Latest News - Business & Finance

Global Competition and Organizational Change

Global Competition and Organizational Change Organizational change for a company to maintain its competitiveness is closely interconnected and intertwined. An organization adapts to the shifting...

Journal Article Analysis On Climate Change

Journal Article Analysis On Climate Change Climate change has been a cause of heated discussions, especially with the witnessed rise in air temperatures at five times the expected rate. For this...

Book Review Of Our Iceberg Is Melting

Book Review Of Our Iceberg Is Melting The book was an exciting way to learn how to develop a change process; it’s not often we see a fable in the business world, much like a children’s fable....

Challenges Facing Leaders Today

Challenges Facing Leaders Today Leadership in the contemporary world is marked by various challenges that demand exceptional skills and adaptability. The rapidly changing landscape of technology,...

Economic Data On Business Decision Making

Economic Data On Business Decision Making Summary of article A: (The value of US government data to US business Decisions)  Hughes-Cromwick & Coronado (2019) state that the US Government is one...

Annotated Bibliography On Economic Data

Annotated Bibliography On Economic Data Agbozo, E., & Asamoah, B. K. (2019). Data-driven E-Government: Exploring the Socio-Economic Ramifications. EJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government,...