Business Editorial Presenting Your Position On A Timely Business Issue Business organizations work in a highly dynamic environment with many variables that impact their operations. The causes vary...
Latest News - Business & Finance
High Performing Industry Sectors Effects of Covid-19 and Relocation of Standard & Poor’s 500 Companies Information Technology (IT) is the better sector due to COVID-19, which forced...
Customer Protection The Zelle banking app. A recent scam with this app allows criminals to obtain money fraudulently, and the banks are not required to protect the consumers from stolen funds. The...
Forms of an Appraisal Report Self-Contained Appraisal Report A Self-Contained Appraisal Report is a thorough presentation of the data, analyses, and reasoning that led to the appraiser’s opinion of...
Individual Power Bases and Position Power The definition of power is the ability to influence, alter behaviour, and change the attitude of others in a particular way. Personal power lies within each...
How Various Leadership Theories Support Innovation and Entrepreneurial Spirit within Organizations We know leadership inspires others to work hard to accomplish important tasks. This is accomplished...