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Final Project – ePortfolio

Final Project – ePortfolio Introduction Welcome aboard to my ePortfolio which is a reflection of my journey, accomplishments and future dreams. I am Keenan Walker, and I currently live in...

Preventing and Detecting Intrusion Summary

Preventing and Detecting Intrusion Summary Having recognized the various hazards that hackers offer and being willing to take cybersecurity seriously, the organization must now understand how to...

Overcoming Challenges – Sickle Cell Disease

Overcoming Challenges – Sickle Cell Disease Sickle cell anemia, a hereditary blood disorder, is caused by abnormal hemoglobin, which makes the red blood cells take the shape of a sickle. It is...

Publication Manuscript – Journal Selection

Publication Manuscript – Journal Selection Journal Chosen: The Journal of Community Psychology (JCOP) Reference entry example Kira, M., Belgrade, A., Saleem, N., Salim, R., & Lee, F....

Research Critique – Mixed-Methods Research

Research Critique – Mixed-Methods Research Out-of-school suspensions have become a significant and growing issue in the United States, but the individuals and leaders in the educational system...