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Building Relationship Website Review

Building Relationship Website Review

Teachers have to form relationships with parents to work with them in difficult and good times because it results in the learners’ emotional, social, physical, and mental development. Besides, building relationships with parents helps boost learners’ academic achievement and social ability. Aguilar (2011) affirms that children do better at home and school when a strong bond is built between parents and teachers (p.1). Most importantly, forming positive relationships with parents allows tutors to concentrate on teaching learners. Teachers having a positive relationship with parents would help them learn more about learners’ needs and the home environment. Such vital information teachers can implement to help them meet the needs of the learners. Building relationships with parents will help develop positive student attitudes and work habits toward school, thus increasing their overall academic achievement (Gestwicki 484). Finally, building relationships with parents enhances free communication between the teacher and parents so they can share and freely discuss issues affecting the children, whether behavior, illness, or academics.

Professional development/Minicourse model- the article A Minicourse Model for In-House Professional Learning by Susan Woods discusses the benefits of mini-courses to educators. The author asserts that mini-courses are instrumental in helping teachers approach colleagues and teachers more intentionally. Min-courses also teach tutors to embrace and establish a welcoming and inclusive learning environment. They also enable teachers to learn various means of starting conversations to build positive communication and relationships with parents. As such, this article is a good idea for building relationships with parents. The mini-courses will teach tutors how to communicate and build relationships effectively. With the insights from the article, it would be easy to implement the idea of building relationships with parents. The courses will strengthen teachers’ knowledge of inclusive education and maintain positive relationships with parents.

Positive relationship with parents- The first article, 20 Tips for Developing Positive Relationships with Parents by Elena Aguilar, addresses 20 tips for developing positive relationships with parents. Aguilar (2011) asserts that teachers often get so caught up with duties that they can forget to lend significant support in their charge as tutors (p.1). Therefore, she explains 20 tips to help teachers make positive relationships with parents. Some of these tips are for teachers to smile when they see parents, declare their intentions, learn their names, make positive phone calls, etc. The tips from this article will be very beneficial for building relationships with parents. With these tips, it would be easy to implement the idea of building relationships. Therefore, the reviewed article gives a good idea for building relationships with parents. This will then promote learners’ success in education.

Classroom management: Youki Terada’s article How Tone of Voice Shapes Your Classroom Culture discusses the significance of tone and voice in classroom management. The author states that the teacher’s voice and tone shape the classroom culture. Using voice to manage a classroom is among the most powerful tools at teachers’ disposal. A tutor’s tone and voice dictate or set the pace for the learners. However, a shift in teachers’ tonality drastically affects learners and even parents. For instance, a harsh tone could affect learners’ autonomy, sense of belonging, building relationships, and even class enjoyment or participation. Thus, this article has a good idea of how teachers can build a positive relationship between parents and students. It reminds teachers to be mindful of their voices and tones, as these would help them to build relationships with parents and students.

Show and tell- Jason Abril’s article The Enduring Value of Show-and-Tell retells the benefits of show and tell to students and teachers. Show and tell are activities that children participate in by practicing or performing something to an audience. The author confirms that to him, the ability to speak in front of a crowd started in third grade with the show-and-tell activities that were implemented in their elementary classes. This demonstrates that show and tell activity has the power to educate, enthrall, and inform learners. These activities also allow for possible learning experiences for both students. In addition, it gives creative outlets to students and teachers in the waning months of the school year. For example, when students are to take end-of-course exams, final ACTS, SATS, etc. With this information, the article has no good ideas for building relationships with parents. Consequently, it would be difficult to implement this idea.

Language: Language is the principal method of human communication. In the article “5 Playful Strategies That Reduce Language Learning Anxiety,” Paige Tutt narrates how language learning causes anxiety among learners. Particularly learners who are non-English speakers. The author claims that speaking English confidently as a non-English speaker can be hard because students are often anxious about the fear of failure. As such, the article gives five strategies that teachers can use to reduce language-learning anxiety. These strategies include walking and talking, drawing it out, role-playing as influencers, fortunetellers, and inner and outer circles. As explained, these strategies apply to parents, teachers, and students. However, the essential aspect is that a positive relationship will be created with reduced language anxiety. This confirms that the article’s idea of language is essential for building parental relationships as it will enhance and smoothen communication. As a result, implementing the ideas would be much simpler.

