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Career Research and Exploration

Career Research and Exploration

The Fields of My Interest and What Influenced Me to Choose These Fields

The careers that interest me the most are customer service representative and production manager. According to Hudson & Hudson (2022), customer service representatives link an organization and its customers by responding to their inquiries and ensuring their needs and preferences are met. Production managers ensure that everyone involved in the production process and the machines run smoothly to get finished goods on time. I consider these careers because they include interacting with other people and exchanging information and ideas. One of the things that influenced me to choose these fields includes my good communication skills that are needed to meet career responsibilities. I was also influenced by the fact that I have prior experience in production management and customer service. Therefore, I can use my experience to effectively complete assigned tasks within these fields, thus supporting my career growth process.

Influence from a Role Model

A person’s career choice can be influenced by a person acting as their role model (Sharif, 2019). For instance, my choice was influenced by my father, a production manager in a hydroelectric power plant. I have always wanted to work as a production manager in a processing plant which is why I am looking for production management internships and entry-level jobs to acquire relevant knowledge and experience.

The Information I Hope to Find in My Exploration

According to Umesha & Ramasesh (2017), career information is the foundation for career guidance. The career decision-making process requires comparing information about different careers (Martinez & Shaker, 2019). I intend to look for information related to the chosen fields to understand better what is expected of me and what I need to do to have a successful career in the two fields. Some of the information I hope to find in my exploration is the best place to work in the two fields, the knowledge, skills, and competencies I need to complete the roles and responsibilities in the career fields, and the minimum wage offered in the two fields.


Hudson, Dr. S., & Hudson, L. (2022). Introduction to customer service. Customer Service for Hospitality and Tourism.

Martinez, G., & Shaker, E. (2019). Career and life planning.

Sharif, N. (2019). Factors influencing career choices. IBT Journal of Business Studies, 15(1), 33–45.

Umesha, S., & Ramasesh, C. (2017). Career Information Resources and Services at Mysore University Library: An Overview.


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Career Research and Exploration

Career Research and Exploration

During this week, you will spend time researching careers more thoroughly. Use the O*NET Interest Profiler to begin your research. Share one or two careers that interest you the most. Explain why you are considering these as possible careers.
What influenced you to choose these fields?
Was it perhaps an experience or a person?
What information do you hope to find in your exploration?

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