100,000 persons. Thirdly, Phoenix had a total population of 1.634 million in 2017 (, n.d.-c). Its prevalence rate is 0.00017687 (289/1.634 million), whereas its PRP 100,000 people is 17.69 cases per 100,000 persons. Fourthly, Austin had a total population of 951,610 in 2017 (, n.d.-d). Its prevalence rate is 0.0002953 (281/951,610), whereas its PRP 100,000 people is 29.53 cases per 100,000 persons. Lastly, Houston had a total population of 2.313 million in 2017 (, n.d.-e). Its prevalence rate is 0.0001176 (272/2,313,000), whereas its PRP per 100,000 people is 11.76 cases per 100,000 cases.
Additional Information
Evaluation of the chart revealed additional information. Based on the prevalence rate, Miami has the highest prevalence among the five cities. Jacksonville has the second-highest prevalence rate, whereas Austin has the third-highest prevalence rate. Houston has the lowest prevalence rate among the five cities. Accordingly, this information can guide resource allocation. For instance, Miami and Jacksonville should be prioritized because they have the highest prevalence rates of infectious viruses.
Part 2: Ages Impacted
This section evaluates the age groups affected by the infection virus in the five cities. The analysis classifies the age groups into four groups. The first age group is individuals aged below eighteen years (<18). The second age group is individuals aged between nineteen and thirty years (19-30). The third age group entails individuals aged between thirty-one to sixty years (31-60). Finally, the fourth age group entails individuals aged sixty-one years and above (60+).
The Most Affected Age Groups
The most affected age group includes individuals below eighteen years (<18). The cumulative cases recorded for this age group in the five cities is 657. Furthermore, three cities recorded the highest number of cases among this age group. They include Miami (170 cases), Phoenix (145 cases), and Austin (151 cases). Houston and Jacksonville recorded the second-highest cases among this age group. The second most affected age group consists of individuals aged sixty-one years and above (61+). The cumulative cases recorded in this age group are 507. Jacksonville and Houston recorded the highest cases among this age group (149 and 106 cases, respectively). The number of cases recorded in Miami, Phoenix, and Austin are 81, 92, and 79, respectively.
The Least Affected Age Groups
The least affected age group consists of people aged between nineteen and thirty years (19-30). The cumulative number of cases recorded among members of this age group is 85. The number of cases recorded in Jacksonville, Miami, Phoenix, Austin, and Houston are 19, 18, 20, 12, and 16, respectively. Next, the second least affected age group comprises people aged between thirty-one to sixty years (31-60). The cumulative cases recorded among members of this age group is 214. Jacksonville (61) and Miami (30) recorded the highest and lowest cases in the age group. Lastly, the number of cases recorded in Phoenix, Austin, and Houston are 32, 39, and 52, respectively.
The Prevalence Rate per Age Demographic
As earlier stated, the prevalence rate is calculated by dividing the number of cases by the total population. Firstly, in 2017, the number of people aged 18 and below, 19 to 30 years, 31 to 60 years, and above 61 years in Jacksonville were about 140,000, 223,400, 225,000, and 217,500, respectively (, n.d.-a). As such, the prevalence rate among these age groups is 0.000664 (93/140,000), 0.000085 (19/223,400), 0.0002711 (61/225,000), and 0.000685 (149/217,500), respectively. Secondly, the number of people aged 18 and below, 19 to 30 years, 31 to 60 years, and above 61 years in Miami were 51,800, 108,900, 130,600, and 124,400, respectively (, n.d.-b). As such, the prevalence rate among these age groups is 0.00328, 0.0165, 0.000229, and 0.00065, respectively. Thirdly, the number of people aged 18 and below, 19 to 30 years, 31 to 60 years, and above 61 years in Phoenix were 303,000, 407,000, 424,000, and 323,100, respectively (, n.d.-c). As such, the prevalence rate among these age groups is 0.00047, 0.000049, 0.0000755, and 0.00039, respectively. Fourthly, the number of people aged 18 and below, 19 to 30 years, 31 to 60 years, and above 61 years in Austin were about 133,000, 304,000, 244,000, and 164,000, respectively (, n.d.-d). As such, the prevalence rate is about 0.0011, 0.0000394, 0.000159, and 0.000481, respectively. Lastly, the number of people aged 18 and below, 19 to 30 years, 31 to 60 years, and above 61 years in Houston were about 393,000, 654,000, 490,000, and 463,800, respectively (, n.d.-e). As such, the prevalence rate is about 0.000249, 0.0000244, 0.000106, and 0.000228, respectively.
Additional Information
Based on the prevalence rate analysis, Miami has the highest prevalence rate among the five cities. The prevalence rate among the four age groups is 0.00328 (<18), 0.0165 (19-30), 0.000229 (31-60), and 0.00065 (61+). As such, adequate resources should be allocated to address the infectious disease in Miami. Furthermore, adequate resources should be allocated to address the disease among people aged 18 and below in the five cities.
This report reveals that the worst affected cities are Jacksonville, Miami, Phoenix, Austin, and Houston. Also, the worst affected age groups are those aged 18 and below and those aged 61 years and above. This information will allow stakeholders to allocate adequate resources to promote disease control in these cities.
References (n.d.-a). Demographics: Jacksonville. (n.d.-b). Demographics: Miami. (n.d.-c). Demographics: Phoenix. (n.d.-d). Demographics: Austin. (n.d.-e). Demographics: Houston. (n.d.). Chapter 6: Incidence and Prevalence.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Part 1: Cases by City
Read the following scenario:
Data has been collected to identify specific cases of people who are infected with a dangerous virus. Your organization has an interest in knowing
where the population is most affected in an effort to move resources to areas that need them.
Create a bar chart using Microsoft Excel® and the data provided in the Cases by City spreadsheet to identify the cities with the highest counts of

Cases by City and Ages Impacted Report
Write a 525- to 700-word analysis of the data. Include an answer to the following questions:
• What are the top 5 cities for infected cases?
• How many infected cases does each of those cities have?
• What is the prevalence rate per 100,000 people?
• What else can be deduced after evaluating the chart?
Include your bar chart with the analysis.
Part 2: Ages Impacted
Now that we know where the outbreaks are located, your organization wants to know more about who it affects. The age of the patient will
determine what kind of resources will be needed in those areas.
Create a side-by-side bar graph using Microsoft Excel and the data provided in the Ages Impacted spreadsheet to identify the age groups affected
by the virus.
Note: This information will be used for further analysis in future assessments.
Write a 525- to 700-word analysis of the data. Include an answer to the following questions:
MHACB/507 Competency 2 Rubric
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• Which age groups are most affected?
• Which age groups are least affected?
• What is the prevalence rate per age demographic?
• What else can be deduced after evaluating the chart?
Include your side-by-side bar graph with the analysis.
Format your citations according to APA guidelines.
Compile Part I and Part II into a report that could be submitted to the leadership in your organization.