Bullying in the Workplace
Part of the ethical responsibilities of organizations is to create a positive work environment for all their workers. However, workplace bullying is a common problem that prevents the achievement of this ethical responsibility. Bullying refers to the continuous mistreatment of one or more people in a workplace. This can result in either emotional or physical harm (Nielsen & Einarsen, 2012). Bullying does not only affect individual employees but also a company’s overall ethical culture. This essay evaluates the problem of bullying in workplaces as a major ethical issue that needs to be effectively dealt with.
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Please explain why you chose this particular issue and believe it is important.
Comaford (2016), in an article posted in Forbes Magazine, posted the results of a study by a University of Phoenix professor showing that approximately 75% of workers experience some form of workplace bullying. Workplace bullying involves recurrent mistreatment of a person by person(s) in the workplace environment. Bullying conduct can be intimidating, humiliating, or threatening (Hauge, Skogstad & Einarsen, 2010). The fact that a majority of people experience these actions at some point in their working experience makes this a very important ethical issue to deal with. Actions of bullying tend to make employees unhappy and unsatisfied with their jobs. Therefore, it influences their performance capabilities. Aside from being an ethical issue that affects the employees, bullying affects the organization as a whole by reducing the performance of employees. Therefore, organizations need to deal with this issue to maintain a positive ethical culture and increase employee satisfaction and performance in the workplace.
Describe other stakeholders for this ethical issue and what concerns they are likely to have.
The following are some of the stakeholders who may be concerned about the issue of bullying in the workplace because they are concerned for the well-being of the employees and creating an ethical business environment.
- Human Resource Officers: HR officers are responsible for ensuring that employees have a positive work environment and access to resources and avenues that promote their satisfaction with their job roles and productivity. These officers need to be concerned with bullying as an ethical issue because it is their responsibility to evaluate the workplace and ensure that cases of bullying are prevented and well dealt with when they occur.
- Union delegates: Workers’ unions are intermediaries between employees and their employers. Their concern in the issue of bullying may be advocating for the creation of a positive workplace environment that is free from bullying and discrimination of people.
- Doctors: Bullying exposes people to many potential health risks. The doctors may be concerned about this ethical issue because they promote health and well-being. By eradicating bullying, they can contribute to the protection of the health of millions of people.
- Psychologists: Some of the effects of bullying are psychological. Psychologists aim to ensure positive mental and emotional health for the workers. Participating in the issue of bullying is a concern for people’s mental health by eradicating avenues that create stress and mental strain.
- Lawyers: The law is clearly against workplace bullying and discrimination. The possibility of a bullying incident exposes a company to the risk of litigation. Lawyers’ concern in this issue is to ensure that affected employees get compensated and that organizations are protected from the effects of this ethical issue.
Explain why an organizational policy is the right way to resolve the issue.
As dangerous as workplace bullying is, many organizations often overlook it. Companies must demonstrate a commitment to reducing this issue through developing anti-bullying policies. The main consequence of the lack of such policies is the promotion of such behaviors because there are no structures in place to promote accountability. An anti-bullying policy can be beneficial in solving this ethical problem because it will provide guidelines on the standard of conduct expected of every employee. A lot of people do not understand workplace bullying or the actions that constitute bullying. Creating an anti-bullying policy will help educate people more on the issue so they can understand the actions they must avoid.
This policy can also help solve the issue by creating a framework for the victims of bullying to report to the authorities and seek help when required. Businesses can only deal with this problem when they understand when it happens. Therefore, it is important that anti-bullying policies clearly state the procedures that victims or people who have witnessed bullying can report the issue to the authorities. The bullying policy is also important for creating the expected standards of action when a person has been accused or found guilty of bullying. Perpetrators of this action need to be held accountable, which can only be done if the organizations are ready to create rules for holding them accountable. Lastly, creating a bullying policy is an organization’s demonstration of its commitment to dealing with the problem. Other employees can follow the same anti-bullying culture when they see their leaders’ commitment.
Describe how this particular issue might be related to larger problems that affect your community, the country, or the world. Is the issue currently in the media spotlight? Are there any recent incidents or reasons why this issue has come to the public’s attention?
Various issues in society contribute to the problem of bullying within the workplace. One of the common problems in society today is social inequality. Some common characteristics that cause social inequality include race, gender, and sexual orientation. In each of these characteristics, some groups are generally considered superior. For instance, in terms of race, Caucasian people have been considered superior.
Regarding gender, men have been considered superior at the expense of women.