Letting students take control of their learning: The article “An Innovative Way for High School Students to Take Control of Their Own Learning” by Shelby Scoffield narrates the predicaments of a literature teacher who experienced complete boredom from students. As a result, he learned that the only way to fix the problem was to allow learners to build a project and rubric. This way, learning will become more engaging and interesting. Giving learners a chance to take charge of their learning helps them to demonstrate mastery of the standards taught. This eventually increases investment and engagement among learners. The article does not touch on teachers building parent relationships. As such, the idea will be hard to implement. It does not discuss relationships but students taking charge of their learning.

Collaboration:  Emma Chiappetta’s article “A Collaborative Approach to Mistake Analysis” introduces us to the mistake analysis she uses with her students. This approach calls for learners to work in groups to create problems, point out common mistakes, find solutions, and finally explain the process. In short, this is a three-round maths mistake analysis, which ensures learners work collaboratively to get the correct answer. The approach will benefit learners by allowing metacognitive thinking and developing a deeper understanding of vital procedures. Most importantly, it ensures learners get off their seats to work collaboratively and think critically about common misunderstandings. With important insights on collaboration, this article has a great idea for building relationships with parents. Without partnership or collaboration between teachers and parents, a positive relationship cannot be built between parents and teachers. Therefore, the idea would be easy to implement if teachers and parents collaborate.

Prior reading knowledge: Reading is a vital segment of learning. However, Natalie Wexler, in her Transcribed video titled “Why Prior Knowledge Wins the Game.” In the video, Natalie explains that schools have often prioritized discrete skills in reading instruction for the year. Yet, her teachers need to build rich background knowledge first as it would produce more successful readers. As such, the author encourages teachers to build on background knowledge instead of discrete skills. Natalie’s baseball reading challenge demonstrated that children who began school with more vocabulary and knowledge were better positioned to retain and absorb more knowledge and vocabulary because they have the context. The article does not have any idea about building a relationship with parents. Therefore, it will be difficult to implement.

Leadership: Crystal Caballero’s article “Building Teachers’ Data Literacy Skills” emphasizes the need for educational leaders to emphasize the essence of data-driven decision-making. Therefore, tutors skilled in data literacy can provide powerful in-house professional learning to lead their colleagues. The author asserts that most growing district schools should create and implement a performance improvement plan administrated by a Plan-DO-Study-ACT (PSDA) model. PSDA is a four-phased model that improves the investigation process to assess small changes. This model’s experimental cycle can allow tutors to communicate change, conduct change, devise next steps, and study outcomes. The PDSA is also a collaborative and data-driven procedure that can quickly identify the effectiveness of implemented interventions. Therefore, this article’s ideas of collaboration, leadership, and PSDA model will help build relationships with parents. The PSDA model will help teachers to evaluate and design effective ways of building parent relationships. As such, implementing the idea would be much easier.

Work Cited

Aguilar, Elena. 20 Tips for Developing Positive Relationships with Parents. Edutopia 2011

Gestwicki, Carol. Home, school, and community relations. Cengage Learning, 2015.


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Working with parents and building strong relationships is integral when one works in the Early Childhood Care and Education field, yet it becomes a necessity when there are challenging behaviors that need to be addressed. If a child is exhibiting challenging behaviors, the teacher will need to work closely with the parent(s) to ensure that the child’s needs are met in the classroom so that a healthy, effective, nurturing learning environment can be achieved as the challenging behaviors are brought under control.

Building Relationship Website Review

Building Relationship Website Review

Teachers need to establish a relationship with parents BEFORE there is a need to discuss anything negative; if the teacher already has an established connection, then the parent(s) will be more open to discussion and remain open-minded, whereas if the first contact a parent has with the teacher is pertaining to a negative situation then most likely he/she will feel attacked and go on the defensive. Teachers must remember that no matter what, it is a parent’s natural instinct to defend their child tooth and nail!
So, how does a teacher build a close relationship with the parents of the children that are in his/her classroom? Please visit the following website for some tips:
For your assignment:
Visit the website above.
Review the articles concerning connecting with parents. Although these articles do not necessarily deal with challenging behavior, as stated above, the teacher must form a relationship with parents in order to be able to work with them when times are good and when times may be difficult.
Write a paragraph (8-10 sentences) putting into your own words why you think that building a relationship with the parents that you work with is essential.
Also, choose 9 sections to review from this website and create a summary describing each one. You will need to number and label each section with the name of the article. Each of your 9 summaries should be at least 1 paragraph (8-10 sentences) in length. Include in your summaries whether or not you think that the article you reviewed is a good idea for building relationships with parents, whether it would be easy or difficult to do, or there would be any problems implementing the idea.
Once you have completed your document in Microsoft Word, please submit it to the dropbox for this assignment.

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