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Case Study Design and Analysis-Discrimination

Case Study Design and Analysis-Discrimination


Brian has worked for ABC Law Firm for over five years now. When he joined the company, he was given a job as an office assistant. At first, most of the work he was given was arranging and preparing files and documents for use. Since this is a law firm, there is much filing work. However, the challenge is that Brian believes his qualifications should not be limited to filing alone. He has wanted to be given a job at the front desk, especially because he is good at talking and interacting with people. The office has used different excuses to avoid giving him a job at the front desk.

Case Story

ABC Law Firm is a reputable law firm in the county. When Brian got an opportunity because of his qualifications and passion, he believed he would climb the ranks to the company’s public relations (PR) officer position. However, since he joined the company, HR has always avoided promoting him from the filing section to the front desk (Banaccio et al., 2020). He believes that that promotion would allow him to show his capacity to become the company’s PR. Even though HR has not told him directly, they believe that because of his disability, Brian cannot be the PR image of the company. They are, therefore, “simply accommodating him.”

Analysis of ADA

ADA is an act that was passed to protect people with disability from discrimination. This comprehensive law makes it clear that it is against the law to discriminate against people who are disabled in all areas of life, like at school, in the workplace, and even in public places. When the purpose of this law is analyzed, there is evidence to show that this law protects Brian and should take the step to sue his employer. The law notes how people with disabilities should be handled at work. One thing that it clarifies is that they should not be denied opportunities when they are capable of excelling in that opportunity. It is good that the company has employed Brian despite his disability. However, the fact that they are denying him a chance to get a promotion amounts to discrimination as indicated in Title I of this law, where they have the right to get opportunities like all other individuals.

Analysis of the Case

This company is unwilling to promote Brian. This discrimination manifests in how he has worked excellently for five years and also has asked for a promotion, but he has never got a valid reason why he should not be promoted. Additionally, he is qualified to work at the front desk but is limited to errands like arranging files. The ADA Act prohibits discrimination against people with disability in any way (ADA National Network, 2023). The only reason that can make a company limit an employee from undertaking a task is if their disability makes it difficult for them to perform the functions and places undue strain on the company. For its part, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) protects people from any form of workplace discrimination and emphasizes creating opportunity for everyone. Most importantly, it protects workers against the unfair conduct of the employer. In the case of Brian, the EEOC is relevant because it prohibits harassment of any kind at the workplace because of a person’s disability. Therefore, denying Brian a chance to get a promotion and become the company’s PR is considered illegal under this act.


Brian should be allowed to work in whichever capacity he can as long as he is qualified. He can also be the company’s PR despite his disability. This position for Brian can give the company a better image as a company that welcomes diversity (Carr & Namkung, 2021). Brian has worked long enough and deserves a promotion for several reasons, including his qualifications. Besides, he can sue the company for discrimination due to his disability.


ADA National Network. (2023). What is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?. Retrieved from

Bonaccio, S., Connelly, C. E., Gellatly, I. R., Jetha, A., & Martin Ginis, K. A. (2020). The participation of people with disabilities in the workplace across the employment cycle: Employer concerns and research evidence. Journal of Business and Psychology, 35(2), 135–158.

Carr, D., & Namkung, E. H. (2021). Physical disability at work: How functional limitation affects perceived discrimination and interpersonal relationships in the workplace. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 62(4), 545–561.


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Case Study Design and Analysis
For this assignment, you will identify the main concepts and terms learned in this week’s online lectures and textbook readings and create a fictional case study (which may not be related to actual individuals).

You will use the following guidelines while writing your case study:

Case Study Design and Analysis-Discrimination

Case Study Design and Analysis-Discrimination

Background: You need to describe the demographics of individuals involved in the case study such as their age, gender, occupation, education, relationships, and family history.
The case story: You need to describe a scenario demonstrating individuals subjected to discrimination in the workplace. While analyzing the case study, use the labour laws found on the U.S. Department of Labor Web site, specifically the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Equal Employment Opportunity Act.
Analysis of the case: You need to utilize the information learned from the online lectures and text readings to analyze the case study. Be specific in your analysis using supporting evidence from outside sources when needed.
Recommendations: You need to end the case study with your recommendations or suggestions you would have implemented in such a situation to assist in changing the behavior of the individuals involved in the case study.

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