Regarding sexual orientation, heterosexuals tend to be considered superior to others. The inferior groups are usually subjects of discrimination. The discrimination of inferior groups tends to be done through actions that qualify as bullying. Therefore, in many cases, the victim of bullying is usually a member of a minority group (Hauge, Skogstad & Einarsen, 2009). Many incidents within the media today reflect the inequality and discrimination that often leads to workplace bullying. For example, a Starbucks manager’s recent care of prejudice against African American customers brought forth the discussion on the discrimination of African Americans in many settings. The incident involved two African Americans who went to a Starbucks shop hoping to have a business meeting. While waiting for their other associate, the store’s manager called the police, reporting suspicious activity by the two men (Romano, 2018). This was a reflection of the case of a wrongful judgment of people in the United States based on their skin color. If this kind of bias is reflected in the workplace context, it can easily lead to bullying. If someone has the same perception as the Starbucks manager, they could easily place judgment on their fellow employees and repeatedly perform actions that make them unhappy and put them at risk of harm. This would constitute racism that has been caused by inequality. Therefore, this example shows how workplace bullying can be caused by societal inequality.
Bullying is a major ethical problem affecting most employees and organizations. This problem can only be dealt with if businesses commit to eradicating the problem by developing an anti-bullying policy and collaborating with other stakeholders to deal with the problem. This way, they can create an environment that satisfies the employees and enables productivity.
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Comaford, C. (2016, August 27). 75% of employees are affected by bullying-Here’s what to do about it. Forbes Magazine. Retrieved from: https://www.forbes.com/sites/christinecomaford/2016/08/27/the-enormous-toll-workplace-bullying-takes-on-your-bottom-line/#646719345595
Hauge, L. J., Skogstad, A., & Einarsen, S. (2009). Individual and situational predictors of workplace bullying: Why do perpetrators bully others? Work & Stress, 23(4), 349-358.
Hauge, L. J., Skogstad, A., & Einarsen, S. (2010). The relative impact of workplace bullying as a social stressor at work. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 51(5), 426-433.
Nielsen, M. B., & Einarsen, S. (2012). Outcomes of exposure to workplace bullying: A meta-analytic review. Work & Stress, 26(4), 309-332.
Romano, B. (2018, May 29). Starbucks closes 8000 stores as employees grapple with bias issues. Seattle Times. Retrieved July 17 from: https://www.seattletimes.com/business/schultz-calls-anti-bias-training-effort-a-historic-step/
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Assignment 2 Bullying in the Workplace
Assignment Instructions
Identify the ethical issue. (Bullying)
Using best practices for academic writing, write an essay that covers all of the following:

Assignment 2 Bullying in the Workplace
- Please explain why you chose this particular issue and believe it is important.
- Describe other stakeholders for this ethical issue and what concerns they are likely to have.
- Explain why an organizational policy is the right way to resolve the issue.
- Describe how this particular issue might be related to larger problems that affect your community, the country, or the world. Is the issue currently in the media spotlight? Are there any recent incidents or reasons why this issue has come to the public’s attention?
Support your choices with cited concepts from reliable, professional sources.
Review the Company Issue Identification Scoring Guide to learn how to understand the grading criteria for this assignment.
Company Issue Identification Scoring Guide
Company Issue Identification Scoring Guide Grading Rubric | ||||
Criteria | Non-performance | Basic | Proficient | Distinguished |
Evaluate the importance of resolving an ethical issue, supporting the evaluation with concepts from a reliable, professional source. 25% |
It does not engage the topic of the importance of resolving an ethical issue. | States that resolving the ethical issue will be important but does not provide sufficient evidence to support this claim. | Evaluates the importance of resolving an ethical issue, supporting the evaluation with concepts from a reliable, professional source. | Impartially evaluates the importance of resolving an ethical issue, supporting the evaluation with concepts from a reliable, professional source. |
Describe a current ethical issue according to its effects on various stakeholders, supporting the description with concepts from a reliable, professional source. 25% |
Does not engage the topic of current ethical issues or their stakeholders. | Discusses a current ethical issue but does not describe its effects on stakeholders. | Describes a current ethical issue according to its effects on various stakeholders, supporting the description with concepts from a reliable, professional source. | Impartially describes a current ethical issue according to its effects on various stakeholders, supporting the description with concepts from a reliable, professional source. |
Identify an ethical dilemma in which an organizational policy is the best response, and provide proof for this conclusion. 25% |
It does not indicate what response would best resolve the ethical dilemma. | States that an organizational policy is best for the ethical dilemma but does not provide convincing reasons for the recommendation. | Identifies an ethical dilemma in which an organizational policy is the best response and provides proof for this conclusion. | Identifies an ethical dilemma in which an organizational policy is the best response, provides proof for this conclusion, and considers conflicting evidence. |
Describe how a specific ethical dilemma corresponds with larger regional, national, or global issues. 25% |
It does not describe how a specific ethical dilemma corresponds with larger regional, national, or global issues. | It describes the connection between ethical dilemmas and larger issues, but the description is weak or cursory, and the paper does not support this conclusion with evidence. | Describes how a specific ethical dilemma corresponds with larger regional, national, or global issues. | Demonstrates critical insight in describing how a specific ethical dilemma corresponds with larger regional, national, or global issues. |
Submission Requirements.
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
- Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
- APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to the current APA style and guidelines.
- Paper length: 750–1,250 words, or 3–5 typed, double-spaced pages.
- Font and Font Size: Arial, 10 points.