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Black Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism

Black Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism

Blacks have faced numerous challenges throughout American history. This repressive structure maintains the depressing state of affairs for blacks, and it continues to make living black in America a constant battle. Culture influences situations and conditions to persuade individuals, which can be beneficial or detrimental. A person who defeats their situation will be labeled as a defeater. This can be harmful because it provides a false sense of a person’s true self. Blacks were taken from their native land of Africa and brought to America 400 years ago. In this so-called United States of America, African Americans have been through hell and back. They have been subjected to slavery and oppression for 400 years. Blacks have been sold and bought, beaten and whipped, and separated from their families. White slave masters have raped and impregnated black women. Blacks were stripped of their native identities, including names, beliefs, and culture, from that day forward.

What exactly do I mean by culture?

What I mean by culture is the distinctness and information of a specific group of people, encompassing languages, faith, cooking, social practices, art, and music. Kahn A (2015). ” Many anthropologists trace the concept of culture back to E. B. Tylor’s definition in Primitive Culture (1871): “Culture, or civilization, taken in its broad, ethnographic sense, is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.”

Relativism in Cultural Terms

Cultural relativism is a viewpoint adopted by anthropologists at the turn of the century. When it comes to cultural relativism, the codes of thinking, ethics, and traditions of culture begin the perspective of the culture in its entirety. “The concept of cultural relativism introduced by Boas was in stark contrast to the Universalists, whose studies sought to find commonalities among cultures,” writes A. Kahn (2015). Cultural relativists argue that because cultures are unique, knowledge about different cultures is inherently incomparable.

Identifying Cultural Groups

African Americans and Black West Indians are the cultural groups with which I identify and fit. I had the best of both worlds on both sides of my family when I was growing up. My mother was born in America; her mother is from New York, and her father is from Aruba. My father was born in the United States, his mother in Charleston, South Carolina, and his father in Costa Rica. Nonetheless, black culture stems from a variety of imprints, both internal and external, to the black community. Living as a black person in the United States entails a process of going through and implementing different cultures. To classify what is truly black culture is practically impossible; as a result, there are as many ways to be black as there are black people. The Caribbean Sea’s colonized islands are a fascinating revision in cultural as well as social distinctiveness. The Caribbean islands, which were settled by European dictatorships in the 1500s, are a melting pot of cultures that include India, Europe, Africa, Europe, and the original inhabitants of the land mass. As a result, explaining and relating to the Caribbean is a far more difficult task than it appears on the surface. Despite many comparisons, the customs and notions of characteristics, as well as past accounts, that exist on one island are vastly different from those that exist on nearby fellow islands. Thanksgiving and Christmas were always the American cultural norms I observed. Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve is a West Indian celebration and tradition in my family. My family would cook both American and Caribbean dishes after Mass, such as fry chicken, oxtails, Mac and Cheese, Callao, Black Eyed Peas, Corn Bread, Ackee and salt fish, and sweet potato pie, to name a few. Carnival in Aruba is a cultural tradition that I celebrate every year. This event is inspired by African melodic customs from the 17th century when masked dancers and locals dressed in elaborate costumes moved to the beat of drumming instruments. With my Caribbean heritage, I listened to Reggae, Calypso, Soca, and Calypso. With my American heritage, I listened to Hip Hop, Rhythm and Blues, Soul, and Jazz.

Perspectives on Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism

Ethnocentrism, in my opinion, is the assessment of other cultures based on assumptions that begin with the values and traditions of one’s own personal culture. Ethnocentrism is the primary cause of separation among blacks of various nationalities. Ethnocentrism is the belief in superiority within a specific cultural group, though it can also stem from ethnic or spiritual differences. Unfortunately, there has been a schism among black people for decades. Growing up in the black community, I witnessed many instances where blacks were pitted against blacks. The sad reality is that Black Americans believe they are superior to Black Africans, and Black Jamaicans believe they are superior to Black Americans. Ethnocentrism has affected both my marriage and my workplace. My coworker, a Black Haitian woman, told me that all Black Americans have young children and poor credit. My husband is Jamaican, and I am American. I overhear my husband’s family talking about how all Black Americans are lazy and stupid. Then I will defend Black Americans and ask, “How can you say something like that.” His family would then reply family; you’re different than a typical American. I’d wonder why I’m so unique. Their response would be that you are unique because I am of West Indian descent. Nonetheless, I would explain to them that their ideas are illogical and ridiculous. As a result, we are all black people who must band together. I could go on and on about why black people don’t get along. Nonetheless, as a black woman, it is very encouraging. Every day, you could watch the news and hear about a case of black-on-black crime. J. D. Unnever et al.(2016) “Similar to social disorganization theory, Hawkins et al. contend that institutionalized racism is related to black offending primarily through its impact on the formation of inner-city ghettos populated primarily by blacks. The authors also emphasize the importance of racialized social control policies in creating hyper-segregated black communities. Because of these institutionalized racist practices, blacks in urban America have experienced ethnic spatial compression, which defines the social and physical boundaries of black communities. ” Ethnocentrists believe they are superior to others solely on the basis of their customs and culture. Without a doubt, this method is associated with discrimination and narrow-mindedness. Despite the fact that many people are aware of the issues, they may not realize ethnocentrism occurs universally and on a daily basis, on a general and political level. Cultural relativism asserts that all cultures are fundamentally the same as every other culture and that all cultures are valid expressions of an individual’s character. According to the terms of cultural relativism, residents are expected to try to gain an understanding of other cultures by viewing them through their own cultural lens. In that light, it compels people to aspire to receive the grand perspective of another culture rather than gaining knowledge about the historical background of the cultures they study. As a result, people are not expected to ethnocentrically instill their personal way of life, as well as beliefs that are actually the ideas of their individual enculturation. However, it must be acknowledged that cultural relativism is an important point of view.


Unnever, J. D., Francis T. Cullen, and J.C. Barnes. (2016a). Racial Discrimination and Pathways to Delinquency. Race and Justice, Published online.

Kahn, A. (2015). The ecology of diversity: Examining individuals, societies, and cultures. San Diego, CA. Bridgepoint Education


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Ethnocentrism leads to prejudice and is the belief that one’s own race, nation, or culture is superior to all others. In contrast, examine how cultural relativism, (the judging of a culture by the standards of others) can affect society by influencing prejudice and discrimination.

Black Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism

Black Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism


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Post 200–250 words providing examples of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism in your immediate environment and your experiences, addressing the following:

  • How does ethnocentrism lead to prejudice and discrimination?
  • Provide an example from your personal life or your observation of the world around you.
  • Identify the aspects of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism in your example.
  • How can ethnocentrism be avoided to create a culturally sensitive environment?